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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Very nice. These remind me of Pirates of the Caribbean .

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tempust85


      Hmm. Do you have another hard drive? You could do a basic windows install on it, install anti-virus/malware/spyware and scan you main hard drive

    3. Onysfx


      The program is gone now. It was a simple program which I was using to attempt in install a darker windows theme (concave 7). However, somehow it ended up deleting explorer.exe, as well as some other files, without even doing anything to help me. And thanks eezstreet for offering just what I needed. I can't reinstall windows, I bought a computer with windows already on it.

    4. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      ._. If you're looking for a lightweight desktop-changing program, try rainmeter <3

      I use it all the time.


  3. I've been trying to change my windows theme to a darker theme. I downloaded a program called Theme Resource Changer, which ended up deleting several system32 files, including explorer.exe...god damn it...fixing it now.

    1. Onysfx


      Oh dear...will my computer start up if those files are missing? Should I do a system restore just to be safe? I'm scared...ok...it will be fine...it's going to be fine Ony...

    2. Onysfx


      Here it goes...

    3. Onysfx


      oh crap this is not good. Even system restore didn't fix it...now when I start up my computer, the entire desktop is black. I had to run chrome.exe from task manager just to get here :(.

  4. I wouldn't say the middle ones were awful, but definitely not as good as the first and last. And I can't believe you hadn't seen these @@CaptainCrazy . I saw them the day after they came out on netflix (watched them online, don't have netflix). @@CaptainCrazy again. It's sad really. So many Clone Wars fans have no idea these exist...and no, they aren't continuing the series, these were just unfinished episodes which instead of scraping, they finished them up and released them. Good choice too, better way to finish off the series leading into episode III.
  5. ROFL . Although, I was reading your quote of my post rather quickly, and I kind of read it like that was well.... . Oh and by the way, check out this DOTF metal cover, created by lervish, a fellow MBII player .
  6. First Star Wars movie I can recall seeing was the phantom menace, but I might have seen episodes 4-6 before it, but I was only 6 at the time when I saw TPM, so I'm not sure. I voted for TPM mainly because of qui gon. Epic jedi, so chill and kind about everything. And then he got stabbed .
  7. @ I think I've seen you in MBII at some point.
  8. Yes, my bad. I forgot the word for it, so I just put musicians xD.
  9. Well, if a player is grabbed by a rancor, and then noclips before he is eaten, their body disappears, but they still remain...as a ghost...even the saber is invisible...and they can kill whomever they wish... But how they somehow began killing people without showing up on the scoreboard is beyond me...
  10. I ended up listening to this too . Love these themes. Seriously, John Williams and Kenji Kondo are no doubt my favourite musicians
  11. Finally! Take that google! And I would just like to say this: WTF google on youtube! You show me comments in a random order, random dates, with random number of likes...JUST SHOW ME THE COMMENTS IN ORDER, AND PUT THE 2 MOST LIKED COMMENTS AT THE TOP AGAIN! I KNOW I CAN CHANGE IT EACH TIME, BUT IT'S ANNOYING AS HECK! Please....
  12. The DGS clan deserves so much respect, for preserving so many old JKA maps .
  13. moviebattles.com is down :(.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Merek


      I can't access the site like AT all.

    3. MaceMadunusus


      Refresh your DNS manually and you should be able to get to it.

    4. Onysfx


      Ah great, it's working :).

  14. Onysfx

    New Staff

    Welcome heheh. Although eezstreet, don't you already have enough on your plate coding JKG and what not? But regardless, congrats, and...
  15. Horrible news. I couldn't run Deus Ex. No matter what I did. Then I disabled DEP on the program. It then ran fine. Then that means that could have been the problem with KOTOR. And if that's so...I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD 3.4GB AGAIN! More bandwidth wasted...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Onysfx


      Then that must mean it had to do with DEP.

    3. Onysfx


      Hopefully...I'm not going to download it again right now though, I'll give it a try in a few weeks time again.

    4. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      DEP is useless ._. I never have it enabled.

  16. Just tried JKG, pretty awesome, despite early development.

    1. Futuza


      Well that's pretty cool. Sorry I'm a slacker.

  17. @@Wsintai (who I meant to welcome, accidentally put ShakeThatSalt in the welcome)
  18. Downloaded and tried to run Kotor on this PC due to popular demand. Fails to run, crashes on startup. Did everything, W7 fix, 1.03 update, compatibility mode, THE GAME JUST WON'T RUN. Well, that's a waste of 3.4GB bandwidth...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      just get the one from steam next time when its under $5.

    3. Merek


      i tried playing KOTOR on a windows 7 is launches, but then crashes.

    4. Sentra


      Works perfectly on 7, 8 and 8.1. With fixes an in Win XP SP3 compatibility mode (as far as I remebmer).

  19. They aren't too small actually. Unless your playing the map in single player, where the collisions are different, in that case, yes, they are too small.
  20. It's too late. The jedi have already taken ovah your gamedata folder.
  21. But you can do all those things in makermod already, except makermod adds building . I do tons of events myself, like I spawn my ship and make a ship survival game, or make obstacle courses for players to get through. I think it's well worth it, but hey, I'm part of the small minority of makermod players...but I suppose most people haven't played Makermod that much, if it all, and so they disagree it should be a makermod server . If you allow people to build their own things, you'll see some pretty interesting creations .
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