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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. same here, I recommend just starting up a match on base, maybe with some classic star wars models like Vader. but in case you decide to play on JA++ ,make sure to download some maps for grapplehook-tarzanswings and if only your friends are up for it - siege ,because that is just so different from the mainstream FPS games on consoles, right?? yes
  2. that would be sweet, because the ships now act just silly
  3. the ships strafe to left and right very much like the player itself :D lol
  4. hleV is harsh and Cerez is having a hard time accepting it. lol
  5. z3filus

    Police Jan

    that's clearly a Japanese cop uniform
  6. kind of stepped on your own nuts there, because a lot of your comments are as hleV said: "things are not necessarily the way you see them"
  7. Cloverfield is the worst movie I ever bought. Eventhouhg it was cheap. I still lost money. But still JJ is the perfect dude for this movie. I hope to never see Christopher Nolan's name on any StarWars DVD / BluRay cover. I hate that guy and Christian Bale(out) for ruining Batman.
  8. Ok, the game is working again, I followed the instructions step by step and I had to restart my PC a few times but it got fixed...
  9. Im satisfied to even have a HQ model vehicles in this game, go ahead and make us a swoop, or an x-wing, millennium fucking Falcon ! it sure would be cool th have a First Person view from inside an AT-ST , for example, in siege matches, but I fear it will be like in JC2 Multiplayer; first person view can rotate 360 as if you dont have a neck at all.....
  10. We should create an indie game company and buy rights to Jedi Knight and work on the 3rd Jedi Knigth game....
  11. Disney has claimed another victim.. i pity this fool
  12. what guy in the black uniform?? and... in the upper image, they could also be at the Evil Tower or whatever it's called.
  13. Having difficulties with CS:GO This is supposedly an error easy to fix, but I'm not making any progress. I had a few good matched earlier today in casual and competitive mode, but right now the game is saying that I need to make some changes before playing on VAC secure servers. Steam guides me to this adress::: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2117-ILZV-2837 <- not helping
  14. Good work @@DT85 edit: these details are so minor, that maybe you should just texture them on the helmet? I doubt anyone will even notice them ingame, unless this would be used in MovieBattles... (?)
  15. I don't know .. The suit ressembles the Clone armor but then again... this makes the original stormtrooper look so much different from the rest of the armors seen in StarWars. The helmet could have been shaped more like the original helmets. Minor detail perhaps? I'm sure the movie will be awesome. The rest of the outfit looks perfect for a 2.0 armor. Also, this design will forever remind me of.......
  16. Game of Thrones S5 high quality episodes???

  17. That should be soon. They've supposedly announced that a 2nd trailer will be shown in theaters, when Avengers 2 premiers, this May I don't know how much we can trust this character list, I don't even care, tbh. @@NumberWan, I'm also waiting the crack this trailer-code!
  18. Maybe after this project, you could create another Ahsoka? With different clothes, something like, "a Jedi undercover" since she had to flee from the Empire aswel
  19. looks like some character from Blood Omen 2
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