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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. @@Circa To be honest, I wouldn't mind if they added jedi and sith. As long as they made them far more rare, and didn't make them super overpowered classes, that had to kill enemies in order to stay alive. That was just stupid.
  2. As much as I would like to see a new battlefront game....and I think DICE will do well on it....Microsoft is trying to get involved and well...if the game is made purely for the X-BOX one....well then...good job big brother....good job....
  3. We knew that but...I mean....the streets are still empty! No shops, no houses....nothing....
  4. One question about that last picture @@MoonDog. What's the point of all those people being outside? There's nothing there! .
  6. It's 1:37 AM...I, I, I, I-can't, huld on any longah....

    1. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      You are too dangerous, we can't let you live.

    2. Agent Jones
    3. Onysfx
  7. @@Pande What are you talking about Pande? Lord Revian is showing us what it means to be a true sith lord! Sith don't ask for permission, we do what we want. Do you think Palpatine asked for permission to wipe out the jedi? I think not. UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. @@Mysterious Stranger You're right. If we keep talking here, the jedi will no doubt take ovah this thread. Do you have xfire?
  9. @@Mysterious Stranger Nah, I've known about DGS maps for many years. When I didn't have internet, I went to the library and downloaded maps everyday from there, something new to try at home you know? Oh, they don't have alzoc3_enclave either, which is a great, in fact, probably the best jedi temple map there is.
  10. @@Mysterious Stranger True, but they are missing uss_starlight_b, uss_titan, and several of the stargate maps. All of which should also be uploaded to JKHub .
  11. @@Mysterious Stranger You don't understand what I'm saying. Under the link it lists the files that come with it. (such as the .pk3s, etc). You can actually click the .pk3 file underneath and download it directly from the site like that.
  12. @@Mysterious Stranger Actually DGS maps does host the files, you can download the pk3 directly from the site. It comes with a link to the original file, but many of the links go to pcgamemods, so I'm grateful they decided to host it themselves in a way (even without permission), otherwise we would have lost many old JKA maps... Proof of this: http://www.dgs-clan.eu/download/gamedata/base/casa_de_los_parias.pk3 Not taking sides with anyone here, just pointing this out .
  13. Then you'll need to find some alternative way of contacting him...there's got to be a way!
  14. NOW THESE LOOK GOOD! Well done! .
  15. Anyone up for some makermod?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Btw is that your in-game name in makermod? I've never seen you or maybe it's different timezones or something.

    3. Onysfx


      Yes it is. I don't go on makermod much because the servers are always empty. And whenever someone is ready to play, I seem to be busy doing something else. However, would you like to go to darkquakes server now?

    4. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Heh I'm caught up in the same situation as you right now. Lol. Nah. It's Christmas. I might find something to do instead of JKA. Hmm there are usually role-players in one of my servers. Not at this time though. Probably 12 hours later.

  16. Onysfx


    Nice! Those textures on the head are waaaay too blurry. I'm sure you know this already of course .
  17. I would recommend trying to contact the maker of the map, or the youtube uploader if you can't find it. If they don't respond well....you may have to wait awhile, but hopefully they will respond and be able to help you out .
  18. Imagine if this was in the White Elephant Gift exchange, people would be fighting over this like crazy . Oh shoot wait...this was submitted over a year ago...MY BAD!
  19. This is why we need a JKHub server. For the community to chill out ingame xD. And imagine this: All the chat is logged onto the forums. That would be amazing!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4vf8N6GpdM&t=0m50s
  21. Onysfx


    Mod looking good! But do whatever you can to release a demo! A mod can always hold on longah if there is a demo to play! From what I've seen anyway (eyes JKG)
  22. I know this had nothing to do with this thread but.... WHAT ABOUT PALPATINE?
  23. Ah shoot you're right, WHAT AM I THINKING, I KNEW ABOUT THIS FOR AWHILE, LOL! I guess I forget sometimes because no-one has bothered to raise the entity limit on maps...
  24. As long as there remains a community to do great things, JKA can huld on a little longah. I'd say 3-6 more years. But perhaps longer, who knows? If the quake 3 engine source code is released...
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