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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Beautiful, this map is...
  2. This needs to be in MBII.
  3. @@DerFürst Have you checked DGS maps? They have tons of relics from pcgamemods, and they might have the vehicle pack... EDIT: I just looked, can't seem to find what you're looking for, but perhaps you may have better luck than me.
  4. Except when people spam the rocket launcher and say they "rekt" everyone else (happened to me about a week or two ago in the JKG server )
  5. Yes xD that's what I meant. I believe someone else brought this up too...
  6. ZSNES v1.51 EDIT: @@IrocJeff winamp is awesome. I only just started using it in 2013, around near the time just before it was discontinued, and only started using it to play video game music files. However, I also really like the retro style it uses with the green text. It gives me nostalgia reminders of when I was scrolling through the zsnes game list as a kid.
  7. Very nice, the sounds are very authentic .
  8. If I grabbed one of Darth Mauls horns and tried to yank it off, I wonder if he'd get angry....btw, started playing battlefront II.

    1. Flynn


      Awesome, that game is the best...he probably would.

  9. I'm not a coder or anything, but I recommend starting small. Try to just finish one or two levels, and release a small demo. It will encourage others to join, and prevent the jedi from taking ovah this project.
  10. It's good, but it needs a little more...well, need to hear the main tune a little more if you know what I mean xD.
  11. already tried all that. It's an opengl issue, I can get it to run just fine.
  12. Ya...well...I'll try it again once I get a new computer. @@Circa Ya lol. That face reminds me of rend2. Doesn't it?
  13. Yes. I honestly should list off the things I did but...let me just say this. I did everything google told me to do. The atioglxx.dll thing (which ended up just making kotor crash), compatibility mode, disabling movies, etc etc.
  14. I finally was able to run kotor by updating opengl32.dll to the latest version, then putting that in my system32 folder. Although kotor runs, I get these problems: http://imgur.com/8rGGG2w http://imgur.com/Av5AXtO http://imgur.com/FgvN9eh http://imgur.com/85RTyvx The models are extremely messed up. I tried downgrading to an older opengl version of 5.1, but then the game just crashes on startup. I've been scouring the net, trying to find an opengl32.dll version that works, but to no avail. I've been at this for hours. I haven't found any opengl32.dll files that are below 5.1. Not sure what I should do, can anyone help me? And don't ask me to update my drivers...I've done that lol. EDIT: I Tried changing some drivers, and it screwed things up. So I did a system restore, and it deleted the dll files for kotor, as well as the game exe...I tried redownloading them, and the game just crashes regardless. I...well....if anyone could still provide some advice anyway...that would be nice.
  15. I'm going to try running kotor again...this will be the 4th time I've downloaded it...I know I've already said this, BUT THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT. I've fixed opengl to work with other games, and am hoping it will work here as well.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flynn


      ...that doesn't bode well, I'm looking to get steam on my laptop and make it my main gaming machine...

    3. Onysfx


      If you're willing to spend, laptops can be good for gaming. They just don't have as good air flow/cooling, and less space to fit components.

    4. Futuza


      Also your fps gets drastically worse the longer you play as the laptop gets hotter.

  16. I love this map. This map and taris_rp gave me a whole different feeling, as if I was living in a very interesting fantasy world...I think it's the music combined with the wonderful looking map.
  17. I would say there are more EU players. And don't forget the polish and spanish players!
  18. About damn time . Am willing to test with you guys.
  19. Master @@Darth Futuza, your quote disappoints me! Pande holds you in such high esteem...
  20. It's about time xD. I'll drop by some time.
  21. I tuld you it would come to this!
  22. I've decided to do some file conversions from my old video files, from avi to mp4, to save on space.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Nah, stick with MP4. It's one of the main standards in video formats now, and is the primary format for web content now, with HTML5 and such.

    3. Onysfx


      Ah ok. I was considering mkv for a minute there.

    4. Circa


      As far as I know, MKV and MP4 are basically the same.

  23. Very nice, glad to see this finally finished . I never watched the show, but this ship looks good!
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