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Everything posted by AngelModder

  1. Not the face it's the body texture, the actual suite. Don't make me drop some comparison shots, this is the third person I've found today who has the exact same texture I made slapped on other variants of this model...
  2. Jesus christ I found 3 other people using my textures, Wtf can people NOT reade a readme file?

    1. Ramikad


      More like: "Your files, much like your father's, are now... MINE!"

    2. AngelModder


      LMFAO XD ok that was brilliant!

  3. You really need to make sure you have some ones permission first before you use there stuff. I spent almost two months on the textures and the project overall. I see you did try to ask permission but read the post at the end...
  4. I want this removed! I did not give him permission to use my textures from Vader! People let me make this very clear. Do not take apart, open, adjust touch in general other then to play with my version of Vader without asking me. I also am getting very tired of finding it and my other mods off on other sites where people are claiming to have been the creator! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3190-luke-skywalker-dark-empire-ii-legends/ REMOVE IT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      A friendly reminder that for these kind of situations there's a very funny CONTACT US link in the description for direct requests, as well as a private messaging system through which you can directly contact admins.

    3. BladedHero123


      Dude your vader sucks you should be happy that people are the textures to make it better.

    4. AngelModder


      @Bladehero123 Right, that's why mine has the most downloads, has been used in several large mods, and has even been featured in articles and videos.

