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Everything posted by Bek

  1. This is a nice, small map. I love it!
  2. Gif of my desktop. Sorry for the lag. I blame the recording software.
  3. The search function seriously needs to be updated. I could search for a mod by name and not have it show up. Please fix.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx
    3. Ramikad
    4. Cerez


      It's limited to above a certain number of characters. So if you're not finding what you're looking for, add another keyword (or two). I agree that this is inconvenient and tedious.

  4. Heyy! we're using the same Rainmeter theme! I'll post mine soon.
  5. Nooo! Why couldn't this be posted 3 days ago? (April Fools). I'll miss you @@Cerez. At least keep us updated on your work with Blender. (╯︵╰,)
  6. Is it possible for jka to get new first-person animations?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      I'm not even sure how one would go about making them though. Any ideas?

    3. Archangel35757


      The SoF2 manuals from Raven Software are a good place to start. Then checkout @DT85's threads in DF2 mod about Ghoul2 first person view models and new melee animations.

    4. Bek


      Thanks for giving me a place to start.

  7. Do something showing Jaden, during his quest throughout jka.
  8. I guess we know the reason of Han's absence in Jka :(.

    1. minilogoguy18


      JA happens WAY before TFA if that's what you're getting at.

    2. Bek


      YOu're right, my mistake. Just for the record I know that jka and tfa are totally unrelated, canonically.

  9. Thought I share this with you guys. I ♥ my wallpapers. http://imgur.com/a/rYmlc
  10. I wish the textures in jka were just as good in modview.

    1. Tempust85


      Lighting and shaders man, stuff that Modview doesn't support. :(


      Source code is available though if someone wanted to add it.

    2. Rooxon


      Well it would be nice but I got a certain setup in-game which lets me make quick shaded shots as well. H key bound to "helpusobi 1", B key bound to "exec camsp" and a saved file standing on a platform on the first stage of Tatooine.

      I open the game, load the stage, press H B V, position the camera, screenshot, done! :D Takes a minute or two to do about 4-5 shots!

    3. Rooxon


      But I'm all for updating the modview a bit! I really hope this wouldn't be too hard and that someone would be willing to help us out! :) I can help too as much as I'm able to!

  11. Crap. I changed my username as a joke lol. In case anyone is wondering I'm Bek, guys.

  12. Welcome to the community, dude. If you want to start modeling weapons for jka, I think you should start with Blender:https://www.blender.org/ As you can probably tell, it's a 3d modeling software, semi-geared to game development. With this software you can start to learn the basics to modeling and texturing in 3D. Later you'll learn to import these models in jka. I'm no real expert when it comes to this (I'm a newbie just like you!). If you want more help with this, search around the site. There are many users here, who'll be happy to help you learn.
  13. Amazing work Rooxon! It's nice to see another creation from you.
  14. Nice job on that video. I used to play acoustic guitar for years(I had a Johnson). I broke it about 4 months ago. So now I'm trying to figure out where to take it, in order to get it fixed. btw I think you need to tune your bass a bit.
  15. Does anyone want a steam code for Potatoeman seeks the truth?

    1. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      Sure! If you have it, PM me it :D


  16. This doesn't make sense, why is the hair a different color than the rest of his hair? Good effort though.
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