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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I don't understand the idea behind it, but at least it's original
  2. So this does what exactly? Changes the strings to Japanese?
  3. Just because they're celibate it doesn't mean they feel nothing Besides, Tavion's dealings aren't just with the Jedi, there are imps and reborn, and in JA also the cultists, and she might have felt some kind of arousal from bossing others around - 'I'm in charge of all these men, let them bask in my beauty but not touch me, for I am an untouchable goddess! Only Ragnos may dare touch me, because he's our lord and savior!' + she might also deal with civilians, and act as some kind of attraction for new recruits
  4. Or to just recreate the Dagobah maps from the original Battlefront 2 or TFU 2 Note that I said 'recreate' not 'port'
  5. I kinda felt sorry for the Stormtroopers in Rebels, many of them felt like they were just doing their jobs

    1. Noodle


      My brother couldn't comprehend why would the Phoenix crew take prisoners at the station if the plan was to just genocide them all.

    2. the_raven


      The Phoenix crew? You mean from that episode where Ezra and Sabine or Hondo went with that Rebellion fanatic (can't remember his name now) and found a huge kayber crystal?

  6. the_raven

    Issues I have

    I'm really not sure - I only play MP against bots, so I use the standard 'Create a game' option in the MP menu.
  7. Wait, you're talking about the outfit from JO or JA? Because yes, the JO outfit is silly, but so are the rest of the Reborn outfits (as someone, probably you, mentioned before). Is it combat-appropriate? That depends. The outfit, by the looks of it, provides mobility, and when you're fighting opponents who wield a one-hit-kill weapon such as a lightsaber, mobility is actually very important - you'll need a lot of dodging, jumping, etc., not to mention that as a Force-user, she does do a lot of jumping. Also, as a woman, being half-naked is also an advantage, considering the good guys (her enemies) are almost exclusively male (Mira in K2 actually called it)! Only two females on the good guys' side are Mon Mothma, who doesn't get out much, and Jan, who got kidnapped and held hostage. Her outfit in JA was more 'appropriate' I'd say. Yes, it was still sexualized, but then, when we meet her on Vjun she actually does the whole 'sexy vixen' routine - the walk, the talk. (I actually spoke of her JA behaviour in a different thread, saying that she behaved like a dumped lover) In JA she's the leader of an underground cult of Force-users, so surely some 'alternative'/ new-age look would work. Again, sexualization and lack of armor are useful against saber-wielding men, but also, as cult-leader she probably wasn't even supposed to fight to begin with.
  8. Or one can go with Build Engine's approach and make the tree canopy into a single physical object, like a roof but maybe use Q3 engine's ability to make the object actually not physical, so one could jump trough it
  9. This should actually be easy enough to make - take hapslash anakin body, Frankenstein cultist head and reborn (or hapslash) hood, the armband from jedi_hm tunic (or fingerless gloves from cultist), a retextured shoulder pad from jedi_tf (black corset armor) or from Kyle, or from jedi_trainer, and maybe add a cape. On a side note, it's a shame they didn't look like this in the final game release - this guy actually looks like a proper agent-type character
  10. I really hate the direction things keep going - they always claim they're making changes to benefit users, make stuff faster and more comfortable, but in truth, stuff becomes glitched, slow, consumes resources, and you can't do squat unless you have a profile or pay money (when previously it was free), and the constant (and useless) updates are just annoying! Anyway, back to the Reborns - wasn't the common faces bit supposed to be a visual proof (in a manner of speaking) or trope that they were selected from among the imperials? After all, the Empire did force its military personnel to be as uniform as possible, maybe it was an inside joke on that? What if all those troopers have imp-officer faces under the helmets? Yes, the jka Tavion really is different, she's taller - which is the main, and most pressing change in my book - whereas hair, face paint, tattoos, and clothes are subject to change. As to character appearance variation, would it be possible to copy the jedi_random code for random appearance spawns and adapt it for other characters (after the latter get more variation, of course)?
  11. These don't want to work in MP I keep getting texture errors
  12. I know there are few ladies on here, but happy 8th of March!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the_raven


      That is - International Women's Day

    3. Domino5555


      Of course. I was ignorant about the holidays again. How stupid of me.

    4. Onysfx


      The feminists are taking ovah!

  13. Yes, it's a somewhat late proposal. Most themed forums' community sections are placed at the bottom of the forum list, and those pesky "ffa" topics are all there hurting nobody, so I was wondering - wouldn't it be a compromise to place the old random threads sub-forum to the bottom of the forums list, so as to both satisfy us lovers of forum-games and flaming, and not chase away potential newcomers? Update: I'm talking about the infamous nonsense sub-forum, in case someone didn't get it.
  14. But the face just ain't Rosh, it looks older, which kinda ruins the character's annoying factor, you know?
  15. I didn't know there was a Hapslash reskin for Rosh I was actually thinking of one of these (this or this), but apparently Rooxon actually made a higher definition Rosh retexture
  16. All one really needs is a gold-retexture of the standard Neocrusader (I believe one is already available?) with an frankensteined/ kitbashed Boba Fett cape. Should be very easy to make, provided you know how to do it.
  17. Actually there is an updated Rosh model, but it's pretty old also.
  18. Well now, color me impressed! The HD model for Rey does transmit Daisy Ridley's *ahem* unattractiveness (sorry, Daisy, it's just my opinion) I'd say Alora (especially the Alora2 skin/ model) deserves an update. So do the Reborn, Ragnos, and the troopers (especially the Swamp- and Shadowtrooper-s). Jan needs a different model overal - the standard model/ outfit is just blah in my opinon. Also, I wouldn't say no to a Jaden HD remake, but that'd be too much work, so I guess that's not gonna happen.
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