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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Ugh! Just what is it that makes emojis so popular anyway? I understand modern OS and stuff, but why these particular ones? They're so ugly!
  2. So, you were teasing us with that picture just to tell us you're working on a more accurate recreation? Why post in the Requests section and not in WIP?
  3. I'm not saying these are bad, I'm just saying we could use some additions, is all. Also, do were really need these - ? Not only does nobody ever use them, they're kinda meh anyway. I know it's unlikely that this request gets fulfilled, but if it will, I implore you: NO EMOJI'S! I'm just sick of seeing these everywhere You know? These ones - Note: If you're wondering what makes me so special to be against emoji's, well, it's my request, so...
  4. If it's the map you're asking about, it's Bespin Platforms from the original Battlefront 1, remade for Jedi Academy (or was it for Jedi Outcast?). If I remember correctly, there was a whole pack of BF1 maps made. Let me see if I can find it... Edit: Ah, apparently there was no pack, but several maps were indeed made, individually. Here' what I found: Bespin platforms - https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/88813/ Endor - https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/30838/ Bespin platforms (another one) - https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/90170/ Yavin (atst) - https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/23520/ Yavin (no atst) - https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/23521/
  5. Damn, it's such a shame jkfiles died, there was a potd there that be perfect for this occasion!
  6. You could make this even more challenging by making all reborn sabers have vanilla length and only the player's saber(s) to be shortened, I bet that'd be fun!
  7. Actually it did happen to me as well, though only once or twice. Not even sure what caused it though. Maybe it was the game copy itself - the first time I got JKA on my computer was from borrowing the cd from my classmate, and that was a pirate version with many assets cut out.
  8. Personally, I liked the Beckham bit the most because I want to kick BB-8 too! The rest of the auditions I found to be barely funny, if at all, but that's just me. Undercover Boss had its moments, though was also kinda silly. https://youtu.be/FaOSCASqLsE https://youtu.be/-T_pjMr7-n0 https://youtu.be/FdSWEyl2mC4
  9. the_raven

    All Sabers

    But haven't there been over9000 such mods already?
  10. How practical is this? Gameplay-wise, I mean
  11. I'd change the 'weak' to only use medium/ yellow style, but that's just me. Did you take inspiration from the Reborn?
  12. Yeah, I recently dug up that old thread on the topic. At least two guys on here were trying to make it, but the thread kinda died. A shame too, since both more or less made the full working models and just wanted to 'finish' them.
  13. Well, here's the thread where people were discussing making it...
  14. In hindsight, I think this it's a pretty nice model/ pack. Not movie accurate, but still nice. I'd remove the gray cape/ hood/ whatever because it doesn't fit the outfit.
  15. Have you tried using the search function yet? Edit: Eh, anyway, here's what I found on the site, to get you started: HS Anakin Skywalker (has no-robe/ robe, and Ep2/ Ep3 head options);Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Luke standalone has young Luke with slicked-back hair in classic Obi-Wan style robes;TFA Conversion Mod: Luke Skywalker (Default) 1.0 has the Luke from TFA/ TLJ, though people say the face isn't very accurate.
  16. Wah-e-ow! Actually, I wouldn't say no to this Maul, even though he looks absolutely nothing like Maul. I can understand it was what the guys were going for, but tattoos or not, at least get his face right, geez! (had to place everything under spoiler because pics are just too damn big ) This one looks like a punk Luke with horns in Obi-Wan robes Though would still make a pretty nice player model for RP and stuff. The first one here looks like a mix of Maul, Luke and Hellboy But I do like these concepts! Though the second one's facepaint and the gray flaps are kinda meh. The third one reminds me of one of the original Maul concepts, the one in golden sith-y armor, you know the one. Those head options though! Really badass! This Jedi Leia looks way better than the other ones, especially than the one featured in TFU1. I'd change the boots though, as these look impractical. Oooh, what I would do to either of these Leias! Very fetish, much sexy, so wow! Though the armors look like something straight out of TOR (especially the third one on the first pic) Most of these designs are really cool, though I have to agree, some do unnecessarily show skin This Leia looks interesting, has a somewhat (Middle-)Eastern/ belly-dancer look. The shirt I kinda dislike, and the metal gloves are strange and don't fit the outfit overal, but the head options are really nice! Zombie slave wookiee. But still, pretty cool! Other than the really pretty head drawings (the simple ponytail/ hair-bun option in pic one is a simple but nice touch), I can't say that I like these designs. Well, maybe bits here and there. These Anakins/ Vaders look great! Simple, yet effective and well executed! And in general, these Obi-Wan (second) and Luke outfits are cool. The dark-side appearance, not so much - third Obi-Wan looks like Exar Kun and Luke looks like a cross between Darth Sion and Darth Bane. Wasn't this guy supposed to have been a concept for the cancelled Kotor 3? If not, I'm sure I saw him on DevianArt! Also, this would made a fine duel/ small (t)ffa map, methinks
  17. That almost looks like Revan without all the flaps! Actually, this one has already been remade at least once (if not twice) on JKhub. I think @@Jeff did it? But personally, I wouldn't want that armor to be used as base. Never liked it much
  18. Ahem, mastery of telekinesis. Lvl 3 jump is just game engine limitation.
  19. By 'super jump' you mean the lvl 3 jump, or the jumps that allow them clear wide gaps and jump higher than the lvl 3 max height? Because if it's the latter, then it's a glitch with the game, at least this seems reasonable. As to Jaden, he may have received training, but what I was saying is that regular training isn't enough - Yoda and Palpatine are the only Force users to show the Force levitation ability (and maybe Vader), but they are all considered powerful, if not exceptional Force users.
  20. Ok, I'm not @@Mizore, and can't make these clever topics, but I was wondering: Both the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers were imperials infused with the power of the Force (how's that even possible with the midiclorians anyway?), trained to use the Force (to various degrees), and to wield lightsabers. So, what is the difference between the two 'factions'? Obviously the Shadowtroopers have the armor, and seem to be better trained, but really, what is the in-universe deal with the division? Were one charged by Desann and the other by Galak?
  21. I think that from an in-universe point of view, this would probably require mastery on the Force user's part, not something a regular Reborn or Cultist could achieve, at least, not instantly. As to game mechanics, if it's to be made, I think it should be made into lvl 4, lvl 5, etc.
  22. Thanks for the reply, but I was requesting that strange weapon from JO called 'stun baton', even though it was used more as a cattle prod
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