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79 files

  1. Oilman

    Author: Phonock
    This is the same as random skinpack for JK3.But instead of skinpack i will release
    it separately for JK2,because not everyone like to download skinpack which the size quite big.
    Also included new sound,team support and bot support.


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  2. Spike (BTVS)

    And why......?
    I've put this one together as I've always liked the character "Spike" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Tshirt and jeans are taken from an actual picture of Spike and the sounds are from various fan sites that I have made useable for the game.
    Not entirely happy with it at the moment but thought I'd put it up and get some feed back. This is version 2 of the skin V1 never actually got posted will update eventually with bot and team support but not for a while as working on other stuff too.
    Credit for sounds go to all those fan sites out there that have the wav files on.
    I can't tell you them as I just did a search for spike sounds and used sites at random.
    Thanks to all those people, you know who you are i suspect :-)


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  3. CE Nightwish

    CE Nightwish
    Author: JJ Hookz, Credit goes to Lucas Arts/Raven
    FILE SIZE: 854.47 kb
    Filename: nightwish.pk3
    Description: Storm Pilot with a fire shader, Blue and Red Storm Pilot with different kind of shade. Pretty basic thank you Lucas Arts.


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  4. SaitoHajime

    This is a Saito Hajime model based on the Anime/Manga Rurouni Kenshin. Included are 2 models: Saito as a police officer and Saito wearing Shinsengumi wear. Included are taunts and sounds extracted from the anime.

    So I was waiting patiently for the RKRedemption mod to be released and since It was never released and was cancelled. I decided to just create a skin. Hopefully this skin will be somewhat exciting for those who waited for the mod alongside me.
    While I would have rather had a Saito based off either the real-life saito or the NHK shinsengumi saito. I figured they wouldn't be quite as popular and that this would be a nice alternative. Please enjoy the skin everyone!

    CREDITS**: Thank you Lucas Arts for providing the Chiss model.  Jimesus_evil for creating the Samurai models. Nobuhiro Watsuki for creating Rurouni Kenshin! Without these people I wouldn't have been able to create the model quite the way I wanted!


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