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Status Updates posted by Rayce

  1. According to Google's calculator, 9^9^9^9 = Infinity.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cerez


      It's oogled it too much, until the numbers became all foogled.

    3. spior


      9^9^2.62957366144 is the highest I could go before reaching infinity and getting bored. It can go on forever

    4. Cerez


      Yep, infinity can go on forever. Surprise, surprise... XD


      Now, where's my cookie jar?




      Maybe it turned into Infinity!!! \\(OoO)//

  2. Anyone got any suggestions for free FPS/TPSs on Steam with offline bot matches? And don't say TF2.

    1. Bek


      I was gonna make a post about it here, but you'll love Ravenfield. https://steelraven7.itch.io/ravenfield

      Not TPS though.

    2. Ping


      Quake Live. Why not just play FPS games in SP though?

    3. Rayce


      Ravenfield is pretty good, thanks. @Ping Because i'm a filthy casual who wants multiplayer-type gameplay without a challenge. :P Quake Live is $9.99. Might consider it later when I have money, though. Looks good. Might also try the free demos of Q3 and 2.

  3. Can I have a link to MBII v1.3.2? I can't access the website.

  4. Can someone link me to the map "korriban_tomb_trial"?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Circa


      No... xD its literally completely a trial map. Nothing else in it exists. It's also probably the hardest map to complete in the history of JKA. (did i just make people want it more? xD)

    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      Yeah...you kinda did. X3

    4. Bek


      You effed up Circa, get ready for the onslaught of PMs.

  5. Did A-Mountain for the first time tonight. I wasn't able to get though all of it, but i'm proud of myself for trying. Props to Wolfeye and Artemis for helping me learn the more difficult ones and being patient with me. I may try to complete it later this week.

    1. Smoo


      I still not beaten it lols

  6. Does anyone know where you can find the OJP source files? Do they still exist?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rayce


      @Clan FJA Well, i'm specifically looking for the code for weapon menu, Co-Op and the bots. Could you possibly PM me them?

    3. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      I asked Razorace if he (or I) can put the source code on JKHUB. Just waiting his answer.

    4. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      Razorace allowed me to put the source code on jkhub. Done

  7. Donald Trump may be a crap president, but world's not gonna end because he got elected, calm down everyone. (And nor did we avert the apocalypse with Clinton losing.)

  8. Election day is coming up for the US. Which asshole do you think is gonna win?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Well Noodle, the thing that a LOT of people don't seem to know at all is that being president or holding any sort of public office was originally a public service you did for your country with no pay. You served a fixed term and when it was over that was it, you went back to your normal life doing whatever you did before. It's actually more in line with the ideas of the founding fathers to have someone running for president that isn't a career politician.

    3. Grab


      Voting machines made by G. Soros. Forged result incoming.

    4. TheWhitePhoenix


      It's gonna be an asteroid field ride....On JEDI difficulty....

  9. Happy 11th Birthday to Star Wars Battlefront 2!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Onysfx


      Battlefront 2 is a cool game, but the lighting is absolutely terrible.

    3. Rooxon


      Yeah I hate the lightning as well... ReShade helps taking care of that tho. A bit of HDR and Ambient Light, and you'll forget how the old ever looked like. Regarding the engine, it's one thing to try 4k textures on a model or pack the game full of high models and textures.

    4. Rooxon


      I'm just saying, if anyone wants to do this project, you gotta inform yourself of the particular numbers, like, on average what's the max vert count for playermodels, weapons respectively and the likes. Whether there's certain effects you should save on detail cuz they eat FPS more than others and the likes... that's why you probably need a community for this.

  10. Happy Holidays, everyone!


  12. How the hell am I getting "Connection Interrupted" messages in a bot match?!?!

    1. Kualan


      "Damn bots, they ruined Botland!"

    2. afi


      timescale? or some bad net settings

  13. I just noticed in the JK2 bot files there are personality files for the Solo twins and several unknown characters.

  14. I just spent the past week improving the blaster bolt effects in SWBF2. I don't know why that's such a fixation for me.

    1. minilogoguy18


      I would like to find a mapper for SWBF2 that would be willing to work with me on some stuff. Like KotOR era based maps.

    2. Rayce


      Unfortunately I don't know much about mapping... yet. Right now my areas of expertise are sides and lua coding.

  15. I think I just found out the hard way that there's a limit to how many times you can switch an archive between the .zip and .pk3 formats.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rayce


      Hmm... weird. Something I did caused my pk3 to become corrupt. I've been switching it to zip to move files into it, because WinRAR takes way longer to do that for some reason.

    3. Circa


      I always use that method and never ran into that issue.

    4. Circa


      In fact, I've had more experiences where Pakscape would corrupt files. Used to happen all the time when I used it years ago.

  16. I wanna make a skin/kitbash of Zayne Carrick from the KotOR comics. What model should I use as a base? I'm thinking either Jaden, HS/Toshi Anakin or Toshi Luke. What do you guys think? Reference pics: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/dustinweaver/13721257/3178/3178_900.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150805123821/starwars/images/2/27/Zaynemugshot2-KotORC.jpg http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150802062714/starwars/images/6/61/ZayneCarrick-KotOR1.jpg http://img3.wikia.nocookie.ne...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daedra


      Toshi Anakin.

    3. Psyk0Sith


      Nothing beats custom meshes!

    4. Rayce


      I'm not that good at modeling yet. I'm still learning the basics.

  17. Is it just me or has JKHub been going down at random intervals?

    1. Numfast


      Error: 502?

    2. Rayce


      That, or I get my browser's "cannot display webpage" message.

    3. Numfast


      I have it too today, but not with JKHub, I get it on other forum, that working on IP.Board too.

  18. Is there a limit to how many options a customizable species can have?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Needs a revamped GUI for the character creation altogether if a lot of more are going to be added.

    3. redsaurus


      I think there's a limit of 32 of each part in base. OpenJK does away with the limit so you can have as many heads etc. as you want.

    4. DrXann


      Does OpenJKA SP get rid of the npc limits in single player or is that hard coded

  19. Is there a way to get a server to perform a command at map change?

    1. afi


      I guess you could write a script that changes maps and at the same time loads a cfg or something like that

  20. Is there an MP version of Serenity?

  21. Is there an MP version of the Serenity engine?

  22. It appears player characters in MP automatically "stare" at characters of the opposite gender more often than others. Weird.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rayce


      Regardless of where you aim the camera or the diraction you move until you're far away from that character.

    3. Rayce




    4. Circa


      Yeah they look at all enemy players. If it's FFA, that means all players. If it's a team game mode, it's only the enemy team.

  23. Know of any good servers for JKO/JKA that allow guns?

    1. Syko


      Very few ones allow guns, I don't even know why. I'd rather play a regular gun match than some JA+ BS like 99% of the servers.

  24. Not trying to start a fight or make waves or anything, but I just noticed that EoCIV's ModDB page was closed down for re-authorization. I guess someone filed a report about what's been going on with that mod.

    1. Ramikad


      Apparently, yes. Ufo posted this link a couple of status updates ago:


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