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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Thanks! Regarding your questions, you don't really have a way to know except by trial and error. I'd have been to exhausting to create every script with the animation's name.
  2. Operation Cinder was meant to test the loyalty of the empire and to root out the weak elements out of it (at least that's how I interpreted it, also as a metaphoric way for Palpatine to throw the chess board in a rage because he died) I did find it odd that Iden would join the "terrorist organization" known as the Rebellion when there were other options for her to remain loyal to the empire's ideals without having to follow Operation Cinder, like joining Rae Sloane, a character that has been developed a lot in the recent months but seems to suddenly become completely ignored. Still, the best part in the campaign was Luke's mission and "Lando and Shriv's wonderful adventure in lava land".
  3. Version 1.1


    A female trandoshan. The model was done editing both the base trandoshan and jedi_zf models. Besides the default model, this file includes 3 other skins. To use them type in console one of the following commands: /model female_trando/scarf /model female_trando/skirt /model female_trando/tech Stay tuned for further updates! Copyright/License: You're free to do whatever you want with this model, just make sure to share it with the rest. I'm still looking for someone to help me create the female voice for this model.
  4. Would people be interested in re-skinning this if I release it? https://i.imgur.com/uoWWP7R.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noodle


      Thanks, I was inspired by the trandoshan in galaxy of heroes and started seeing some more stuff in youtube from games that I never played

    3. Onysfx
    4. Noodle


      Done. Hopefully people will tell me if they find any bugs.

  5. The best thing people should do when a company acts in a way they disapprove is to back their words with their money, which I think is the reason why EA has listened to the numerous complains. Cancelling pre-order and announcing you're not buying the game are the smartest choices to do since it means they have to change their strategy if they want to secure a sale (like in every other business). I personally think Dice has been handling this quite well, given that they have changed a lot of things in their business model (like no more paid DLC), I just hope they keep having an open dialogue with the consumers since that will help them try new ways to make money in a non-intrusive way. People seem to forger the only reason why paid DLCs and DRM are a thing is because many 'gamers', even those who so vocally complain, kept buying financially supporting them.
  6. Do you have Windows 10? It caused a lot of problems for my brother when he tried to do scripting because it apparently didn't allow the folder to be modified without permission.
  7. Wouldn't in that scenario be preferable to create a .md3 file with the body parts scattered around to be used as a misc_model entity? If you edit the code, think how much resources it will take to keep rendered all the body parts all the time.
  8. I think it's cvar related. See in cvarlist if there's anything that rings a bell
  9. Is that Kel'Dor soldier just a reskin or does it have ported material? It looks pretty nice! On a sidenote, my child-self didn't seem to notice how weird looking trandoshans looked on Republic Commando. I think I even prefer the JO one.
  10. I do think it's valuable that it sticks to the archetypes without a quirky twist. Episode IV is a classic fantasy film that was created as a response to the nihilistic mood that the industry had in the 70s. In a way, Star Wars proved at the time that a fantasy film could be successful. I always try to see these things from an historic perspective. When people get tired of classical storytelling, they tend to create stories with 'twists', and when those become tiresome, people go back to producing classic stories. Think about this, would Shrek be considered as much an original masterpiece (as it was in the 2000s) if it was released now? Every movie nowadays seems to try to 'subvert' the classics, even Frozen went this way with the 'not so good charming prince', so I would think that if a movie, like the example you mentioned, was released now that had an heroic character on a journey, similar to the stories of old, it would have the potential to be very well received. And following the same logic, I don't think the same story would have been received well at the end of the 90s. It all depends on the cultural context.
  11. Not meaning to be rude, but why would you replace a good skin with one that looks worse? Look at the shadows and neck seam in the original and how it fails in the TFA Conversion mod.
  12. Looks nice, but it seems to lack any form of lighting.
  13. I think your analysis is fundamentally wrong. There's a beauty in simplicity and Star Wars is without doubt one of the best examples of classic story telling in the 20th century, that's why it's universally liked across the globe. It's got the key story points, which many franchises lack, that resonate within people no matter the race or culture. I know this must be cliché to a lot of people here, but if you haven't I recommend you to read Campbell's book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" or at least see a quick summary of it. It's a book that explains certain archetypes that are common in western mythology and how some of the greatest stories follow this structure.
  14. Was this all done with your plugin? Bugs aside it has the potential to look really beautiful!
  15. Time for a new video update! I've improved the chat system and started crafting basic quests. Thanks to OpenJK's code you can modify cvars through icarus scripting, which I've used to allow dynamic camera angles in conversations. Everyday I'm closer to release my first demo. Stay tuned!
  16. I've never had this problem before, but I found this online: http://www.urbanterror.info/forums/topic/9127-max-tw-verts-12-exceeded/ Have you converted your non-structural brushes into detail?
  17. Happy to see my mod's working quite well! I might upload a small video tomorrow showing a bit more of the follower system.

    1. Corto


      Do you have thread for the mod? What is it about?

    2. Noodle




      It's kind of hard to explain. I'm trying to create an open singleplayer experience. Check my thread to see how it has been evolving with time :)

  18. A nice skin, though I feel that the armor's original model might be too bulky.
  19. You can also use parts from models in the default game, like Kyle's pauldron and Jan Ors' goggles.
  20. Yeah, I finally decided to vote for Langerd's Halloween Town because, even though it's not very big, there's a lot of hand-made work that deserves recognition: the animated pumpkins, the custom textures, the map's brushwork, everything was just too outstanding to ignore. If that map wasn't in the competition, my vote would have gone definitely to Jedi_Mediator's Haunted Halls.
  21. Yes, I'll have to get and start to learn how to use 3Dsmax before though, so it will take me some time to get this ready, but what you've shown so far makes it look very promising!
  22. I've wanted to do a good spaceship battle MP map for a long time, but all my tests have been really unsuccessful (though I believe I'm slowly getting there). I'm aware someone posted in the Warzone forums a tool that could create big maps without GTKRadiant, but I haven't tested it yet because I don't have the time. I think the hardest thing to do here would be the destroyed star destroyer.
  23. As someone who has been shitted by birds several times I can say that I'd rather step on dog shit than have to spend hours washing my hair again. I guess that means Jar Jar's the dog shit.
  24. If I'm correct, the same effect is used on the map mp/siege_destroyer in JA when rebel ships leave the hangar.
  25. Doesn't help that the same voice actor play some of the most annoying characters in skyrim (like Sven the bard of riverun).
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