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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I came across this. I'm not raising the alarm of copyright - after all, the guys did provide credits - but I'm just curious if anyone knows about it. Also, what is that community about anyway? Some RPG?
  2. I'm sure this has already been requested at least a bunch of times, but I haven't seen one anywhere, not even in those RP object lightsabers or weapon lightsabers packs. Some might say it'd look silly, but I think it'd be either like some low-end diy'd saber (kinda like something Jaden could actually make) or like one of them forcesabers. What say ye?
  3. Ok, I really have to watch the whole film Also, those women in metal bikini's and capes, their panties look like strapons from a distance
  4. Please do! It'd actually be pretty sweet if we could make it into a character creation option, with different heads and tunic colors, though that'd be too much to ask, eh?
  5. BJs? Color me sexually obsessed, but is that what I think it is? Edit: Oh sure, after he kicked her, she understands how much he loved her! Talk about the reason why she left him initially - domestic violence! Good work, though I had to turn the sound off after about half of the first minute (or maybe after a minute) because I don't like this kind of music. Still, the action seems to match the rhythm. On the flipside, I'd remove the lightsabers when they're not used as it feels redundant, or something.
  6. Someone actually wrote something about this in a different thread. They said that the saber_defense skill is coded to make its user Force Push when gripped. To this, I can add that they also do acrobatics, despite them not having Force Jump. It's kind of annoying.
  7. Happy first day of Spring!

    1. Ramikad


      Only the first day? Let's extend it to the whole Spring! 3 months of happiness for everyone!

    2. Noodle


      Happy first day of autumn too!

    3. the_raven


      @Noodle yay!

  8. I only saw tv-commercials of it on Cartoon Network - the scene where some girl tries to collect dragon balls underwater really stirred my interest (wait, that sounds a bit hentai ) - wanted to watch it, but they never aired it where I live All the parodies in other cartoons just didn't cut it for me, and that Sonic X arc where (was it?) Shadow super Sayained just annoyed me
  9. Ah, here's the temple stairs map - https://jkhub.org/files/file/279-several-sided-sids-jedi-temple-on-coruscant/
  10. Oh yeah, let's also make John Carter while we're at it Those women's outfits remind me of the princess' outfit from La Bayadere (at least, from one of the productions)
  11. If I remember correctly, there was a movie accurate map of the main hall of the Coruscant Jedi temple (or maybe it was that map Circa proposed? If so, who made it? Maybe it'd be possible to 'cut' it? ). Then again, one can go with the temple stairs map, it's fairly big, but not big enough to get lost in, and there's enough ground between the opposing parties, and plenty of good places to spawn clones. One'd need to tweak their view distance, so they see their target from any distance, and their behavior so they actually move around the map and not just wait til you come to them. As to playing as a clone against Jedi, that's a pretty bad idea - the engine makes using blasters against sabers pretty pointless, even if you're a good shot, and even if there are many shooters, not to mention most npcs aren't good shots and would most likely get pwn'd right away anyway.
  12. Well you know, just because someone else's making a map, it doesn't mean you don't have to As the old saying goes 'more content, not less'
  13. the_raven


    Also! Did you know this fun fact?
  14. Here's the episode on kimcartoon. The site is fairly safe, but have pop-up blockers just in case.
  15. Well, 'tiny side maps' were my first idea, but the simple portal-portals (one side to the other) was a small idea that, although came to mind, quickly slipped away. Regardless, both ideas would work nicely, I think. Adding the side maps would work for actual duel areas, maybe recreating the Sith temple from Malachor (already closed up), and the Imperial fuel tanks (where Kanan died - nothing really fancy, just a bunch of spherical platforms surrounded by a box-like area simulating fences, doesn't even have to be scaled realistically); other portals could lead to the Academy main hall, or to some other fan favorite recreation; or just small box rooms, each with its own theme (Yavin, Korriban, with windows, without windows, indoors, outdoors, etc.). Also, those constelations have potential to add some easter eggs
  16. Ah, i see. Thanks for clearing it up.
  17. the_raven


    Heh, the most popular female Jedi in the series wears skimpy clothing and has a pink droid. So typical Nice retexture though, suits the R2 model quite well in fact.
  18. Did you use some kind of saber blade color mod? That green looks so tasty!
  19. Kinda makes no sense, doesn't it? I mean, most OS already support the .zip compressed format (does this mean the zip compressor is native to most systems already?), but for some reason people still needed .rar and .7z and whatever. I think I'm missing a car in this train of thought
  20. I was actually waiting for someone to make this request. I think it should be kinda simple to make, at least, long as the paths don't go upside down and stuff I wonder if anyone would bother making working portals, though there have been such maps
  21. Nah, it's not rude Also, do you still want the saber? Remember that pack I linked you to in the other thread? It has the saber
  22. Well, one can say that even regular yellow/ orange fire won't burn if your burn it properly. Kinda like this: https://youtu.be/0fT3TAhR5Og Also, in Harry Potter there was mention of Hermoine making floating blue/ green fires that didn't burn your hand on touch, so yeah, magicand midichlorians™
  23. Really? Why download winrar at all then?
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