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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. If I were to get a new computer, would you guys recommend this one? http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4889#ov

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Sure it's the best way for some, but not for most people. You can't assume everyone knows how to assemble a computer. :P

    3. minilogoguy18


      It's just screws, the engineers did all the hard work already.

    4. Circa


      Meh, it's a little more than that. And you have to know where everything goes. AND you have to be interested enough to do it. Most people wouldn't even want to bother with such things. I'm one of them.

  2. Awesome game, even though extremely difficult and could use a little more spice.
  3. Just came to this thread, wow, that model is looking good, lots of detail on the face! But...there is one problem... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvnwLLXHabg#t=0m57s
  4. @@ShroomDuck...I've heard that name before...but I've never downloaded your maps, but I've played them...how can this be...KOTF maybe? OH WAIT, Country Academy! Of course! That's where I saw your name! Any chance you could convert your map pack here: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_ShroomDuck_Inc_Map_Pack_v20;101773 to jk3? Oh and:
  5. @ I'm not a fan of lunar base either. I personally can't stand it, the chokepoints are dreadfully awful, and the design is well...meh.. Of course, this map isn't meant for MBII, so it looks pretty good .
  6. Onysfx


    I knew this was an amazing skin when I first saw it, in fact this was the gift I was planning to steal next to the serenity saber systems...but my turn was quite over when my steal arrived.....
  7. Dark Forces II needs to be remade. Many of the levels were just so bland, and way too open, and....well strange. It felt...empty...if you've played it, you'll know what I mean. I think it deserves a remake.
  8. I think we as humans desire freedom more than anything else...which is rapidly being taken away....:(.

  9. I've been suggesting this for awhile... Yes, we do need our own map. As I said before, we should have a big, open, empty field that stretches as far as the player can bother seeing, and at the center of it have a big hotel type building which has everything, (bedrooms, bar, JK games (like hydroball) staff room (for the JKHub staff) hidden room (for CaelStrife to conspire to take ovah), dueling room...and possibly even a connection to the website itself ingame via a terminal in the hotel xD...you get the idea. Unfortunately, nobody will bother to read that because it's "tl;dr". Explains why vines got so popular...
  10. I used to have Rebel Strike, but I traded it for Zelda Twilight Princess. (definitely was worth the trade) Also liked the animation, seeing the inside of the tie fighter was pretty cool .
  11. Been busy with gmod. Geez, the way Valve organizes their files...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      It's because they don't have theRfiles.

    3. therfiles


      :D I see what you did thar
    4. Onysfx


      I mean, jeez valve. With JKA they put all their files into pk3's, making only a few files in base. But valve has like 10,000 files that my Anti Virus has to scan through....I mean jeez...

  12. In your opinion, what is the definition of a "loser"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flynn


      According to some probably me :(

    3. ChalklYne


      You're a winner in my book Flynn

    4. Flynn


      Aw thanks Chalk.

  13. Oh, I mean, that's okay if you liked it, what I found absurd was the amount of people voting for it, who didn't even post in the topic...
  14. So wait, 6 was winning because it was RIGGED!?!?!? WHAT!?!?! Well it makes sense, I was wondering why so many people could have possibly liked 6...I mean, where could have all those votes come from anyway? I was so confused of how many people could possibly like 6...it's outrageous! Thank gosh it was a scandal, I was worried the Jedi were on the verge of taking ovah again....
  15. I saw this years ago xD. Darn, I was gonna share it, but I thought everyone had already seen it! So true though when you think about it. It was a staged event!
  16. Been looking up old retro games, there is a zelda game no-one even knows about, called "BS Zelda" I know what your thinking...BS...haha, but google it, it's interesting...

    1. Bacon


      read on it, able to choose the gender of Link...haha

  17. Awesome! Well done! Wow, with this mapping potential, I wouldn't be surprised if you remade all of hyrule from Ocarina of Time .
  18. Caelum removed the topic. He wishes not to be seen. We must move quickly. Caelum is relentless.

    1. Bacon


      alright another random moment.

    2. Tempust85


      Onysfx is going to lose it when the EP7 villain says something catchy methinks.

    3. Link


      I heard a rumour that the jedi are taking ovah!

  19. 6 has a disgusting skybox that hurts to look at. I vote 4 because it's relaxing to look at.
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