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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Onysfx

    New Background

    The reason I don't turn on anti aliasing is because my FPS is bad enough as it is xD. And SiLink, nice pics but...does anyone want anything more...open? You know what I mean? Like a view of a large landscape stretching a far distance.
  2. Onysfx

    Bespin Range

    Nice...haven't seen a map like this before .
  3. Wait, v2.0? I thought there was a v3.0...unless you prefer v2 .
  4. Deleted seasons 1 and 2 of Star Trek: Enterprise. Saved me 10GB space, which for me is a lot :).

  5. I use a cracked version of jamp.exe (well, I don't know if it's cracked, I downloaded it from moviebattles.com in the forums somewhere, so it removes the CD check). Helpful for when I move JKA around a lot.
  6. Wish I could help, since I go to your server here and there. If your looking for someone to blame, it's the jedi. THE JEDAI ARE TAKING OVAH!!!
  7. Onysfx


    This needs to be in the upcoming (hopefully) MBII cloud city FA map .
  8. Onysfx

    Old Ben

    Getting the face right is always difficult, heh. I'm not modeler, so you probably shouldn't take my advice, but here goes: -Make the face a bit fatter, and not as thin. -Darken the beard textures a little bit -Make him less angry (unless you want a darkside Old Ben ). Edit: Wait, just read some posts above. Is this purely a reskin? WELL DONE!!!!
  9. I thought you needed a super high end computer to run portal, as I thought you would stare into the portals in almost infinity, resulting in extreme lag. However, the requirements are low enough, so I've been playing portal :).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MoonDog



    3. MoonDog


      Let's not take these lemons.

    4. Onysfx


      Actually, the cake wasn't a lie. I got a picture of a piece of cake...and then GlaDoS tried to kill me.

  10. Great map this one is. I recommend playing it.
  11. Coding. I'm really not so interested as a texture artists, but with coding I would definitely make some very interesting SP missions. Wouldn't be super well polished of course, but it would be fun .
  12. @@Langerd Or else... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ_j3s5xj8I&t=2m46s
  13. Nice. Hopefully this will help JKG, many have been waiting for a playable demo of it for many, many years .
  14. Onysfx

    New Background

    Nice! I actually took my picture of @@Circa's jesus with Jamme, but I didn't know there was a command for high res pictures without increasing the resolution! Thanks xD. EDIT: I solved the problem with the JKA blackscreen for the mod by placing GLDirect's opengl32.dll inside the gamedata folder. You gotta do what you gotta do...
  15. Onysfx

    New Background

    Oh OH! What about the skybox from Darth Normans Battle Over Coruscant siege map? That would look awesome! EDIT: And no one even THINK about using mb2_dotf as a background image.
  16. Most people in MBII are like Porkins. They think they can hold it, and then...

  17. The hit detection only occurs at the start of the animation and at the end, (from what I've seen). I've tried using it in normal JKA MP, and if it does hit, I only give a slight pinch of damage. In MBII, it can be a very effective kill move on a knocked down enemy, but half the time when it is used, it results in a passthrough. It really is pretty useless.
  18. They do use hitboxes, but yes about the specific time. (which is why you should never use yellow forward saber )
  19. @@therfiles I know I'm reviving a super old topic from the dead, but I never came across this one before...JESUS, that anti virus program was taking ovah!!!
  20. Onysfx

    New Staff Member

    @@SiLink is once again a staff member? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk4AiCnMqpg&t=12 Welcome back.
  21. "The time has come to make our escape!" Which star wars character said that quote?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MoonDog


      I'm pretty sure he had no lines, and he was only there for sex appeal.

    3. Lamented


      Ackbar had multiple lines @katanamaru. "It's a trap!" "The time has come to make our escape!" "May the Force be with us!" etc.

    4. Agent Jones
  22. @@SiLink Nice job on that bug, but it would have tricked me if you made it move a bit slower, and if you raised the framerate on it .
  23. Toast is the creator of makermod. OF COURSE IT'S TOAST!
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