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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Any mod should be. It's already been proven that if you try to work with a " team of experts " , the fine work is left unfinished, and nothing is ever released, thus all work is in vain. This is why I suggested to focus on creating short episodes, with anyone who happens to be online. Map files can be combined, so it's not like a map should be done over one weekend. You can do it slowly, little by little; you get some sort of starting point for your map this month, and another area next month, in between there can be 1 or 2 skins sent to you. Eventually you'll have something you can call a mod. And as @ said, and open community project would better ensure that the mod will someday be finished. Why not just tell us, what would the first mission be? Would you like to start a mission from inside a spacestation? from inside a Ship? from a hangar? A landing platform? Should it be an Imperial base? a hangar at Nar Shaddaa? a cave at Yavin?? I'm sure there are mappers here who can quickly create something, that will be just passed on to other mappers, who ever has the time to help you out. I'd like to be part of it, I may not have time to create an entire map for you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one...
  2. Much needed, thank you. Some of the sabers are gigantic, as @@Archangel35757 said; it should be also fixed. But this is really nice Circa.
  3. Finally!! I don't have to be afraid of the Acid rain in Singe Player.
  4. Are they now? I thought there was a difference between a stick and a katana. The duel between Kanan the Sith Inquisitor was nicely done, that reminded me of the Original Trilogy. The Inquisitors saber and fighting technique, reminded me of General Grievous from the preguels. I have to agree with @@NumberWan; This show seems to be a mixture of... everything about StarWars.
  5. True, the long waited duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan doesn't have the same heroic feel to it, as when Luke tried to defeat Vader.. and in both, Attack of the Clones & Return of the Sith, the main focus in the duels was to make it look nice, almost like in Ballet, turn - walk walk, turn, walk hit ! Some liked it... I didn't They hired sword experts to help them with the figh scenese, with the choreography, and it looked good in my opinion, but they had to mix up techniques, to create a new style, since lightsabers were nothing but hot laser beams that were very light so swing around. Fighting with sabers as if they were Katanas, ..........would not have looked cool
  6. Yeah Luke kind of invented the famous, " Leeeroooyy" Battle Cry with his charge against Vader and the Emperor. Alone....
  7. Kamino. Why didn't Obi-Wan have any kind of umbrella with him? Jedi are one with the nature? All clothes wet, matters it not. Mmm!

    1. T.Zealot


      He forgot to bring it with him that day

    2. DrXann


      Well he had a hood on his robes which is obvious.

  8. Yeah you should release that
  9. Interesting point. For over 30 years it's been almost a gospel truth that Yoda is talking about Leia. Certainly the force must be as strong with her as it is with her brother. I'm hoping that sentence and it's meaning would be left as it is, by Disney, but they can pretty much do whatever they want to, with the franchise. I understood that George Lucas acts as an advisor for Abrams and his team. Disney's main focus has always been cartoons, kids entertainment, and even with the Pirate Of The Carribean franchise, they still found a way to " connect " it to kids, by toys and a special area built within Disneyland. So... what I'm trying to say, is, creating a connection of any kind, between the Rebels and The StarWars- films is only good business for them.
  10. Dude that's just...... no ....just no.
  11. Can't argue about opinions, you're certainly right about that
  13. A closed umberella, a chair, steeringwheel and a ladder = all you need for a Hong Kong mod for this game.
  14. What? I think it's odd that while you say you don't like the prequels, and that there is only one good thing about it, you also state that you don't want to further discuss it. You're just throwing oil into the flames. It's good to have different opinions, but it's never good to end the given opinion with a sentence similar to; "....but let's not talk about that" that basically means, is " I am right, you are wrong, let's be quiet. " StarWars: Rebels has some good aspects to it, such as the visual style, that is inspired by the Original Trilogy's concept art (by Ralph McQuarrie) but it's still very easy story to follow, with simple characters. And this new saber design was a bad choise, probably inspired be the new hilt seen in the teaser of The Force Awakens. It's also much fun to watch, for the kids, if the hero is presented as the new Luke or Anakin. Which is exactly what Ezra's character is supposed to be. Just a new Hero, that doesn't even mean anything to the Canon StarWars.
  15. the never ending old .vs new battle. And I can see why that can affect on anyones opinon about the SW: Rebels. I liked the show at start, but now I have to agree with @@hleV. this is shit
  16. It would be nice to include atleast 1 map in the SP storyline, where you're not even given the possibility of killing anyone. A possible 'force_mindtrick' scene could be made with a trigger activated sound that would at the same time activate a simple A to B path for 2 troopers, you know, the typical " what was that?" - walk walk - " guess it was nothing" ...allowing the player to sneak trough a door. a more simple and interesting, for gameplay, would be stormtroopers patrolling a large area, so you'd have to actually sneak. even more simple; no npc's at all. Just a classic obstacle course kind of map, with force activated doors and elevator shafts to climb.
  17. Thank you @@Langerd, the Statue will blend in with the textures with some warm yellow-ish light from the torches. Eventually. There was another statue I wanted to use, named something like " statue_sith_bust " But I couldn't find it. I'll keep looking today. EDIT Nevermind I just found the model and it fits the room perfectly. Ofcourse I need to create a pedestal for it.
  18. Hi all, I'm working on a Sith Tomb duel map, and I'm using original Jedi Aademy textures only. I'm posting this here, hoping to get some feedback, positive or negative. It has an entrace that is blocked with huge amount of sand, and 2 other routes on the side, also blocked by sand, and probably rocks. Source of light will be torches. I need some help though; I've created a simple flat floor, but I don't have any ideas on how to texture it. There will probably be some small rocks and piles of sand in the corners.
  19. Changing the original Anakin to Hayden, at the end of ROTJ, is altering the movie itself too much. But while they're at it, they could remake the Ben Kenobi vs. Vader fight with stunt doubles. I never liked that small scene when Obi dies, I liked it less after I saw Luke duelling against Vader at the end of ROTJ ... and I liked it even less after seeing the prequels, it just doesn't add up. "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine" - cheesy line but I'd like to keep it. It would just fit the overall saga better if the fight was better choreographed. Look at 1:23 to better understand why I hate this duel, the actors point their saber towards the cameras way too much, so not only is the fight boring, it's also badly directed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kpHK4YIwY4
  20. That Clone Wars Obi-Wan is awesome, that, and Sabine are totally worth sharing. Can't wait to see them uploaded here!
  21. ok... well I think there's a FFA3 version out already that has these areas fixed. I'm not sure whether it is available anymore, but I'm certain I've played on a server that had the map uploaded.
  22. Yeah I hope you're right @@DT85; It's makes my brain twist around in my head, trying to think of a reason why would the ghost be of the younger Anakin? instead of the older one, as it was originally done. The saga is glorious, sad and touching and blah blah... Anakin was a victim, yes, but replacing the old ghost by saying that Anakin died in EP3 is just too much for me. Like a kid crying about his new haircut being ugly.
  23. This is one of those visual improvements that could be made only by someone with eagle vision.. Thank god we have Circa Downloading now..
  24. I don't want to see Hayden's ghost sitting on a rock somewhere... I'd rather see a Vader hologram, but that doesn't make sense to me.. and it would be cheesy to have one of the young actors visiting the cave in Dagobah - or a similar place - and encounter a fake Vader as a trial of some sort. A flashback in a dream would be logical... Vader was ruthless and affected many lives.. It's stupid that we waited and waited for Vader's return in the prequels, but all we got was a; "Noooooooooo !! " Padmééé !! "
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