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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. It's such a pity, though the Hazardtrooper has some similarities, like punching the enemy when he gets close.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noodle


      Thanks! I was learning about the cinematic camera in SP and had fun taking some dialogue out of context!

    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      Noodle, damn man. You're making so much great stuff it's gonna revive JKA machinima making ten fold. Hell, Kruge is already using your mod in the prototype stage and it's already doing so well. :D

    4. Noodle


      Good to hear that! There are some many things I'd love to do but so little time to actually do them!

  2. Yeah, there has never been a limit on the stupidity of some saber hilts. But I love it, keep the weirdness coming!
  3. That's correct! Some droids, like the interrogator, were ported from JO too. It's a pity they didn't include the mine monster or even more alien creatures, since they make for interesting enemies.
  4. The minemonster's model doesn't come in base JA. You have to port it from JO.
  5. Nice! Who's the character in the second mosaic?
  6. This is amazing! The only thing that I don't have clear is how to make the weapon invisible and how do you weight the tag to the bones. This is using the saber droid's custom humanoid skeleton? I love what you did, droid enemies can allow so many cool things!
  7. Not related, but that legacy of kain custom look is looking pretty good!
  8. Make sure to change the gridsize and chopsize as well. this only happens in those huge maps with huge brushes.
  9. I use Open Broadcaster Software, it's much better than fraps and I can upload the clip directly to youtube.
  10. If we had the animations it would be a real possibility to implement ladders and it wouldn't be that hard. I thought of something similar, but I'd make the player's model invisible and place a fake player NPC that uses the proper animations while moving up or down like an elevator. It'd follow the proper ref_tags the map should have. It really shouldn't be that hard, the main problem is the lack of animations.
  11. Are you deleting vertices in the model? I've only got issues with seams when I've deleted some of those. How are you specifically editing the model?
  12. The whole singleplayer of Jedi Outcast was a unique experience in my childhood,I had incredible times playing that game in SP and then MP. In JA, way back in the day, I had lots of fun jumping into random servers and seeing the different mods and maps they had. One of the most unique things for me was that you could chat with foreign people while you played. The only reason I can speak and write in english is because of all that time spent playing. I also had a lot of fun in clan .:MOO:. and seeing the incredible things Robophred achieved with lugormod. Though, what might have been the most fun I ever had was playing MBII with all my siblings and friends at the same time, there's just something incredibly satisfying in achieving things as a team.
  13. It doesn't matter if you take a break, what matters is that now you know much more than you did when you started this
  14. That's a fair point. There's a balance that must be achieved between making allies too powerful or too weak. Then again, I do plan to make enemies much stronger than they are in base SP. I do hope to be able to have more than one planet in this mod. But for now, I'm just working on small interior locations for testing purposes. I want to have several minor factions that go beyond the rebellion and the empire, that's why there are so many Kel'dor, they are members of a small criminal gang. Will this have voice acting? It will be very limited, like in Mount and Blade or The Legend of Zelda. That allows me to create interesting dialogues without worrying about the quality and quantity of voice work. I want the characters to be able to have cosmetic changes and functional ones. For example, a character could have different wardrobes which shouldn't make a significant difference in it's stats, but it should also be able to have different gear, like jetpacks or those shields the assassin droids have. I guess it will depend mainly on the time I have to implement those things I am trying to figure out a skill system for the followers. I might make something similar to the force powers menu in base SP but instead of increasing force powers, it should improve stats like health, armor, firing rate, and others.
  15. It's interesting to see how the swoop mercs on t2_trip follow the player on the vehicle. Is there something in the class of the human_merc NPC that allows them to give chase?
  16. It's always good to see some feedback! I wasn't able to respond earlier because I've been awfully ill, but now I feel much better! I don't think there's a defel model available for JA, but I definitely like the idea of stealth missions, stealthy characters and alien looking companions! It could also open the opportunity to explore stealth based enemies. I really like those names! Though I must ask if it would be immersion breaking to have a scientist-like character that belongs to a primitive race like the noghri. I'm sure I can add those weapons to an NPC without having to edit the weapons menu though I'd like to add a Mandalorian, but I'd be interesting if she was different to what we've seen so far. She would still be a badass warrior, but If I could, I'd avoid giving her a jetpack and the traditional boba-fett like armor (or have it be some unlockable skin later, as a way to encourage the player to develop his followers). I think there's a lot of potential in a character like that. My mod is set in the age of the empire, so I must also figure out how to incorporate certain characters in a believable way! Think about the followers in KOTOR, they all had a life previous to meeting the MC, so in the same way I must ask what would your characters be doing before meeting the player? Everything is possible, the sky is the limit! I'll try to add those suggestions soon! Good to read! If there's someone who can mix the aesthetics of JA and Star Wars it's you.
  17. Great! Sounds like you're achieving something quite fun!
  18. Such a pity. I remember stumbling on modwooty by accident and got my ass kicked several times. It was a memorable experience and pretty fun too.
  19. Yes! It was no accident that the droid had an imperial skin
  20. Small update: While I'm working on a map I'll release eventually, I've been toying with my follower system idea. Now you'll be able to change your follower's skin (I'm thinking maybe this should be an unlockable feature). I've also added a new follower: an astromech droid! He might not be the best when it comes to fighting, but he has many unique skills that will make up for that. The droid skins come from @@Doug Smith 's brilliant astromech pack. (https://jkhub.org/files/file/1291-astromech-pack/) I'm looking for ideas for new followers, so if anyone has any suggestions, please do share!
  21. Holy crap, how did this knowledge remain hidden for so long!
  22. I agree, it's not good to dwell on the past like an obsessed fan and see every new thing as some sort of heresy. The only thing I want is the introduction of more competent people, I feel as of right now only Dave Filoni really gets Star Wars, and it may be in part because he was trained by George Lucas himself. There are too many people involved that don't really care about creating things, but just want to do things to satisfy people's complaints and to adapt to the new political climate. I'm sure nobody cares that the new main character in BFII is a woman, but it's tiresome to hear people in the press and PR patting themselves in the back because a character is female or a so called 'people of color'. It's the main reason why books written by Chuck Wendig were so shit and why Catalyst and Thrawn were so good. I don't mind politics in Star Wars, but there are ways to do them and then there's just trying to appeal to populist causes.
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