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Status Updates posted by Syko

  1. Anyone have Windows 10 yet? From what I've tried of it it's actually pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      My hardware is so old it won't be supported so WIN7 until i get a new machine XD

    3. Onysfx
    4. Bek


      I don't see any reasons why not to upgrade, if you are able. Besides from having crappy hardware.

  2. Anyone seen The Thing? That movie is gory af. I thought it was a pretty good movie either way.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ping


      And that's coming from someone who cares not for movies.

    3. Syko


      Ping I don't think you care much for anything. Such nihilism.

    4. Ping


      I'd consider myself as anti-nihilistic as it gets, but I'm just not much of a movie-goer.

  3. Anyone want a Steam key for Dark Forces II? I have an extra since I already owned that game on Steam.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sentra


      @@Circa Time to create some giveaway for JKHub Steam group members on SteamGifts!

    3. Ping


      df2 so good

    4. dark soul

      dark soul

      Is DF2 working on Win 8?

  4. Apparently the town I live in is in Fallout 3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Fallout 3

    3. z3filus


      ofcourse not, but wohoo still FO3

    4. Ping


      That must be pretty cool!

  5. Barely have time for JKHub anymore. Work work work.

    1. afi


      Work is gud

  6. Changed my avatar for the first time in like 3 years.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. afi
    3. Langerd


      Man i must say it.. I love beards and Your is awesome!!! Like a powerful magician or Leonardo Da Vinci

    4. IrocJeff


      or Rick Rubin....

  7. Compiler errors: 15 *fixes 1 error* Compiler errors: 50

    1. Bek


      And they say the butterfly effect isn't real lol.

  8. Does anyone have a link to the test version of the JKHub update?

  9. Does our lord and savior Caelum still offer web hosting? If the price is right I may indulge...

  10. Easy way to look badass online: use a pic of Rick Rubin for your avatar. Then people will think you're Rick Rubin.

    1. Bek


      Welcome back Syko

    2. Omicron
    3. afi


      Wat you're not?

  11. Episode 7 spoiler: Jar Jar is a Sith lord and master over Kylo Ren

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McGroose


      Correction: There are SEVERAL sex scenes with Jar Jar and Chewbacca.

    3. Syko


      Chewie! Meesa like that a lot! Rrrrrrr-ghghghghgh

    4. Onysfx


      Meesa Jar Jar Binks!

  12. Even young anakin turned to the dark side: Sith Lord Lloyd http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/nkluja2obtwhqgmljbec.jpg

    1. Futuza


      Honestly, he looks like Sebastian Shaw. Kind of wondering what it'd be like if he'd played Anakin in Episode II and III in his present state.

    2. Syko


      They should have waited 10 years to find out, and in that time George should have reflected on how shitty Phantom Menace was and learned from it.

  13. Good news! I now have a job at Bethesda Softworks!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. afi



    3. Ping


      Job?`Wasn't it just an internship?

    4. Syko


      Yeah, you're right. It's just an internship. If I do well though at my internship it puts me in a much better position for a full job there. It's literally my dream to work there. TES is like my second favorite game series ever.

  14. Got a Macbook pro 13 inch. @Circa would be proud. Retina display makes everything look 10 times better.

    1. Circa


      *tears up* Very nice. I'm about to get a 15 inch retina as well. I've had a 2011 15 inch since 2011 and I REALLY want a retina screen after having an iPhone and iPad with retina for years.

    2. Syko


      I would've gotten the 15 inch but the value per dollar for each model higher than the $1299 one is terrible. The next level up is $1499 and only has a slightly bigger SSD. $200 for a 256 gig SSD is a ripoff.

  15. Half the reason I hate JA multiplayer is that abusive admins rename, kick, or ban you at the drop of a hat. You have no rights on any server.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      I would play that, and if you change the blasters to something of like CoD or Modern Warfare, you can do that, haahahh.


    3. Circa


      Might as well play Battlefront or CoD at that point. You'd have better experience that way anyways.

    4. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      But battlefront is unmoddable, JKA Gun Game would be moddable.

  16. I'm digging my new avatar

  17. I've played Doom 4...a lot.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. katanamaru


      Does the player get to carry lots of guns still? I hate the shift that shooters took to only 2-3 guns at a time. I have a whole rant about how getting guns and ammo was essentially leveling up in a shooter.

    3. Syko


      You carry all the guns you have at once like JK2. You can see that in the trailer. I can really only say what's in the trailer/gameplay videos. Everything else I'm not allowed to.

    4. Mandalorian


      I think it looks insane. I look forward to it.


      You lucky devil.


  18. In light of my previous request, I started working on a skin of Rey from Episode 7, I think I have the face almost done, what do you guys think? http://i.imgur.com/ZWKAndq.png

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McGroose


      lol, the eyes. XD

      Texture work is good, but DT85 is right when he said that the mesh needs reworking. Otherwise, good start!

    3. Syko


      If I volunteered to skin the model entirely, would someone be interested in tweaking the mesh to look more like Rey?

    4. Archangel35757


      look at some of the default female heads from SoF2 or JK2/JK3

  19. Just found out I can buy Fallout 4 for $10 :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. eezstreet


      Yo get me one. And put my resume on their desk.

    3. Syko


      eez, you should apply there. They have jobs for Game Programmer, Graphics Programmer, and Mobile programmer on their site. With your experience I feel pretty confident you could get a programming job there.

    4. Ping


      Let me know once they start hiring philosophers.

  20. Just made a Reddit post that got 1900 upvotes..feel kind of proud.

    1. Ping


      What was it about? Link pls!

    2. Syko


      It was in the TIL subreddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2up5u5/til_that_in_2013_metallica_became_the_first_band/ I've made a few Reddit posts before but most of them only get like 2 or 3 upvotes.

    3. Ping
  21. Just upgraded from Photoshop CS4 to CS6. Liking it so far.

  22. Kicked ass in Battlefront Beta today, 12 kills 4 deaths.

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