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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. @@Jeff did a port of Aphra from Force Arena if I recall. This is the link in case you're interested https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jw4a026brkhniwv/AACHXP1R1vWv8QM_Drp-aF3pa?dl=0&preview=Doctor+Aphra.pk3
  2. KOTOR was already bastardized by EA in TOR. The only good things that ever came out of that timeline were KOTOR II and the comics with Zayne Carrick. The Lucasfilm Story Group has the right idea by picking and choosing the best elements to canonize.
  3. That was my dream when I was a little boy creating small maps for galactic battlegrounds.
  4. Never heard of the modding scene in Battlegrounds before, pretty cool I must say!
  5. Those missing textures are a noticable eyesore, hope you can fix it!
  6. I think it'd look much better with the default JA head, unless you re-did the textures for that model, since they look poorly made due to the lack of efficient lightning.
  7. A very interesting observation indeed, it would be good to analyze the prequels as much as the original triology, since they're full of influences from classic film history aswell.
  8. Check the jedi_random npc file. I'm sure it's possible for you to edit the weequay.npc file so that it spawns different models.
  9. Very good to hear all this news. I like the batteries idea, since it's nice to see puzzles in JA. It is also a great way to make Vader use the force, since a character like him would relay on it for some problem-fixing.
  10. Make sure to make her body seem female. Also, Governor Pryce has a bigger bust, so I hope you can make it more canon-like in that aspect.
  11. Would it be possible for you to also release this as a .md3 file so we can use it as a resource for map creators?
  12. Thanks a lot, it was your work the main inspiration I had to learn how to mod the UI!
  13. Should the faceplate have shaders like the rebel_pilot's so you can see his face?
  14. Did some testing, and some ideas seems to work. I might re-do the follower menu idea I had from some time ago and release it as a more open standalone mod that includes functions like the one seen above. I wish there was a way to make the NPCs target what you're looking at with your crosshair. It seems that would require some coding, sadly
  15. We had a nice thread in which there were talks about re-doing the Jedi Knight series in the Unreal engine, but I can't seem to find it. Even though everybody would love to see this game with a better engine, the chances of that happening are real slim since it's a lot of work and there's always the small chance of getting sued by Disney. The best way to grasp the scope of what it'd take to re-do a game is to get deep into the modding scene, the amount of work needed to do some very simple things, like a small singleplayer mission, is gigantic. Doing that from the ground up would be an even bigger gargantuan task.
  16. Noodle


    Welcome! Hope you learn new stuff here!
  17. I have never experimented with that, but it would surely make for a fun experience. Totally doable if you know what you're doing.
  18. To create an .IBI file you need to use Icarus. It's a very simple software that allows you to create scripts. I highly recommend you to learn how to use it since you can do so many things with it.
  19. This is amazing when creating maps
  20. Revenge of the Sith is one of the best Star Wars films, if not the best one. John Williams was at his peak when he made the soundtrack for that movie and it's the only one that allowed him to play with a very diverse amount of themes. It has space opera adventures, military marchs, drama and so much more that wasn't explored in any of the other films.
  21. It can't be done like in TFU since that uses physics that aren't available in JA. However, it can be done (at least for SP) by creating a new skeleton with a set of special bones for capes. Best example of this is the Marka Ragnos model. It'd only take a monumental amount of time to re-create every single animation. I think that what could be done is to create a new skeleton with caped models in mind, just like the normal _humanoid skeleton but with a new set of bones for capes like Vader, Dooku or Krennic. That way you could just rig those models to the new skeleton and you'd get the so much desired cape animations.
  22. You can still achieve something similar to what you want, the main difference will be the lack of a message in a non existant chat room. I created a script file that's like this sound ( CHAN_ANNOUNCER, "sound/chars/mp_generic_male/misc/att_attack" ); And the button on your menu must have this action exec "runscript voicechatfolder/vc1" vc1 is the name of the script with that command. Have fun!
  23. Welcome back. Nice to see another fan of Rebels around here
  24. The screenshot shows that you're trying to use some UI scripts that are only for multiplayer. That might be related to the problem in question.
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