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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. The Vernal Equinox is in a couple of days, but it's snowing like crazy! Weather is mad, I tells ya!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      Nothing, actually, but I was used to the old one.

    3. Wasa


      He used this avatar before the Jedi Trainer before iirc

    4. the_raven


      @Wasanohime~ that is correct

  2. The Spring Solstice is in three days but it's snowing like mad! It's all gone mad, I tells ya!

  3. Well, if the armor is insulated, then it should (in theory) protect against lightning, force or no force. But I haven't seen any insulated armor in star wars. It is easy to overlook the fact that while star wars revolves around force users, their number on a galactic scale is actually very small, and if you consider how few of them actually can produce lightning bolts, it's even less relevant to have insulated armor (armor, not workman's coveralls). You bring up a good point, there does seem to be some kind of double standard as to what counts as force energy (lightning, drain, grip) and not force energy (blasters, telekinetically pushed objects, etc.), but since star wars is basically medieval fantasy in space, it kinda makes sense - a magic energy shield can protect against spells, but not against arrows. But come to think of it, it does indeed not transition well into the space age (I.e. energy weapons). And you know, when in doubt, blame it on magic (and midichlorians).
  4. Ah, double standards then? Personally, I don't mind anyway. I think a better argument in favor of using copyrighted music/ sound would be that it's a lot more difficult to record/ write original music/ sounds to use with one's mods. So obviously, either using copyrighted third-party sounds/ music or using the vanilla ones are the only options.
  5. Well, yes and no. Yes, because it was in the community sub-forum. No, because the community sub-forum was (and still is) at the top of the sub-forums list. What I'm suggesting is that the nonsense sub-forum be brought back, but made part of the community sub-forum, and placed at the bottom of the sub-forums list (or just be made into a separate sub-forum but still placed at the bottom of the list).
  6. Such a shame the Proxy model we have on the hub here doesn't have some kind of script to change appearance like the real Proxy, but I guess it'd be too much strain on the engine or something
  7. I'm not sure if this version will have this, but I really think the Kothos twins should be made into the Red and Blue dark Jedi, whereas all the gray dark-jedi and the Sith warriors (bald, armored guys) should actually be the cultists and reborn. Come to think of it, maybe some (officer) uniformed Sith could work too for added variety. Maybe even make them strength appropriate - cultist saber should be a standard Sith warrior or academy Sith trainee; blue reborn should be a dark Jedi, etc. or if you'll be using K2 assets as well, then make the cultists into Sith Assassins or something
  8. As @@Grab said, it's C3P0. And Mon Mothma is in Jedi Outcast. Or are you asking who voiced the announcer C3PO?
  9. These are badass, but seem kinda pointless even for a cancelled game - Jedi Leia and Maul? Sith Obi-Wan and Windu? When since did the BF games deal in multiverses and alternate timelines? Also - Battlefront IV as in 4? They didn't even release a Battlefront 3! Why did they ever bother making concepts for Bf4? It seems like a fake, is all I'm saying
  10. ♫ Every day I worry all day ♫ ♫ In the bushes of love ♫ oh wait, wrong song
  11. Never understood why everyone's so on about that show, then again, I never even saw it
  12. Well, no one said yous guys can't make two levels, one for the hut itself, and the other for the area around it If anyone does make Yoda's hut, may I request that it be human size? That way, if anyone plays it online using a Yoda skin/ model, it'll feel very organic
  13. Age and 'verge of dying' matter not, his ally is the Force!
  14. Hmm, never heard of this game. Can't help with the request, but thanks for the game anyway
  15. Gods damn, time is a problem to me - it's 2018, and I feel like the 2012 apocalyspe hype was just a couple of months ago!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Circa


      Onysfx is our resident conspiracy theorist.

    3. Onysfx


      @Circa, actually there are many here, but I'm the most vocal. People are afraid of being called one nowadays. Just more proof the jedi are taking ovah.

    4. the_raven


      @Onysfx you are right, I noticed it too! Get to da choppah!!!

  16. If I remember correctly, Yoda's bed was sideways, so Luke sat facing the whole bed, not just the pillow-side, nor was it on an elevation, because in the movie Luke was still sitted on the floor. Edit: And I was right! Edit2: That is unless, of course, Yoda died in his bed, and not on some couch.
  17. What's true is true, but personally, I'd rather not have this stuff in a franchise like Star Wars - it just doesn't fit, not will all the spiritual Jedi-driven fantasy. But we digress.
  18. I know it wasn't asked of me, but it's too good a question to waste Basically, it was boring, superficial, and didn't focus nearly enough on the clones and the wars - it was all Jedi, and bs politics and economics. I'm not talking of just TCW cartoon, but the whole depiction of said conflict in general. Though that's just my opinion. The Republic Commando approach would have definitely been better, though I too am disappointed that what we got is different from what the Clone Wars were supposed to be, based on the OT (yes, we only got small scraps of it, but still, had they shot The Clone Wars in the 70's/ 80's, you can bet your knickers the would have been entirely different)
  19. the_raven


    Looks interesting. If I were you though, I'd fix it.
  20. Where did the idea that the clones were Mandalorian came from, again? But very good choise!
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