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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Western United States (Oregon)
  2. Merek

    Jedi Hoth

    Very basic, I like it!
  3. Wordpress in my humble opinion, sucks. But that's just me. What's the status on the OpenJK website anyways?
  4. Merek

    JA++ Updates

    Cool, thanks man.
  5. Merek

    JA++ Updates

    Has the admin messages been fixed?
  6. Already tried using the makermod plugin, wouldn't work (or load for that matter). I could use some help getting it to work @ @@Keyten. Also I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing.
  7. I mainly use ultra utility for the !brushmoveorigin * and coordinates/gps system for map modding. Would be nice if that feature could be implemented into a JA++ Plugin or something.
  8. Perfect! 5 stars all the way...
  9. Yeah just noticed this yesterday on CK_Atlantis2. The puddle jumpers and the stargate were glitching and now I know why. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the help! Looking forward to the next JA++ release
  11. I really enjoy using JA++ but there are some problems with it: I've noticed that when anyone uses the amghost command (whether it to ghost yourself into it or be visible again) the admin messages/strings are opposite of each other. (Ex. You enter amghost (you're invisible) and the printed message tells you everyone can see you. The same thing happens when you become visible, the message tells you that you can't be seen.) What's with the weird underline in the chat when a link/url is posted? It doesn't even underline the whole url it's like in the middle of the message. (Ex. When using the AutoMessage plugin to display a message saying something along the lines of "visit us online @ http://thissite.org" instead, the message comes out looking like: "visit us online @ http://thissite.org") There is an issue with the admin strings. When a command is executed (i.e. ammerc) the message appears as normal but all the other admins see the messages too. I've read that this issue has been marked as fix, but it's clearly still an issue. I've noticed an unusual amount of 1-hit kill bugs in saber combat. Is there any way to fix this? I'm not sure if this is an issue or not but the MoTD (Message of the Day) displays to everyone including spectators at the same time instead of appearing to the player when they enter the game. Finally, I can't seem to get players to instantly join the game. Players automatically are spectators upon connecting. Any way to get them to instantly join the game? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  12. I fixed this issue by installing the latest OpenJK Version November 9th, 2015.
  13. I have this same issue and I deleted all residual DLL files so I'm not sure what's conflicting. Both OpenJK and JA++ have been updated to the latest versions.
  14. Saw the preview on The JAWA Clan's website, fricking amazing!
  15. Welcome to JKHub @@Metatronicks I must assume you used Google Translate and that you do not speak english?
  16. I think there are too many Darth Maul skins out there as it is, a new one would be great though.
  17. Merek

    FFA Nowhere

    Nice map, think I'll put it on my server.
  18. Stupid question: Can anyone make a contest or does it have to be JKHub-Official to really count? Either way I never heard of a show called reboot, which is why this thread interests me.
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