  5. I want this removed... You did NOT have permission to use my texture and most definitely were not given permission to edit it! I am really getting sick of how many people are disobeying my wishes and using this texture, re-uploading Vader under different names on other sites... You can use toshi's vader withing his own wishes, my texture... NO!
  6. Dont feel down folks work is being done on this. I'm just waiting until things are more finished before I show any thing more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yea I think a good video or set of video's would be nice going over what to do correctly and how all the new thing's work and should be used. The new shader's, entities etc. The best way to get people to use a product is to correctly show them how to use it. I hope they do some thing like this!
  8. So I know this is sort of butting in. But I'm currently working on Jedi's Home III, I've been watching for some time your guy's progress. If you're willing I'd like to make a version of JH3 work/use rend2 in support of your guys's work. I'd need to know HOW to set up my end to build/compile but other then that you don't need to hold my hand. In other words, I want in on this XD!
  9. Most curious myself. LOL I think theirs more former Jawa's here then not some time's. XD A trend perhaps?
  10. Keeping to the original(s) overall design theme and color scheme is 100% my top priority, however I also wish to take it a direction that due to the time period of jka in which they were built and or Skill of the craftsmen (no offense intended) & and breath a fresh breath of realism and sanity to it. Where the original(s) had nothing outside there windows, this one ground it's self more to realism by adding thing's not only to see, but to go interact with. While this map combines area's from V1 and V2 and try's to emulate there overall layout it also expands and adds onto the previous idea's. Where some time's thing's were done in the original's design just because they looked cool, now I try to give legitimate reason for what is. Honestly I would love to take this to Rend2 and take it up another notch once this variant of V3 is finished. So to answer simply. Yes I will do my best to remember what this is, but I also want to bring it to life and add onto it. Over the coming weeks I'll upload a layout of the map, explaining it in detail. From this you'll be able to see the original(s) and how I've expanded on them and given even more reasoning to be there. The courtyard for example in this map will be the main spawn point. With 4 directions to go. A: The Jedi Temple it's self. I consider this more like a small Jedi's Enclave in a sense, sort of like a private tutor with maybe a couple dozen Padawans under his belt because of there unique chosen path or abilities. (This has original area's from V1 And 2 + more). B: Republic Hanger AM-1321 - As this Enclave is just part of a much larger city visually this specific area has it's own hanger for Padawans, Masters, and even Senators to arrive and depart while dealing with the Master of this enclave. (NEW) C: Public Hotel and Cantina (unamed so far) - This is primarily for civilian use when visiting the enclave and occasionally for the Master of the enclave to blow off some steam (anonymously of course) by swoop racing civilians. D: Republic Training Center R-29 - An area I can't wait to show you guys, you'll actually get to this area via a train thingy. This is a fully realized combat and event area. Lets just say this will really give the map a LOT of us...
  11. I see a lot of flaws believe me. I don't like (looking at the picture) however blurry the skybox is, the fact every single window is lit up, how the ones that are lit up are all the same tone/brightness in appearance, how the white strips around the raised beds doesn't look very realistic it needs to be actual lights not just a white glowing texture, I really hate these damn trees... XD While I do appreciate praise, I appreciate honesty (worded politely) more. We all have very easily wound-able ego's, but some time's I completely run out of idea's, or worse; I have too many idea's...
  12. Well I always really liked these maps, so like any thing else I am trying to give it all the attention and quality it deserves. Today was spent mostly fine tuning and doing a LOT of texture work. As well I spent a bit of it planning out more of it's overall layout etc. The courtyard being the main spawn point for the entire map imo is the thing that will really set the tone for this project. Please remember while the map as far as overall design is 75% finished (it's layout and different sections) now begins the longer and more difficult part. Putting them all together nicely. Detail's shaders, texture creation and adjustment. Theirs a LOT more to go. So here is one more screeny of the Courtyard as she is tonight. tomorrow she'll be given a whole new level of life using artificial shadows and bloom effects. And hopefully if I can find some one to make them, or I can find some I can import, she'll also get some new tree's. I despise these ugly old things.
  13. Wtf is jedi tracker?
  14. I must sadly correct you. I am NOT Shadowstone... I am merely continuing this line of maps since he is no longer (for many years) a part of our community. However before his departure I spoke to him and asked if some day it would be alright to make a v3 since he was not planning to make one. He said sure. So here it is many many years later.
  15. Some updates to the exterior main courtyard. Far from complete and yes I hate the fog in the pit too, I'll need to design a new one. LOL I'll also be editing my sky a bit more obviously to fill in what would be the structure around this said courtyard. from here you would be able to see higher structure on the jedi's home side (indicated with the JK logo) and a high tower above for it's council chamber. Theirs a few different spots where this kind of work will be done before finally adding a skyportal allowing moving vehicles etc.
  16. So I'm working on Jh3, and I was looking at the main courtyard and decided I'd really REALLY love some new tree's. I know what I would like to see, but honestly I'd rather not be open about it here. They will be used for a later project as well. Any who it would be 4 trees at max... I could do them myself, however between building a clan, a website, this map, another small side map for a friend, and life... Good god I have no time or patience atm to mess with them. If interested please PM me.
  17. Wont lie I kind of agree, however it has allowed me to quickly throw together some interesting Rp pieces. So it has it's value in the community. IF you back it up with new texturing etc it's not a bad personal option.
  18. Depends on what you're overall target goal for your server is on a game play level? Theirs ofcourse the good old classics, Academy V2 & V3 Jedi's Home 1 & 2, and when I'm done with it V3 XD LOL. Uhm theirs also Alzoc 3 academy, dantooine enclave, Council GCX. These are very common for people to have. And honestly they DO attract people to servers. So tell us what you're looking for mate.
  19. So as many mappers know lighting a map is probably one of the biggest pains in the arse to get just right, and in this engine the rendering of such usually in some way or another lets you down. I personally set the world down to _lightmapscale 2 or 3 and make most of my map in different func groups and controll the light scaling as such. In the end I usually can do pretty decent. however as many of us know some time's you have a bigger map, and you build with a fear in the back of your mind of that dreaded Safe malloc BS... Which some time's theirs just no fix other then to remove sections. Not some thing I want my current project to suffer. Though with my experience I doubt I'll have a problem with. Not being cocky, just saying experiance pays off. I have a 2 gig gpu and my gf has an 8 gig gpu so either way I think we'll be fine. However this is Jedi's Home III (3). I want to go above and beyond with this. So my query is such, if I remember right from Darth G's lessons the light mapping process creates a file called a .srf. this is usually erased after the compile is finish as it's merged and baked into your map. It seems the actual generation of this is the point where most maps if they're going to have that critical safe malloc issue happens here. I recently some how managed to accedently generate a .srf that didn't erase it's self for my map (going to look into keeping it on purpose). By the way never put a .srf in your pk3 it will crash your game. I was curious as to what would happen. So lesson learned, it is bad very bad... So if some how we could get just the .srf could we then open this file (photoshop didn't recognize it again I need to look into alternative plug ins or programs) could we then create a more realistic lightmap by editing/creating the .srf file ourselves. using the export and or import (or perhaps other switches) switches for our compiler? Basically can we edit the .srf file if I'm viewing its perpose correctly and ergo save the compiler trouble and help it create a more realistic overall appearance in game. Furthermore, if we can then perhaps through a patch enable the adding of .srf files to a pk3 perhaps allow users to switch the lightmap via ingame?
  20. HA YES! That's it! You sir are a life saver! Thank you!
  21. Ironally thanks to blender you could do about one of these and hour... First you need to spit the mesh up into 1000 vert pieces or decrease there verts. I'd say split em personally and avoid losing details and messing up the texture mapping. Then reassign the textures, next bring them into a already rigged model, assign, weight paint the parts appropriately... Probably a little tweaking around and wallah, yea you could do it. But to be fair I agree, honestly people should learn to scratch make this stuff. If they're clever they'll do as is needed for these higher poly meshes to come into JKA and split it up a bit as they design it better. Ergo allowing a lot more detail. Or ffs maybe the open jk guys can edit this limitation with there god like nerd skillz?
  22. HAHA I actually wanted this for years. XD Thanks again jeff!
  23. Years and years ago hatrus made a sword for me that was published on jk2files. The Sword of Prometheus. Just curious if any one has my old sword. I lost the pk3 ages ago, and now that I've got a server of my own I would like to use it once again! <3<3<3 I would be most grateful!
  24. Do note you don't want any more then 3 moving layers. After that it can crash and cause other problems.
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