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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Im impressed, no doubt this project has taken a lot of time and effort. This is basically Counter Strike with lightsabers I like it. Lot's of ideas and "would be cool" posts here at Jkhub, but here I see a mod already done, and honestly this needs more advertisment. Whether this mod uses ported models, or stolen textures, I don't know. But I am impressed.
  2. Your files are getting better and better, this Axe is insane! Good work.
  3. Here's a Person worth following on Facebook; Robert Bailey (artist) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Bailey/432598310157563 Some five years ago, George Lucas came across Robert’s aviation art website and asked him to work on Star Wars. Now Robert Bailey is a licensed Star Wars and Disney artist. There are plenty of amazing looking, hand drawn art uploaded on his page, including new X-Wings from The Force Awakens, that are named “Attacking Force” and “Low Level Attack.” I wouldn't say that you can find anything 'leaked' on his website or his FB page, but at the same time, I am kinda hoping that he will draw something more revealing about the new movie.
  4. GtkRadiant should be more like Valve Hammer, 2 features, specificly, are needed from VH; seeing the model in the map without a redbox around it, makes it easier to scale properly, and , there should be a preview window within the objects window, so u can scroll the obj list and see what it is, before u pick any of them.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ensiform


      GTKRadiant cannot and will not support ghoul2 models though.

    3. Vulcan


      There's an epic idea for a mod I assume? :P

    4. ensiform


      Nobody maintains it. And there's really no point in adding support for it to show models that are only used for display. It supports all models that are converted to trisoup during compile.


      You can simply add the model key/value to the ents file (with a value of a supported model extension) similar to how it shows items instead of a box in some "game" ent files.

  5. before it gets nasty - I said KotF is a subject that can easily make someones blood boil. Im just saying.
  6. It's easy to praise the mod today, as if it matters, but KotF is hated for all those good reasons posted on page 1... unless it will be uploaded here, or re-created entirely by any kind of team, I vote we close this topic before it gets nasty
  7. Good requests, all of them. The Geonosian uploaded here definetly needs an update, as well as the Wat Tambor but I personally concider these as Role Play models, and not as necessary as you say. Good luck with this!
  8. Simple, but very cool looking saber.
  9. Temple guard looks great, good for the comic no doubt, but I can imagine the shoulderparts disappearing into the rest of the model while duelling. Embo and the Neimodian look fantastic though, especially the Neimodian, that could easily be used in a SP mod. Good job! As always.
  10. Excellent work! Would be cool to see him in the new trilogy, but... I guess not.
  11. ^ anything is possible with the Force. I wouldn't take Wikipedia too seriously either, since Luke turned on his new saber without any training in the ways of the Force and with one hand only. Lightsabers are created by individual users, from different races, so ofcourse there has to be a universal part that any Jedi can use in their saber, to adjust the blade lenght. But then again... in the films, only Yoda's saber seems to be shorther than the rest, so if the Jedi in the movies have different lenght sabers, it's almost impossible to see the differences on screen.
  12. This file totally changed my opinion about the new saber seen in TFA trailer. This is just wicked sick. Awesome.
  13. And who thought this saber sux?? Now that I'm swinging it ingame, I'm even more excited about the Force Awakens.
  14. z3filus

    Lando Calrissian

    I'm trying my best to add the hs_dooku cape. If I get that done, I'd even add the teamskins and proper sounds.
  15. I bet he's not even going to be using his saber, but rather the Force. Yoda is no longer part of the new Trilogy, unless he approaches someone as a ghost, Luke trained with him longer than we see on film, so in my mind, it would be logical that Luke would have now reached a level closer to Yoda, or even gone beyond it. He should be able to list atleast 3 x-wings from any swamp, maybe even the Falcon. Not a spoiler; After some 30years since the great battle against the Empire, after the glorious Victory, Luke Skywalker is a Legend all over the galaxy. A perfect Disney Hero, I would say..
  16. z3filus

    Hera Syndulla

    Amazing, if only someone would be interested in creating a Rebels sp mission.
  17. z3filus

    Lando Calrissian

    It was, from the beginning to the end, very entertaining. But I was expecting to see the Millennium Falcon..
  18. you may be right, but I remember reading something about the saber being Jedi specific, that the Jedi use Force, in someway, to turn on their saber. And that would be the reason only Jedi could use them. the theory on how a lightsaber works, has multiple options if you google it, it only confuses me. But as you said, the energyblades themselves may be somewhat unstable and resist types of motion, why not. I still disagree with Archangel, about the sabers being similar to Katanas, on screen and on the set.
  19. after many years, I yet again bought a Counter-Strike game (GO) and Im laughing my ass off at these pro gamers, filling the chat with alll kinds of threats :D Nothing compares

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. T.Zealot


      Movie Battles II also has it pretty bad on some servers

    3. DrXann


      I used to play Counterstrike a few years back but didn't enjoy it.

    4. z3filus


      Well I enjoy it, but It's a bad game to play if you're already stressed.

  20. Lando Calrissian flew his friends ship, wearing his friends clothes.... that bastard

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