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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. If noone answers in these days I might be able to during the week.
  2. I had never even heard of this bug! Good to see that you fixed it and shared the answer, I don't know much about coding but that line sure can be useful!
  3. 1) I don't know the exact answer, not even maps like mp/siege_destroyer seem to be that big. 2) Yes you can, but the light will be limited. (see: )3 and 4) I don't know that, but Langerd did a pretty nice tutorial explaining i. Read here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9233-scarif-small-test-map-checking-the-terrain-making-little-tutorial/
  4. Though this season we've seen almost all of the imperial characters die in a very gruesome and explosive fashion
  5. 1. They only seem to kill as a last resource. After all his recent experience (learning from his visions with Yoda that fighting was what doomed the Jedi) Kanan seems to be much more of a pacifist than the rest of the cast. Ezra is his student, so it seems reasonable that he's avoiding senseless murder in this season (though he has murdered stormtroopers in the past). 2. Kanan was a padawan that didn't formally finish his training until recently and Ezra is the student of a former padawan that didn't formally finish his training until recently. They're not supposed to be OP mary sues like Revan and other EU characters.
  6. I've only seen the storymode in youtube since I can't play the game, but I really liked Shriv. His adventure with Lando made it even better.
  7. Good to know that you solved the problem!
  8. Just a quick test I did. May be useful for future stealth mechanics.
  9. During this time I've been adding and creating animations for my own mod project that I thought I would add to the animations menu mod. However, If I did this it'd replace any custom animations mod the user might have. Since I don't know if that'd be a good idea, I've had the project on hold. However, I can share some of the animations I had worked on that would be part of the animations menu project (also, some updates to my Female Trandoshan model). Thanks! When I release my demo (hopefully soon, I just have to fix some darn bugs and optimize everything) I'll be happy to collaborate with people if they would like to!
  10. I never managed to make horizon blending work, but please, if you discover new information please share it since it's very useful for every mapper here.
  11. I have never used a .cfg for that so I wouldn't recommend it since I lack the knowledge. In the info_player_start entity you must add a target command that has a value equal to the targetname of the target_scriptrunner entity. This is a working exmaple from my maps and it should help you understand how everything is set. The info_player_start entity is linked to the target_scriptrunner. The "usescript" command in target_scriptrunner has a value equal to the location of my own script. The full directory would be "Gamedata/Base/Scripts/Hideout/npccheckercantina.ibi" file. Good luck, if it doesn't work, send me a screenshot of what you're doing and maybe I can point the error.
  12. Trial and error. It can be very satisfying when you actually get the things as you wanted them to be.
  13. You can do both, it depends on what you want to do. At the start of a level, you could link the info_player_start entity with a target_scriptrunner entity that uses the specific script that changes the player skin, it should work.
  14. You have to set the script with a SET_SKIN value, like this: set ( "SET_SKIN", "models/players/jedi_kdm/model_default.skin" ); Of course, in that example it would only work with the jedi_kdm model, otherwise it will end up looking odd.
  15. Good to hear! Roff files are awesome because they can really help you set an atmosphere for a singleplayer map. Remember that artus level in Jedi Outcast which has flying x-wings, tie fighters and crashing ships? Most of that was done with .roff files.
  16. Best way would be to not create different models, but one model with different skins, like Jaden in singleplayer. Any other way I've tried crashes the game.
  17. Like those secret areas you can find in the singleplayer campaign? I think the entity target_secret is for that.
  18. Nice to see that there are people here who's only contribution is to create petty drama.
  19. Looks much better than before since he now looks like a normal pink human being and not a grey one.
  20. I think the reason is not that most modders are modelers, but that most of the issues we're seeing nowadays are completely new due to people experimenting more with the game and thus nobody knows how to fix them, at least that's my reason to avoid posting in most threads here. The important thing is that if people manage to fix their problems, they post the solution here so everybody can know in case someone asks again in the future.
  21. A smart idea to start modelling a droid since they're a bit more blocky than organic beings and thus should result in less of a headache.
  22. Great job! We need more droids in this game!
  23. Thank you! I like the look of argonians, their skin is very colorful and lizardlike, if I knew how I'd certainly try to imitate the effect for this skin. I'll keep updating it in the future. I've already fixed the eyelashes so they look better and more feminine and I'll start adding some gear for further customization. The only thing I need to learn now is how to create new textures.
  24. This looks like a skin that has potential if you decide to add more layers to your textures, as is, it looks a little bit stiff because the textures look plastic. Try to add some more layers to make it look more leathery .
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