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Status Updates posted by SecretApprentice

  1. So Bioware is currently working on a reboot of Kotor, but a project called Kotor Apeiron has been going on for almost 2 years now. I guess we'll be getting both :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ramikad


      They actually plan to use the original music and dialogues. As stated on their site, though, you need to own the original game assets for that.

    3. Circa


      Not sure how that would work. Would their installer extract the assets from the KOTOR folder, or what? xD

    4. minilogoguy18


      Perhaps the game will prompt you to point to the install of your KotOR game so that it can read the files?

  2. About to run the texture overhaul mod in 4k in JA wish me luck!

    1. Exmirai


      O_O 4k? @Xycaleth can OpenJK handle 4k textures?

    2. SecretApprentice


      Worked perfectly and looked amazing and felt so nonstalgic

    3. Kuhe


      any screenshots??

  3. So Lebron left Miami.. RIP Heat fans 2010-2014

    1. JAWSFreelao


      Today, the Cleveland fans have been reborn.

    2. SecretApprentice


      Or they are some old Heat fans shedding their skin

  4. Wow 16 notifications what did I miss? It was taken down.

    1. eezstreet


      It just devolved into two people dogging on each other, so I just deleted it to prevent the situation from escalating further.

    2. Bacon


      I got 19 myself. Same thing ^_^


  5. I've been away for a while... what's new? :)

    1. Daedra


      Check the latest downloads and WIPs section :)

    2. Onysfx


      Lots of new clone skins, Circa retired, and I still haven't started playing FF7 yet...

  6. Anybody up for playing JKG with me?

    1. Merek


      Yeah, sure. I've been itching for a new jka mod. This weekend perhaps? I'd have to download it though.

    2. SecretApprentice


      It's pretty easy to download, just unpack both the Assets and the Binaries located here separately. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2543-jedi-knight-galaxies-assets/



      I wasn't able to post a proper link in this comment box, so you will just have to highlight and right click go :P

  7. Broncos Win!!

    1. Merek


      The game was a huge disappointment for me. None of the usual excitement.


      I got the impression the players vaguely cared about anything, let alone the Superbowl.

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