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Everything posted by SecretApprentice

  1. Hello, I am fairly new to using OpenJK and I was wondering how I could run my game in 4k. Just to be clear my native resolution is 1080p, but my GPU gives me the ability to upscale my resolution to 4k in the graphics settings. It works when I apply the commands r_customwidth 3840 and r_customheight 2160 to get to 4k in the regular JA, but in OpenJK it creates a small little window that I can barely see out of along with the rest of the desktop showing through while the game is running. I really hope you guys can help me out with this
  2. What biology does it take for someone like Plasma to have the ability to conjure up beautiful works like this on a daily basis?
  3. Just watch the entire Jon Tron saga about the worst Star Wars games. Nobody finds something horrible and makes a laugh at it better than him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmkO8xoJW4&list=PLmsahz1j_BDKaOffHm33ghV5_9AwV_Q6S
  4. So Bioware is currently working on a reboot of Kotor, but a project called Kotor Apeiron has been going on for almost 2 years now. I guess we'll be getting both :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ramikad


      They actually plan to use the original music and dialogues. As stated on their site, though, you need to own the original game assets for that.

    3. Circa


      Not sure how that would work. Would their installer extract the assets from the KOTOR folder, or what? xD

    4. minilogoguy18


      Perhaps the game will prompt you to point to the install of your KotOR game so that it can read the files?

  5. Baby steps my friend. Anything is possible!
  6. You really spare no expense when blowing minds. Incredible work! 10/10
  7. SecretApprentice

    Burnin Konn

    Holy Mother of Carbonite this is one sexy looking map man!
  8. I hope I'm not spoiling myself when this map actually releases, but it's just so gosh darn exciting to watch the entire process unfold when restoring something that was once thought lost.
  9. In my opinion and to be fair it's a good background but the real case is how stretches with a regular forum post like this one the picture appears the way it should be, but If you were to go to the home screen and the forums it appears slightly stretched out and unappealing to me. By the way I refreshed the page at one point and the background is back to the old one at least right now lol. All that's said and done this theme is both good and bad, however whether or not we can fix it or even decide to use another theme like mine, or Circas that is up to how everyone else feels.
  10. I was just playing MB2 cloudcity, although I believe that is a great entry it doesn't fall under the line as just strictly Jka right? If it does then I should be taking tons more pics XD
  11. I would say that would look something like this
  12. I can't believe I never saw this thread before. I remember downloading your first demo of the Carbonite Chamber reading in the description that you were intending on building a whole version of Cloud City! Can't believe the wait is already over this is amazing work.
  13. This model is absolutely the full package including itself with the weapon and shield. I gotta say you could make a model from any game genre and it would turn out super cool!
  14. Even though the deadline was 2 days ago, I overheard one of your comments about rebooting this contest due to the lack of submissions. Well I for one have some nice juicy in-game screenshots for you. Before I go on any further I would like to say that 2 years ago I participated in this contest and immaturely forged votes under several email accounts. This of course got me disqualified and kicked out of the competition. But this year I want to redeem myself and try to compete in this contest the right way . After all that has been said here are some screenshots in some eye-popping 4k quality.
  15. About to run the texture overhaul mod in 4k in JA wish me luck!

    1. Exmirai


      O_O 4k? @Xycaleth can OpenJK handle 4k textures?

    2. SecretApprentice


      Worked perfectly and looked amazing and felt so nonstalgic

    3. Kuhe


      any screenshots??

  16. Broncos Win!!

    1. Merek


      The game was a huge disappointment for me. None of the usual excitement.


      I got the impression the players vaguely cared about anything, let alone the Superbowl.

  17. Interesting, This would be an awesome map if we can get someone to make it.
  18. Anybody up for playing JKG with me?

    1. Merek


      Yeah, sure. I've been itching for a new jka mod. This weekend perhaps? I'd have to download it though.

    2. SecretApprentice


      It's pretty easy to download, just unpack both the Assets and the Binaries located here separately. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2543-jedi-knight-galaxies-assets/



      I wasn't able to post a proper link in this comment box, so you will just have to highlight and right click go :P

  19. The Sleeves do need the most work. I am sure there will be a V2, or someone will improve upon it and come up with entire new high-res textures for everything. That is the great thing about this website and JA always new and better adaptions from the Star Wars universe always coming into fruition.
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