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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Ah, I remember this. Great map. I loved the npcs in this map...
  2. One word: Amazing!
  3. Holy Crap! Nice map, looks like another hangout...
  4. Merek


    This is nice, very nice!
  5. I like this, I think I'm gonna use this from now on...
  6. I'd write a list of essential mods for JK2/JKA but I doubt I would ever complete it .. (Ya know, too many to list) I'll give it my best shot tomorrow...
  7. Whenever I try and load a specific map (Atlantis-P4M1249, Stargate Event Horizon map) or I try to connect to a server running that map I crash with a Client Crash error (nothing more specific is given). I used to be able to run it fine and I haven't changed any settings or anything, I did update OpenJK and JA++ though. Is there any way to fix this? Any help is appreciated.
  8. Here you go. Enjoy
  9. I usually have issues downloading a file if I load a page, then open a new tab and come back to it after like 5 minutes. I have to refresh the page to get it to work again.
  10. No, its a map port. I have it if you want it.
  11. Merek

    Makermod on JA++

    Tried that already and nothing happened. Do I need makermod installed for this to work?
  12. Merek

    Makermod on JA++

    Is anyone gonna give me an answer?
  13. Interesting, I'm not sure I'm ready to step on Circa's turf just yet...
  14. This is very nice. Basic and simple, I like it.
  15. Merek

    Makermod on JA++

    How do you install this plugin?
  16. Merek

    Internet Explorer

    Thanks for getting my hopes up. I was hoping this was a .pk3 allowing us an in-game web browser. Oh well, thanks for making Microsoft look stupid! That's why I'm giving this a 5/5.
  17. No problem man, we live to serve (or something along those lines).
  18. Here's mine: Btw @@Raz0r I'm stealing your map cycle code
  19. Merek


    I've never actually heard of this cvar, what does it do?
  20. JA++ works best with a server.cfg. I wrote one that works rather well, if you want it.
  21. It's a start
  22. Looks like a padme reskin, still nice work!
  23. Nice work! 10/10
  24. Western United States (Oregon)
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