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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I didn't know you could make things un-compilable, may I ask how do you achieve that?
  2. Not related to my main project, but I have been playing a bit more with blender and I think I'm starting to have a better understanding of the basics of modeling. I don't like the concept of porting, but I love the idea of modifying some of the base game's assets to create new things.
  3. Don't pay attention to badly written posts and carry on with life, it's the best way to avoid drama.
  4. Have you tried scripting them with the following commands? SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK 'true' SET_NO_ALERT_TALK 'true'. That should keep them quiet.
  5. Of course it's possible, you would need to set a cvar, like the sex one, that tells the game you're playing with a specific model.
  6. Is the similitude to the Eban Hawk intentional? If I could suggest something, it would be to give some asymmetry to the design, like the best star wars ships.
  7. Noodle

    Jyn Erso

    Amazing Job, is that gun model avaiable for download too?
  8. I've just downloaded and tested the map and I've a couple of criticisms and suggestions: First of all, I recommend you download and study this map, since it's a great example of imperial architecture with the game's base assets. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3189-imperial-research-facility/ One of the main things that I'd criticize is the scale of things in your map. The chairs are way too big in comparison with the tables that are next to them. The corridor at the entrance is small and tight, which doesn't look aesthetically pleasing. It also lacks any sort of light source, even though the place is lit. I'd try in general to add more light sources to the map that look coherent with the style you've chosen. The ones on the roof seem lacking, given the amount of light in that room. Finally, I'd advise you to fix some of the textures that are too stretched. Specifically those at the sides of the lockers. Overall it's a very cool concept! I hope you can improve it!
  9. Looks interesting, Are you just doing recolors or have you changed the actual textures? You could try to make a swoop with colors similar to the speeder bikes in ROTJ.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Langerd


      *Seconds .. i mean seconds not minutes ;) This is for Your mod or just a little thingy?

    3. Noodle


      Thanks everybody! @Langerd I was playing with blender and transformed the pilot model into an md3. It could be used in my mod in the future, either as a .roq file or an asset in a map. @IrocJeff I don't think there's a sound besides the wind, does anybody else hear something odd?


    4. IrocJeff


      What you hear is as important as what you see, a screenshot couldn't have captured that. Thats what you said. To me, you are implying there is some important sound there.

  10. I did them in blender. First I imported one from the game to get an idea of how they are and then I did my own. You don't need to import a JA model, the .roff file is linked to any mesh you have in blender. For example, I created a cone mesh and animated it to create the path I wanted the NPC to follow, then I exported the .roff file and it worked perfectly!
  11. Instead of animating the NPC to move far away from it's root, you should create a .roff file that creates the movement. I did that with the glider and now it flies around in my map.
  12. Not as far as I'm aware. They will only follow you if you're set as the leader (SET_LEADER player) and they have their behavior set as FOLLOW_LEADER. The key is in the behavior.
  13. I noticed the minemonster also has melee animations named BOTH_MELEE1 BOTH_MELEE2 BOTH_MELEE3 Everytime I look at this models I want to start creating my own to add more alien beasts to this game. Even if I can't have a fully functional minemonster in my game, at least I know I can use it as a passive pet.
  14. It's a pity that it works like base melee. I think that's the difference that the class_minemonster must make, but I don't know where's the bug in JA's code.
  15. How about I share the replacer I created instead https://www.dropbox.com/s/ss0gun344x9366s/zzz_minemonster.pk3?dl=0 This is how it should work, I tested it on a clean base folder:
  16. Nope. I didn't give them any script either. I just spawned the NPC and they started chomping me up. Might be an obvious comment, but are you sure your new file has replaced the old one?
  17. He made choosing to remain on the light side really hard. Recently I've been wandering about the differences in the AI in JO and JA. Why do gunners behave in such a different way in Jedi Academy? I've been replaying Jedi Outcast a lot and I can't help but notice how different it is when stormtroopers move around the map, firing quickly and dodging bullets, while in Jedi Academy they just stay stationary.
  18. Do me a favor and replace the minemonster NPC file with this: Minemonster { playerModel minemonster reactions 3 aim 1 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 1 intelligence 5 playerTeam enemy enemyTeam player class minemonster snd mine yawSpeed 160 runSpeed 210 walkSpeed 50 hFOV 120 vfov 45 height 30 width 9 snd mine health 40 } I just did and the mine monster started to attack me as it should and doing a fuck ton of damage too. My theory is that the class shouldn't be CLASS_MINEMONSTER, but just "minemonster". Either that, or the NPC gets all buggy because in JA it has WP_MELEE set as a weapon. I'm gonna record a video that shows how ridiculous that is. In MP (at least with Open JK, don't know with base JA) , the NPCs are as strong as in JO if there are point combats and waypoints.
  19. It is possible, but you need people to do the animations first so they can replace the base ones.
  20. I had exactly the same problem with the mine monster. However, I remember playing the mod 'Privateer' which had Mine Monsters that worked just as in JO. I'll try to see tomorrow if there's some difference with the NPC.
  21. As far as I know there's no way to do this for the multiplayer. If there's a way, it's not with the normal modding tools people normally use.
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