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Everything posted by Bek

  1. I love the recent activity with this mod lately. But I'm wondering whether or not this model will be completed. The model is super high quality for this game and I'd love to see it completed.
  2. Every once in awhile I bookmark and save music that I might be interested in. Some of it is good, some of it is bad. I try to sort through the music in order to determine the ones I like. I just finished compiling a list that I've been adding to for about 2 months. It's insane. http://pastebin.com/NikrQjn1 Over 600 songs! I didn't know where to share this, so I decided to post it here. Edit: Worst list I ever put together. 2/10
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6HS0vBr_NQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg14Ocs03xA
  4. Jan Ors > Jen Orso ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Cerez


      The story behind this namesake (apparently) is that the director of the film is a fan of Legends, and he wanted to use Jan Ors in the film, but the Disney execs stopped him -- hence Jyn Erso...

    3. Ramikad


      Technically, Max > Kyle Katarn. Really. I was killed by Max in JK1. :P

    4. Onysfx


      fking disney.

  5. Yep. Have you ever used crayons? Shit's fucken wicked.
  6. Welcome to the Hub, @! Had to post this because of your name.
  7. Gone Home is free for the time being. https://gonehome.itch.io/gonehome

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bek


      Exactly. I'm kinda not surprised that it went free. It mainly means that only a small percentage of people are playing; i.e SJWs and Femis. I just want something new to play, kinda getting tired of cs:go.

    3. Cerez


      It's an adventure game, so don't expect a lot of action (there's no action at all, actually). It's a real life scenario simulation (set in the 90s) where you need to figure out what happened to your family -- in particular your sister -- while you were away. A mystery story and exploration adventure.

    4. Bek


      Sounds cool.

  8. Gotta love my Retrowave, but I just can't get pass the vocals. Idk I feel like there shouldn't be any singing. Artists like Trevor Something make me cringe. But there's still some good tracks in that mashup.
  9. I've seen the jkg concept art for the different armor types. It'd be totally sweet if that was implemented.
  10. Damn it! I got water in my ears again...

    1. IrocJeff


      I haven't for the longest time and I'm glad cause its so annoying. I always would lay on the couch, watch tv, and hope it would drip out.

    2. Bek


      The worse part about it is that it didn't come out when I went to sleep. Took quite awhile.

    3. Archangel35757
  11. ♫ Don-Don Don Don-Don Don Don-Don Don Don-Don Don Don ♫
  12. Bek

    Happy Halloween!

    Great job to everyone who participated. You made the hub feel a little more spooky this year.
  13. No way would I have the skill to make this. Like Shen said, Liz made this. Just want to clarify with that.
  14. Yeah, just go through the customization menu, you should see it.
  15. Here you go, one of my favorite skin mods: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6SNmRAqpEKrM2xGY091WUhJTms
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