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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. One has to be careful with 'spoilers & rumours' , that's for sure, but could u link a bigger image of that?? It's so tiny
  2. I've also wondered why didn't a Nar Shaddaa map ever surface from our community... the prequel movies kept mappers and modders busy trying to create some of that new stuff into JKA & JKO but the old classic, Nar Shaddaa never made a comeback. It is a very iconic map for Jedi Knight. BUT NOW WE ARE GETTING OFF TOPIC - WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS VIA PRIVATE MESSAGES
  3. The leather armor looks better on a slim body, rather than being paintet over a jedi tunic. (model) those skins look awful... so I suggest; male_Jaden's upper body HS_Anakin lower body HS_Anakin head HS_Anakin robe
  4. Legal issues, can't blame them. Good luck with this project though, looking good so far.. his back is brownish and the hood still needs detailing, but for a non-ported model, this is good work.
  5. http://jkhub.org/topic/5022-ezio-auditore-jka/ your model looks great, but I already have a ported model by the way @@Darth Reborn, I don't think it's that black'n'white. He's not wasting his skills, he's infact learning more as he goes. There have been made lots of non-starwars characters to this game, like Bender from Futurama, even Batman and Joker.
  6. The fact that it doesnt have a recognizable character in it, fits the Jedi Knight community well; so many people with made up identities and Jaden Korr as a character can't be portrayed as a specific species or sex, I mean, who is Jaden Korr ?? This is very neutral to all players
  7. That looks fantastic. Wow..
  8. Looks like a launcher for a James Bond game it's better than the oringal though, much better.
  9. Looks like a simple re-colouring of E-11, Episode 7 takes place some 25+ years after ROTJ, Empire was supposedly defeated, but obviously it's still there. New armor plus a new weapon, and as we see in the trailer, a transportation (gun?)ship.. it all hints that the Empire is being funded by someone. Interesting! I have been so focused on the characters and actors -that new lightsaber ofcourse- but I didn't realize this fact until now I just kept it simple in my mind; " Abrams wanted a new design, looks nice " so does this mean we get to see Coruscant? some politicians supporting the Empire perhaps? something like the Trade Federation?
  10. Looks better than Revan, I totally see this character replacing Tavion in SinglePlayer.
  11. I like it.. it looks like the one seen in TCW
  12. So many people so anxious about him using Hapslash models to make a name for himself. I think that's wrong, even if he has permission to do so.
  13. Whoah DOWNLOADING...
  14. z3filus

    Vination.eu I Like!

    Lol okay but you just proved me right. " best players of their time" You're on that video aswel.
  15. z3filus

    Vination.eu I Like!

    @ Frag videos are only made for bragging. When I view any of these videos on Youtube, be it of JKA or something else, I expect to see something impressive. I'm just not impressed by this and I think you can make something better, with different camera angles, even with the traditional following-spectator camera. This game is not the best for making Frag videos, because in duels and deathmatches, there's too much chance for lucky hits (hence my opinion above)
  16. z3filus

    Vination.eu I Like!

    I like the editing, but some kills were not that clear to me; killed on purpose or by luck..
  17. Ezra could kill him to avange his master, which would be typical from Disney as well as a theme in StarWars.. but you are right about that quote. According to Tarkin, Vader is the last of his kind, but this specific animated series, and the upcoming movies may prove Tarkin wrong. Who knows.
  18. Hi, I've never tried RC not to mention building one, but this video is just so inspiring, that I had to share it with you all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRtXd1eiH-s
  19. The Imperial Gunship looked very... nice, a good remake of the Clone Gunship. For the record, this script is written to closely ressemble the movies; Ezra being a powerful young Jedi, having visions while training, a group of mistfits that includes a big hairy creature. So I'm expecting Kanan to die like Ben Kenobi or to be carbonated like Han Solo.
  20. I'm sure it's not as you want it to be, but the ingame screenshot looks fine to me..
  21. New Stormtrooper Armor Images Torso_back http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EcWSWzpKlVY/VHp62Ybc7XI/AAAAAAAAKzA/2V6a0I4wI5s/s1600/TFA%2BScreencap%2B3%2B-%2BDesert.jpg Hips_legs back http://i2.wp.com/geekdad.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-28-at-10.33.35-AM.png Torso_front http://e3240c4bbb5dbc6ce55c-ad08ca0f2adcbd3e04ec4a01e8d48b65.r5.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/star-wars-episode-7-john-boyega.jpg arms_hands_weapon http://i.imgur.com/kitfnXi.png We can see so much, but yet so little. The new armor looks smooth and round like the Clone armor. What's odd to me, is that they made the weapon partly white too, not that it's ugly, I actually like it.
  22. Well he's only done a helmet, which is all anyone can do at the moment. This is fan made, but I like it...
  23. Well depends... SW7 will be out sometime next cristmas
  24. I gotta say though, with or without the filter, seeing this helmet in 3d gets me all hyped about the new Troopers... I want to see the movie now.
  25. You have missed one detail. The first two images have already been proven as legit, so you may want to look into this; the filter
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