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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Doesn't the atst_drivable entity has that information? After all, it has a limited amount of weapons and it doesn't allow either the use of force powers or lightsabers.
  2. Nice to see some screenshots. Have you thought about being able to use the first-person? I know the swoop vehicle has a first-person mode, and thus, so could the tie-fighter. If it can have a first person mode, like the normal player, it could display a special HUD so it could look like inside a cockpit. I don't think scaling should be an issue, as long as you can trick the player with the camera's place. After all, the AT-ST is quite small in the base game and it doesn't really bother anyone.
  3. Very interesting! One of the first things that you should try to achieve is allowing the player to 'use' a vehicle, in a similar fashion to the at-st. I'd try experimenting with the tie-fighter model, since it doesn't need many animations to be set, unlike the x-wing, which has the whole folding wings stuff.
  4. The only thing that bothers me at the moment is how fast Vader and Luke walk at the beginning.
  5. Another way would be the battlefront route, when the player strays too far away from the space you want him to fly around, just pop a message that says 'You're leaving the field of battle' (or something like that) and then self destruct the ship if he doesn't come back.
  6. RIP photobucket, what a bad joke they are.
  7. Check the code for the drivable AT-ST. That's an entity on it's own in gtkRadiant and I'm 100% it has special code. It's a drivable vehicle in singleplayer with a custom camera, weapons and set of commands. If there's a clue on how to do a drivable ship, it's there. The entity is named 'misc_atst_drivable' if I remember well. What you are saying here is doable, since I'm doing something quite similar for my own mod! Quest-givers NPCs are usable and whenever they get used they target a target_change_level entity that opens a menu, instead of changing a level. There's no special code in siege_destroyer. It's just a very big map with a huge gridsize. The HUD must be in the ui files in the default game, and must be triggered in a same fashion as in the atst_drivable entity. I have never used GTKRadiant, but 1.5 and 1.4 work wonderfulyl in XP and it's the very same thing.
  8. No, but the idea was similar! The modder didn't change any of the code, but instead just changed the controls and the position of the camera.
  9. I can't remember who did a small test in which he made Jedi Academy some sort of side scrolling game. It was quite an interesting concept, but I can't find the video.
  10. How did you set the player not to have a lightsaber? I've had issues crashing when the player has a stun batton and tries to get the lightsaber, seems to be a conflict of some sort.
  11. No way, I love the add-on you did! One of the first things I tried to do when learning how to use blender was to create different goggles and hats, but yours look so great! If you decide to release some of thsi stuff for the public and as something that other modders can use, it'd be a great contribution to the community!
  12. Have you thought about making the camera different in some parts of the duel? I remember someone made a 2D like arcade test that was pretty interesting, I'm sure something similar could be achieved for the duel, so that it would look similar to the part when Luke goes batshit crazy on Vader.
  13. Thanks for your support! It's always a good way to motivate people to keep modding!
  14. I have never used KotF, but I wouldn't be surprised if custom scripts don't work in that mod. Glad you could figure it out.
  15. I think everything is possible, but the best way to try to achieve what you're seeking is to find out how to do each individual part first. As far as I'm aware, Open JK allows the player to move a ship and shoot with it, the main problem is that maps are too small for some nice flying. The most important thing to do would be to try and create this fighter NPC with the proper set of moves. Though I don't know how to achieve that, but I'm sure the Probe or Seeker NPC could help a bit with regards of flying and moving on air.
  16. Did you compile the scripts? Did you give the instruction in your map file for the scripts to activate at certain moments? How did you write your scripts?
  17. Wow, you're doing god's work here! I'm really impressed by the simple, yet effective changes you have done, they look really good.
  18. I will try to play with that soon! A little bit of both. I have a number of menus created for conversations, computers and other stuff, but they have instructions to show different information based on the map the player is on. For example, I have a menu named 'datapad01.menu' that shows certain options in one map, but shows completly different stuff in another one thanks to the cvartest option. I basically looked at the different heads that appear when you complete a mission in SP and realized that the storyhead cvar was linked to the map. In one map Luke's head appears and in the other Kyle's do. I did the same with the text options, like this: cvartest "storyhead"showcvar {"tutorial01"} So that only in the map named 'tutorial01' would certain text appear. I wish there was a way that would allow me to create just one menu and make it show different text depending on what you're interacting with, but that's still a mistery for me. I've studied how the text in the mission selector in the default game works (since it's one menu that shows different buttons as you progress in the game), but I wasn't as knowledgeable back then. I could study that again and see if I can spin it in a useful way.
  19. Noodle

    Astromech Pack

    This is exactly what I needed, thank you.
  20. That's been the most difficult thing so far. Be aware that I started doing this without knowing anything at all, everything I've done has been through observation of other people's work, a bit of reading, and a lot of failed experiments. I haven't used seta commands or .cfg files yet. I do not know how they can assist me, but I'm very interested in learning more about that. I've modified the OpenJK source code a bit to add some cvars so some of my menus work. I hope I'm doing things okay, and so far it hasn't given me much issues... yet. I'm not sure if each save game keeps the individual information of each cvar, I'll have to double check in the near future. However, the issue of save games has been a problem on its own because I'm trying to make a series of interconnected maps, and to achieve that, the game must keep the player and map's information stored every time you go to a different area. Sadly, I've noticed that the game gets messed up badly if the player can load previous games, so the solution I've come up with is to disable the load and save functions and relay completely on checkpoints for the player to save his progress. The bad thing about that is that it doesn't allow the player to have multiple playthroughs , but it does make some things more interesting since it forces the player to play in a smarter way. I'm not so good with words, but I can show what I mean. Some time ago I created a map that allowed me to test these functions, I'll try to test it again soon and record it so people can see how it works. In the mean time, here's a test of how I'm doing conversations in my mod, it's not finished yet, but I think it's looking good so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVjFYxKapSY
  21. Your work always inspires me to work on my own, it's so incredible what you're achieving. I feel like you're really capturing the essence of Vader.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gle2wy-WmeU I've thought a lot about having NPC companions in my mod. This is the latest thing I've developed. I don't really want to use base JA models, so for this test I used a couple of models from here that have a license that allows modders to modify and share as long as I credit the creators, @@Kahzmat and @@AshuraDX. As always, I'm looking forward if anyone wants to collaborate with my project in any shape or form. I'm looking for characters to add to the follower's list, as long as they are non-force users and non-ported -since I don't want any sort of ethical trouble-, so send me a PM or post here if you have something to share
  23. You're a real hero and a real human being. So far the only thing that bothers me is the way he blinks, but that's JA's fault.
  24. Noodle


    Recolloring a model is the first step to getting good at modding, keep it up and try to do more complex things and who knows what you'll be able to do!
  25. Yes, both the background and the pipes are missing textures, maybe it's my mapping instincts that immediatly notice them when they appear.
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