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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. I would like to see this in different mods. Like a stormtrooper reporting news in MBII while being fired at by all the rebels xD.
  2. I would say a new design but don't change things too much. The only reason there wasn't more detail in the original is because they weren't capable of it. If they could have made the areas more detailed, they would have (when you look at most video game remakes, they always add extra stuff that should have been in the original game).
  3. @@OlgO Ya, I feel like the sky in that last pic is too bright. The yellow sky makes the planet feel like a junkyard. Course, I understand what you mean trying to decide. If I had to decide, I would make the 2nd pic's textures darker (But not in a way that makes it feel as if it's night, almost more like...a stormy type of day all the time, but still enough so you can see the sun trying to shine through?) I only suggested a darker one though because I like stormy days .
  4. Want to play Mass Effect some day, but 12GB space is too much at the moment for me.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CrimsonStrife


      this being because the first one was designed as a PC game and ported over. The later ones were designed to be easier to use on the console.

    3. MoonDog


      They did some rather scandalous things aside from that. Not going to blame the developers for that. Publisher was at fault. As they usually are.

    4. CrimsonStrife


      Tis true, and this was EA afterall, so they royally borked things up.

  5. Pretty much a gametype like that in this video. It might just be possible, with the way JKA records demo's and what not. Thought it would be cool xD.
  6. The freedom feeling of the site is what makes it great to be here. Rule breaking isn't in black and white, not even just different shades of grey, it's more complex than that. It's up to us to decide what is right and wrong, (well okay, there are some obvious things, but you get what I mean). I definitely appreciate your concern for the site @@eezstreet, but I think JKHub is a very stable and friendly place . Want proof? Visit the halomaps.org forums. It's a nightmare. (well, from past experience years ago, I think it still is ). For me, JKHub is really the first internet forum I've really become part of, (unless you count the makermod forums, but it's a ghost town there most of the time ). "Remember, if you treat people like children that need to obey the rules, they'll behave like children." -Someone
  7. I would like 4 to win. It feels so much more relaxed than the others and not so "in your face".
  8. I agree with @. Cmon guys, why are you voting for that one? I mean, it looks cool, but look at the skybox! Ew... EDIT: Oh, @@SiLink: I say we take the top 3 that got the most votes, and then have a final vote of the last 3. That way, disagreeing voters can join forces to take ovah.
  9. That's one of the reasons I chose 4 .
  10. @ Wow, I think the exact same thing . I also vote for 4.
  11. Palpatine as lead singer. "I'm too weak! Anakin, anakin, help me, halp me!" "I'm too weak! Pleeee...pleeee...PLEEEEE!" Chorus "THE JEDI ARE TAKING OVAH! I TULD YOU!" "IT COULD COME TO THIS!" "ANAKIN! PLEEEE....PLEEEE, oh, pleeeeee...." etc. .
  13. @@ChalklYne is right. We must do what must be done. @ Then this is the end for your modding career my master...
  14. Simpler, the better. Of course, not too simple, we don't just want 4 numbers on the bottom left of the screen . I like the HUD, is it possible you could make it more...I dunno...shiny? .
  15. Nice, this map has finally been released to JKHub! I've never seen the TV series @Sentra. Is it worth watching?
  16. I wonder how count dooku would respond to your modelling... Count Dooku: Sloppy! Your modelling style fails to be elegant! But nice job, when you finish this, you deserve a the JKHub medal of honor! It exists....
  17. Onysfx

    New Background

    It could even be a picture of a skybox...well...maybe...@@HiddenSpy has a nice map called HGC_valley, it's pretty open .
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