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Everything posted by Bek

  1. @@eezstreet would it be possible to direct the friendly npcs to a certain direction or area?
  2. But that resolution seriously needs be higher.
  3. @@ChalklYne could you show the wireframe?
  4. Luke, you ok? Do you need some Tylenol?
  5. @@ChalklYne The lips and cheeks definitely needs work. Whenever I look at his face, I think that he's about to talk. I think you should make his face more "neutral". Also the ends of his eyebrows should be higher: (sorry for the small images)
  6. @@eezstreet Could you possibly add a setting that'll give the npcs higher or lower accuracy.
  7. One of these days there'll be a next gen jk-ish game, and honestly I hope the story is minimal.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Bek


      ... the gross ps2 version >.<'. I guess my disappointment for the games set in when I got older and actually analyzed the series.

    3. ChalklYne


      See... play it on xbox with a nice tv and just walk around... its pretty beautiful. I thought the lightsaber couldve used more love, but I appreciated the storyline quite a bit.

    4. ChalklYne


      If youre a newcomer to SW or a casual observer, you could understand the storyline of TFU and follow along. If youre a big SW fan, thats when it got its most criticism

  8. I would love to see this implemented.
  9. None of these screenshots show the mod you created. Edit: Fixed
  10. Unlikely. Ea most likely will release their next game in conjunction with the next movie. So the next game will probably solely have episode 8 content because of the hype surrounding the next movie. I can actually see them releasing an expansion for prequel content, in their next game, just like they did with Jakku.
  11. One arm is shorter than the other, just saying.
  12. Hey, I remember you! Welcome back, dude! I know that you pretty much don't want to release any of your old work, but do you mind sending me screenshots of your old work? I'd love to see it sometime .
  13. Exploring my city, finish up some request, hang out with some of you guys, apply for college( I'm late, I know), work out, and look into getting a job.
  14. Those stormtroopers seems to have very wide hips/thighs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. ugh. Lately I've found myself putting 3d modeling on hold and focusing on drawing, it's super fun and inspiring.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      It's taken me a long time to get into the groove of things again. I use to draw quite a bit before I picked up modeling. The best advice I can give you would be to find some source of inspiration, and then, gradually, make it a habit.

    3. Cerez


      Thanks. It's great advice. ^_^ I appreciate that. It's great to know both modelling and drawing. The possibilities in original design are then endless. So much more creativity.

    4. BelugaArts


      Do more of what makes you happy. Life is too damn short for bullshit.

  16. This would be interesting imo.
  17. Looks like somebody found the entire script for JK:O. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B76z4PFnDRDqY3RfYXRqQk9CbFk/view

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bek
    3. Cerez
    4. McGroose


      I had no idea that was the entire intercepted imperial message in the beginning of the game. Neat.

  18. This contest sure has been going on for awhile.
  19. It's good to be back to normal.

    1. Merek


      Life goes on :P

    2. Bek


      And so do usernames.

    3. Cerez


      :o We have been deceived!!!
  20. I'm still confused as to why Swagmaster uploaded that model from md2.
  21. Good for you @@Boothand! I always wanted to take advantage of Blender's game dev properties, I've just never had the time.
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