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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. It's the shirt itself that sucks. Kyle was designed for StarTrek, it seems.
  2. How about cutting off the top ?
  3. StarWars; Rebels is canon now, if they dont kill Ahsoka, I expect to see her in the new trilogy, even for just a few seconds somewhere in the background. But I think she is going to get killed, since Ezra already has a master, and Hera is there to comfort, and encourage him in his training. There is no need for Ahsoka. I also expect to see Luke Skywalker in Rebels. He should be/ would be about the same age with Ezra. That is, if they ever go to Tatooine.
  4. I never get tired of watching asian movies.... gotta love 'em.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ping


      I love this, particularly wuxia, but then I'm a bit of a sinophile.

    3. IrocJeff


      Herro prease!

    4. z3filus


      Bayside Shakedown 1-3

  5. Don't take it so personally @@Cerez, the model looks good. Definetly the best Ahsoka for Jedi Academy. I don't know shit 'bout modelling, but this is all constructive criticism. Take it like a man and release tthis Jedi scum.
  6. Just use some battle damaged surfaces, it'll look good. Or make it white, a stormtrooper saber? I don't know. Use it or loose it.
  7. JKG animations looked awesome. Having that as a .pk3 file would be neat.
  8. is this for Jedi Academy or not?
  9. Clone Commander Cody and Indiana Jones are rather good options if for skinning. There aren't any ToyStory models in JKA and I doubt there ever will be.
  10. Agreed. But just to clarify: this is the latest toy design of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
  11. You can't blaim life for peoples ambitious dreams and plans.
  12. Whatever. But surely adding her into the Rebel hints that there will be more action in season 2
  13. Actually: They haven't changed the facepaint pattern. Take a closer look ----> Seems like they've only brought the headpiece lower. Maybe slightly altered the shapes. But it looks the same.
  14. @ -- I'm looking at his model and the image you linked, I don't see much of a difference.. @@Cerez has even made the exact same clothes that Ahsoka is wearing in the image you linked.. It's perfect
  15. Her voice is irrelevant -- She does look a lot older in Rebels, and the montrals have grown a lot from TCW. What am I missing? Face paint? Maybe her species, her culture is to be blaimed. Maybe she grew up and went trough some sort of ceremony and had her face re-painted. Still no boobs though...
  17. Just checked the few latest replies: So even in the futuristic, far far away galaxy, the repairmen can't do their jobs well
  18. ^ lol yeah, shouldn't be so dependent on a project that is still far from finished.
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