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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. no he shouldn't, that's only your opinion... and I would agree if he had infact flown away with that (helicopter like)
  2. Too much detail. Concept art is always fantastic, dramatic and heroic. With the standard animations ingame, this would look awful.
  3. Hi, has anyone got this reborn model? I just found a video of it noticed it's 2 years old already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1omEunTDl8U
  4. It sure would be nice, but I reckon he's not going to appear in SW7 since it's already March and the premier is scheduled for December 2015. It's a long road for us to sit an wait, but they are probably wrapping it up by now, doing last scenes and visiting talk shows to advertise the movie. Besides, the rumour is that he'll make a cameo as Lando Calrissian in one of the sequels to Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Not in Episode VII. I wonder if Billy has to hit the gym aswel. He plays a character who's a gambler, con man and a ladies man, well dressed and elegant. It doesnt call for a thin body though....
  5. "Billy is said to have been ‘devastated’ to not be a part of The Force Awakens."
  6. Everything, Jesus christ. Everything. I also don't like these Apprentices of Apprentices because of the rule of two: There can be only one Master. It's fun and entertaining to see Maul revived, but my problem (as you may ask, wtf is it) is the fact that these animated series and apparently the EU is tearing apart the original StarWars concept, which Im fanatic about. It seems that even Anakin had a padawan at some point...
  7. After Maul was miraculously revived for TCW, anything can happen in these animated un-cannon series. And if the Inquisitor would also return as a cyborg, I would have to stop watching Rebels. If only we would finally see the horror of Darth Vaders wrath, I just cant accept that he was saved from Mustafar, he cried 'Noo!' and ever since has only been standing behind Imperial officers... Then again, the Inquisitor did say that there are things far more scarier than death, this is probably him reffering to the Emperor and Vader... once again, Vader is feared, but why? Because TFU ? lol
  8. The Final episode was a disappointment. From the Electro Magnetic Explosion to the DUEL OF THE FATES RIP OFF to the moment when Fulcrum is revealed to be Ahsoka. I also think Vader had a bad entrance to this series, he looked exactly like those many memes on the internet; Darth Vader having a bad day. He didn't look at all intimidating. The only thing I liked about this, was how the Rebel Logo was implied into to this Episode;
  9. @ST4RK1LL3R Some time ago I had a project to transform this ported Terrortrooper into a DeathStroke skinpack. I stopped it the minute I noticed the right shoulder overstreching in certain animations, but if you want it > PM
  10. Is there a tutorial on how to frankenstein? I'd sure love to be able to do these requests lying around---

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3filus


      well said, I never did learn how to model, but my head is full of ideas, same as with mapping, I've had up to 200 started projects in Gtk :D

    3. Ramikad


      200? Tch. My GameData folder showed up 2577 .map files :P

      Though they're mostly test maps or experiments with little value.

    4. Archangel35757


      Just start a thread for your first model project and ask question.s in there as you need. The tutorials on @Psyk0Sith website are a good first read... and if you have questions about using the 3dsMax plugins just ask me.

  11. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Transfiguration_Courtyard;88262
  12. Updated request. @@Kualan @@Jeff @Śăļvõö You guys seem to be excellent in this stuff
  13. Going to transform your Yun into DATA
  14. how to fix this ? I've tried downloading a new red bubble, hoping it would change it and fix it, but the shader remains broken http://s14.postimg.org/7d38jcju8/bandicam_2015_02_28_19_23_54_552.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. z3filus


      this one http://jkhub.org/files/file/2194-high-quality-chat-icon/ I removed this pk3 from base and now it works fine. I only have that and ep3 saber blades in base folder.

    3. z3filus


      I tend to keep base clean, but I figured it would be nice to have hq saber blades and chat icon


    4. Circa


      I was worried it was mine. :P Sorry about that. Go download again, hopefully that fixes it. Let me know if not.

  15. @@DarthDementous I'll dig up the request and we'll fix this, by all means if I've made a mistake, I will ofcourse do my best to credit the right people. There's a lot of kitbashing going on and I recalled it was Jeff.
  16. Thanks for your feedback, the Marauder only has similar ends of the saber as Darth Maul had, but the same shape can be seen in other sabers aswel. (Plo Koons saber e.g.) The Descendant has golden parts in it, similar to Master Windus saber and as much as you may hate it, changing it to copper would be a bad decicion. It would look awful. However, I'm only the designer and @@Rooxon is free to change the colours and surface materials. He's not making blank metallic sabers anymore, that's for sure
  17. Version 1.2


    The Rebel Informant , inspired by StarWars: Rebels. Playable Human male character wearing a Stormtrooper helmet. This is a combination of 2 models, DT_Luke Skywalker and DT_Stormtrooper Both models are made by Jkhub.com member; @DT85 - kitbashed by @DarthDementous. Credits to both. Rodian Vest included but written *off. Rodian Vest was from the original male_rodian model in JK: Jedi Academy, but I soon realized it wasn't neseccary for this project. However: you only need to add the correct path in model_default textfile to enable the vest. Please rate and leave a comment! Credits fixed, sorry for the mistake, Jeff and Dementous.
  18. This is by far the best Ben Kenobi I've seen for Jedi Academy. The side profile looks odd but that's a minor detail; not noticable ingame. From MB2 I think.
  19. Waiting for permission to upload my latest skin here at the Hub. It has teamskins, sounds, but it's no Lando.

    1. z3filus


      Lando needs hs_dooku cape but im too lazy to add it myself since I'm mapping :(

    2. JAWSFreelao
  20. I like it! Episode 7 has a new, almost entirely white E-11 blaster so this fits the StarWars universe just fine
  21. well that is a concern you share with me, @@DT85 could explain more, but I'd honestly be more interested in seeing more of this Titanic
  22. well do you remember that kid from your childhood, that used to get everything? -that's rend2
  23. Hi, I found close-to-perfect models to combine to create a playable Shinigami for this game. The problem was not with the head model, but with the torso. Seemed like all robed models looked akward and unpleasing to work with, but then I hit the jackpot; The Old Ben Kenobi model from MovieBattles. I'm very busy with a big mapping project, I'd really like it if someone would add the HS_anakin head on the Ben Kenobi model. I've already roughly re-skinned the torso, so by all means I'm not asking anyone to do a skin for me, just this small favor. I can send the 2 player models needed, for who ever wants to take on this task;
  24. Rosh as a character was not that bad, but the contest between him and Jaden, of who gets to be Kyle's favourite student, was rushed trough the story. It would have been better if there were missions at the beginning of the game WITH Rosh, it would have made sense to all the friendship crap they went trough. So, with only tempering the discussions within the game, it would be nice to replace some of Kyle's voice transmissions to Jaden with Rosh's voice. For example; The mission where you need to defuse a bomb on a cargo train, Kyle drops Jaden on the train and talks to him via Radio. Change Kyle's voice to Rosh.
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