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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Bek

    Tavion True Makeover

    Her neck is abnormally long. Reminds me of a turtle.
  2. Pizza.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Bek


      Little Caesar's? Gross. How about Papa John's or Pizza Hutt?

    3. JediBantha
    4. Circa


      Little Caeser's is great for the price. $5 for a large? Hell yes.

  3. Bek

    i say good day!

    Hey, dude! Welcome to the hub!
  4. I think he's talking about this:
  5. Well there goes my future project idea. Don't worry that'll probably be done for you lol.
  6. idk what happened to the dude that made the model, but he hasn't updated this in 2 years. My guess is that he left the community.
  7. This game is amazing, and the soundtrack is flawless.
  8. Jeez Hotline Miami 2 is a amazing game.

  9. @@eezstreet is there a thread that talks about the things that need to be implemented? If not, then there needs to be one, I think it'll totally speed up the completion of this mod.
  10. This is really interesting, in concept. A villain that speaks a totally different language; only his colleagues would be able to understand. The main protagonist would need to break through the language barrier to truly understand what the villain is saying. It makes Vader seem much more dynamic Y'know? Reminds me Darth Nihilus in some ways.
  11. They weren't completely cut, there's a depiction of them in the star wars lego game. I was pretty confused when I started fighting them.
  12. Time to watch old anime again.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NumberWan


      Yes, Voltron was also introduced almost the same year on the channel I watched. And a few others. The latest ones which I found enjoyable perhaps are the Death Note and the Attack on the Titan. Usually I come across these by accident, or with friend's help, so I am sure there some series, which are great, but are unfamiliar to me. :)

    3. Cerez


      :) Discovering these "minor" (i.e. non-Ghibli et al.) anime classics is so much fun. ^_^ I've heard of Death Note before.
    4. NumberWan


      Well, the Death Note isn't new. But comes from 2000s. Try Hi no Tori too, it reminds me of Mass Effect in some aspects...

  13. Finally, a nice-looking human female! Nice job, dude.
  14. It always bothered me that this dude's skin was blue.Could you change it to a more realistic color?
  15. Well don't feel forced to revisit these maps. The fact that you're working on your sith temple map is cool enough .
  16. These look really great! Have you ever thought about updating the textures in some of these maps? The first mortal combat map in particular looks fantastic although it lacks a lot of detail. The fourth map in particular is my favorite, reminds me of Vader's castle in the later levels of jka. I also love the lighting in the 3rd map, very ambient.
  17. I've noticed all your post are purple. Do you like the color purple?
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