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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Oh @@Omicron, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop playing with that pufferfish . And I still think a JKHub server should be makermod. Why? Because it wouldn't get boring to people just dueling each other over and over. There is far more you can do on makermod than just a base/JA++ server.
  2. I have very good news! The jedi aren't taking ovah today :).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lamented


      We must catch them off balance.

    3. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      the clones are takin ovah!

    4. Barricade24
  3. I would get linux, if only it ran exe programs better, even with wine it still has issues with them . I remember seeing linux having a cube desktop (literally, 6 different desktops on a cube...brilliant...)
  4. Ah shoot, your right, I meant to say binger xD. And mainly just because the design of your maps looks like it would have good gameplay.
  5. @lil_bringer Dude...you could make a bespin map for MBII xD.
  6. 7, people will tell you 8 is so much better, and they'll tell you that the people who say it's bad haven't used windows 8...I've used it....I don't like it. I mean, when you open up a video file or picture, it opens up a whole new window that fills up the whole screen (and you no longer see the taskbar), and when you close it, IT TAKES YOU BACK TO THE FRIGGEN METRO! It's not just the metro either. It feels more clunky. Mixing the windows and tablets has a strange result. Many will disagree with me, so be it, but I shall not use it. Perhaps windows 9 will be better. tl;dr: If you're upgrading from xp, just go for 7, it's similar to xp, better, stable, and easier to use. ("Well with 8 you can still download the start menu"...I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGEN START MENU, THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT THERE!!!!!)
  7. I agree these maps need more attention though, even if they aren't included xD.
  8. I will keep this in mind incase I ever end up playing EoC with lots of bots.
  9. On of my favourite games, Metroid Prime, is based on the unreal engine. I'm going to check this out .
  10. @@spior Rofl, I thought your recycle bin said "Azkaban" for a minute there . Max's games (max is my real name, I'm considering changing it for certain reasons), contains stuff from years ago, as well as all my music. I use winamp to play video game soundtracks. And so everyone knows, my Onysf folder is just as badly organized as all of your crowded desktops (well it's not too bad, but you'd half to go through at least 6 directories to reach my snes ROM collection) .
  11. I'm open for Makermod! Back in the day, Makermod was the best form of hangout, while most Lugor servers required admin to build, and you had to "Earn credits and level up", Makermod, anyone could build whatever they wanted...AND IT WAS EASY. Much of the time, people would build a small duel arena in the void and we would occasionally have a tournament there xD. ...Makermod really was awesome, I used to make a script for a firefight gametype, where imperial ships would land and drop off enemy npcs and we had to defend the fortress...good times...
  12. @@spior That's not what I mean xD. What I mean is, OpenJK opens up so many more new possibilities for makermod. Surely, Scooper would be inspired to come back?
  13. @@spior @@Scooper And speaking of OpenJK and it's powah....*cough* Makermod *cough*
  14. Jesus kyle...he looks like he's trying really hard to fake looking angry...
  15. I personally like the kyle bug in MBII, only because I can say "GOD HAS JOINED THE BATTLE!" But as for other bugs, such as join bugs, point bugs, FA join bugs...jesus...they need to be fixed!
  16. Oh...I'm afraid JKA will be quite operational when you're friends arrive at this thread... I think JKA will be around for some time longer. Eventually of course it will become like 1.00, with those few servers that are 90 percent of the time empty, or filled with bots.
  17. Just finished a playthrough of Contra III: The alien wars. Pretty solid platform shooter, albeit difficult.

  18. I agree. I can't stand when people tell me to use Norton, Norton it's like having an overprotective dad.
  19. Nostalgia doesn't need to make sense. If he wants to visit 1.00, so be it xD.
  20. Ah yes this website. One of the first places I visited when I wanted to learn to saber properly in base JKA xD.
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