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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Very nice to see how you guys work! Wish I could implement the same item system for SP though
  2. It does seem as if Kyle's reacting to something that's there. Make sure his behavior isn't to follow the player, as that might cause problems.
  3. I don't think he changed the name. I think it was more like they were on a writer's meeting and George said 'and then Yoda goes to a sith graveyard planet' to which Dave said 'George, there's a sith graveyard planet named Korriban in the EU', to which George replied 'Korriban is a gay ass name, let's name it Moraband'. And then someone stapled an editor's note to say that Moraband used to be named Korriban in Star Wars history (source http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/clone-wars/sacrifice-trivia-gallery). Not everything created in Star Wars was George Lucas' idea, but all the fundamental things come from his vision.
  4. I fundamentally agree with this, the new films are pure marxist deconstruction. The people in charge seem to hate the core idea of the OT, which was the monomyth, and they've done everything in their power to undermine the heroic deeds of Luke Skywalker.
  5. You've got that backwards. Moraband was George Lucas' idea and it happened when he had control of Lucasfilms. He wanted a Sith graveyard, didn't like the name Korriban so he changed it. Not really something bad since Star Wars is his creation.
  6. Jesus, so it's true that it's a quipfest like the Marvel movies? I don't think I'll go see this one.
  7. I think they must have a script_targetname name, otherwise it won't work. Not sure, though.
  8. This is my favorite mod of all time, so I hope I can participate! - GMT: -03:00 - Ideally during 14:00 to 17:00 - Windows - I'd try to bring at least 2 of my siblings. - I could record small bits, but not all the time.
  9. One of the ideas I had were items designed to fool the enemy team. Just like you can deploy in base JA those ammo cannisters, imagine if you could do the same with fake health/shield packs that resemble the normal ones, but instead of giving health, they take it away. It's always good when you can trick the enemy.
  10. As a map resource this can be very useful! I've been meaning to create ship interiors for my SP project for a long time.
  11. Sounds like an interesting concept, but wouldn't it make the game much easier unless you create a way for the enemy to counter stasis spam?
  12. I would think that the force, as George Lucas intended, isna lot like Ki. The force is a source of energy that's in all living things and it works best when it's at balance. I don't know about legends, but in canon, when Darth Maul when into a crazy frenzy after losing his legs, he didn't seem to be able to use the force as good as he could when he got back into mental balance
  13. If you want, you can PM me the .map file and the scripts to see if I can make it work on my own and then send you the solution.
  14. I think part of the problem is related to video game consoles. Can you imagine a game like Jedi Academy with play station controls? I remember Jedi Outcast was ported to the gamecube but it didn't seem to be popular at that platform nor did it seem to play that well.
  15. Then this must mean that the problem is that somehow it's not applying the SET_DEATHSCRIPT command. Try this, it will be a bit bloaty, but should work: Create a new script that's like this: affect ( "player", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "test/deathscript" ); } Give it any name you want, in this case I'll name it use_deathscript and it will be on my 'test' folder. After that, replace on your script the SET_DEATHSCRIPT 'test/deathscript' with: run ( "test/use_deathscript" ); Since the run command doesn't need to be on the "affect 'player'" list of scripts, I'd place it before the camera fade. It'll basically run a new script that will set the player's deathscript to be whatever you want it to be. Basically, you'd have to create have 3 scripts to make this work.
  16. What that script is saying is that if the player has health equals to 1 (set_health = 1), then the script "end_duel" will be activated. The main problem with it, is that it'd only check that value only once when said script is activated. You'd need to activate the script constantly to check if the player has reached that amount of health. Here's what I'd do to make a script get activated when the player reaches less than 25 points of health. First, I'd create the script that tells the player to run a script if he has less than 26 points of health. affect ( "player", INSERT ) // affects the player. INSERT doesn't stop the previous script { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_HEALTH" ) < 26.000$ ) // if the player has less than 26 HP { affect ( "player", FLUSH ) // affects this player. FLUSH makes it so the other script stops working { wait ( 1000.000 ); // wait 1 second run ( "end_duel" ); // this runs the script end_duel.ibi located in 'scripts' folder. } } else ( ) // if the player hasn't reached less than 26 HP { wait ( 1000.000 ); // wait 1 second } } After that, I'd create another script that runs the first one every 5 seconds. This way, it'll constantly check if the player has less than 26 HP instead of just doing it once. loop ( -1.000 ) // this is an infinite loop { wait ( 5000.000 ); // wait 5 seconds run ( "test/health_test" ); // run the first script } I think this should do it.
  17. Wow, that's the best example I've seen in a long while of a Mary Sue. Makes Rey look like a well written character in comparison! As far as we've seen, the dark side makes the body of the user's decay and it might be related to why they cling to life so badly. Although there doesn't seem to be any indication in canon that the light side makes you live longer, it just seems to give you a better quality of life in contrast.
  18. Does the rest of the script works? If it does, even if the deathscript doesn't work, is the player unkillable? If the answer is positive to both questions, then the problem is related to the deathscript in question. Could you share that one with us too?
  19. Could you share a screenshot of your script in behavED and also of the folder your script is located? It would be much easier to spot a problem like that. Edit: I created a working map example for you to see how it works. Download this file https://www.dropbox.com/s/jj1x1yvlbwb32ux/deathscript_test.pk3?dl=0 and see the source files. Whenever the stormtrooper kills you, the deathscript activates.
  20. Nope. Deathscript does work, I've tested it in JA many times without issue.
  21. If this is for Jedi academy it should affect 'player', not 'kyle'. Otherwise, it should work unless it's not finding your deathscript.
  22. I'm very thankful for this. Thanks to the documentations others have provided I have been able to understand the things that allow me to do my own things for my mod projects.
  23. Everytime I can I will try to participate on those matches and will call friend to test it too.
  24. We might infer that is just a gameplay related thing and was done because it'd been too time consuming to create a new mechanic just for a one-mission weapon. We know that bullets are used in the Star Wars universe new canon because of The Clone Wars and comics like Anakin & Obi-wan
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