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Guns & Explosives

57 files

  1. Westar Pistol

    This is a port of my Westar Pistol model for Knights of the Old Republic. Jango Fett’s iconic weapon is now available in JK3! Be wary, though: if you want to wield two of these bad boys you’ll need a mod that allows you to do this. The model is just a blaster pistol replacement!


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  2. M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon

    The M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon is one of the first really powerful weapons you’ll obtain in Mass Effect 2. Just got to kill a horde of vorcha. Ha. In any case, this upgrades the predator pistol that you start with and despite many other weapon options later in the game I found that the hand cannon stayed in my loadout for the most of the game. Its power more than made up for its small amount of ammunition. Saren also sported a slightly different version of the weapon in the original Mass Effect.
    This gun comes with custom sounds, hud images, and strings. It will replace the regular blaster pistol so you’ll have it from the start. Also as a note the two sides of the gun are not simply mirrored so the text will not appear backwards from one side.
    Note: There are two files here - an ME2 version and an ME3 version. These guns are IDENTICAL except for the sounds, since ME2 and ME3 have drastically different firing sounds. Use only ONE of these two files. I don't know what happens if you use both. The world might explode.


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  3. M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle

    I was always fascinated by Mass Effect’s weapons. The fact that you could see them on the character at all times was neat, plus they collapse when you store them! Before you ask, no, I did not do that. I wouldn’t be able to figure out that one even if I tried. However I did attempt to recreate the M-8 Avenger assault rifle as seen in Mass Effect 2 (as pictured below -- not to be confused with the similar but slightly altered M-7 seen in the original Mass Effect).
    Due to the limitations with the Quake 3 engine, I made an executive decision to place a higher emphasis on detail than efficiency since the engine lacks the ability to support normal mapping, which most current generation gaming engines not only use, but rely heavily on. As a result this model is fairly high-poly but should provide a level of detail that will make it a pleasure to see the weapon. The model includes first person and third person views and will also include a floating arm in the first person view as requested by the populace.
    Note: There are two files here - an ME2 version and an ME3 version. These guns are IDENTICAL except for the sounds, since ME2 and ME3 have drastically different firing sounds. Use only ONE of these two files. I don't know what happens if you use both. The world might explode.


       (2 reviews)



  4. Star Wars Galaxies Weapon Pack

    This is a group of 6 weapons based on the popular MMO "Star Wars Galaxies," including 3 new sabers and 3 guns.
    Scythe (Swordsman)
    Executioner's Hack (Swordsman)
    Vibroknuckler (Teras Kasi Artist)
    EE3 Carbine (Carbineer)
    Scatter Pistol (Bounty Hunter)
    Light Lightning Cannon (Bounty Hunter)

    Scyth > saber swg_scythe
    Executioner's Hack > saber exec_hack
    Vibroknuckler (right hand) > saber vk_right
    Vibroknuckler (left hand) > saber vk_left
    Vibroknuckler (for dual sabers) > saber vk_right vk_left

    NOTE: I suggest using Vibroknucklers as dual sabers, as I designed them with dual sabers in mind.


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  5. Crossbow

    It's a crossbow. It should have most, if not all, of the appropriate parts, as I tried to make it as accurate as possible. It also actually fires bolts (for the uninformed, these are like arrows... except bulkier). This replaces the blaster rifle.


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  6. FM-22 'Archon' Heavy Assault Gun

    This pack contains a BFG which will replace the concussion rifle. It's got green glowy parts and a nice little touchpad up top that ought to keep y'all amused for short periods of time. Contains custom icons and an edited strings file so it has its name instead of just being labeled as the conc rifle.


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  7. T-21 Light Repeating Blaster

    This is the T-21 light repeating blaster, also known as the T-21 rifle in Star Wars Galaxies (no worries, I didn't base it off of that). It was a large and very powerful blaster used by Stormtroopers. This particular gun replaces the concussion rifle, because based on its description that seemed to be the most realistic replacement. It includes new icons as well as new strings.


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