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Everything posted by Bek

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Seven


      What is there besides making the weapon? I just don't get exactly what dice is doing that both takes forever and has such little results content wise.

    3. Bek


      I'd assume they'd only be able to devote so much time with Bf, seeing as how Battlefield just came out.

    4. Smoo
  1. I'm just wondering, will this match be recorded? It'll help this mod gain a lot more publicity, if videos surfaced of the matches.
  2. Yet he has a waist of female model from the 40's. Also teh polar version has seemingly mutated and grown a second pair of hands.
  3. Long time no see Liz, I'm guessing all this stuff is for Fallout.
  4. Ugh.. so good. Reminds me when I tried to play this on the guitar when I was a kid. Memories, man.
  5. Everybody chill. The "gimmie gimmie" attitude is getting annoying. Just wait until the damn models are released. If they aren't, too bad.
  6. Can we expect some Twi'lek dancers? Asking for a friend.
  7. What's more wicked than the a Death Scythe? Dope af.
  8. Bek


    That's funny, I thought you submitted a mod before. Anyway great job.
  9. Bek


    Glad to have you here man, hope to see you around.
  10. The film mostly felt like "meh" to me. I've watched it two times and I honestly have no intentions to watch it again. I'm not sure if that's extreme or whatever, but the film just didn't hold up to it's predecessors.
  11. I honestly don't want a kotor 3. The series ending on a good enough note.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      God I hate it when I misspell something in a status update. >.<

      Can we add an edit button in jkhub 2.0?

    3. Bek


      You're right Ping. Although I'd just like an original story, which is isn't hindered down by the previous game's shortcomings.

    4. lang_french


      In found this but not tested yet: http://www.revengeofrevan.com/ It is like an "unofficial Kotor 3", did you know it?

  12. Hey dude, welcome to the hub.
  13. Damn. Pretty sweet find man. Has anybody checked out the new Tycho album?
  14. The new Filefront/Moddb colaberation just looks ugly. http://www.moddb.com/mods/jk3-files-return-of-the-lost/images

    1. Circa


      That looks like a random mod page. You're looking for this:


    2. McGroose



      They just took a screenshot of the JK3files background and used it as their own. It looks like a clusterfuck. XD

    3. Bek


      McGroose got the joke lol.

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