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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Botdra

    Imperial Bunker

    Not bad man. There's some poor texture work and sloppiness here and there, but overall it's quite solid for an early mapping attempt. Good job!
  2. That game kicked enormous amounts of ass. One of these franchises is correct... it's not Star Wars though. And yes, it's N64. Few more hints: The Black Dahlia Murder has a reference to this series in one of their album titles. @@OmegaSigma was/is working on a project from the same genre. This level scared the shit out of everyone because it had an invincible enemy in it wielding a chainsaw. And Omegasigma, don't spoil it, because you know what it is from waaaay back in the day when I made this map but lost it.
  3. Boom. I'm sure someone will remember this from their childhood. So waaay back in the day there was a Castlevania mod for JA going on. I wanted to pitch in and Omegasigma told me I could help by mapping out the Hedge Maze from Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness. Long story short, I was 75% done and lost all my work. Fast forward 3-4 years and I decided to tackle it again. Right now I'm at about 90% done with brushwork. For now I'm going to just jack the textures from the original game (just so I can post screens with more than Caulk, and so I can test the map in-game) but hopefully I'll be able to make some real textures or find similar ones elsewhere. The map is about 95% accurate to the original game. I have added detail on the models that couldn't be done back then, as well as I made the hedges taller to give a more daunting effect, I feel. The scale is the Castlevania scale, therefore railing are just below shoulder height, doors are quite tall, etc. to keep the original feeling of size and keep the map very imposing. It's funny, the longer I spend mapping it the more I realize what a PERFECT FFA map this would be, and would actually be a bit scary having your friends pop out in front of you constantly. I found it quite creepy just walking around in the original version even though I KNEW I had killed everyone on the map, still approached every corner with skepticism. If anyone wishes to help with this I am in need of someone to make a good shader for the hedges, and a couple of very basic map models. Details upon request. 80%80%
  4. @@OmegaSigma has a ton of Castlevania map stuff going on. Tobi made some killer skins too that fit perfectly. And I'm currently working on a map just for fun, might release it... we'll see.
  5. Personally - and this is just my opinion, not what you can/can't do - I think people should frankenstein the shit out of models, as long as it's done decently well. With a dying community and so many cool models that could come from something as simple as a head swap I think it would be awesome. Now, being able to release these things is another issue entirely.
  6. My inspiration: "My god, I love *insert other video game here*, let's put some of that in Jedi Academy." With a rotating choice between Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and Castlevania.
  7. Please do, I was making a small hangar map centered around the Slave 1 being there... good god was that the bane of my existence.
  8. It's looking better every time man, keep it up.
  9. Doesn't seem legit to me, but if it is it seems disorganized...? Either way, this makes me sad.
  10. I wouldn't call GTA5 a new "intellectual property". It kind of rides that line between IP and series every time a new game comes out, but I'd lean towards it not being a new IP. Also, you don't know their "list"... you just know what they've told the public.
  11. Good call, never used Force Sense much but that noise did bother me.
  12. Fuck. That. Shit. I have to say, this is the first GTA game I'm legitimately looking forward to. They were always games that I wasn't all that interested in, but always ended up playing and enjoying. This one I'm actually excited for.
  13. Love it, looks a lot like my companion from TOR! Great job man.
  14. There's a difference between bashing and being honest. I'm not saying it sucks, just stating my opinion. If you think that's bashing you haven't been on the internet very long... They definitely are taking a lot from other games... I'm not faulting them for it, if they can make it all work that's awesome, but right now it looks a bit patchy, and doesn't seem to gel. But again, it's pre-alpha so can't blame them.
  15. Looks good, but it also looks like a very cool idea that is being poorly executed, personally. Looks a bit like they just took all the cool things people are doing in other games (crafting, "special" infected, setting traps, block systems etc.) and putting them all into one game hoping it works. But hey, it's pre-alpha, so who knows what could happen.
  16. Please make a night time version, please make a night time version, please make a night time version... Looks great man. I tried something like this myself a few years back but got busy with other things and never completed it. Great work, keep it up.
  17. You should learn to create separate layers for separate parts of your textures. It's a massive time-saver and allows for other cool features that would be more difficult to pull off in another method. Separating different parts of your textures allows easy manipulation of the parts, especially if you want to go back and resize, color correct, etc. after you've made it. It will make your life much easier.
  18. Did you not make the "second layer" on an ACTUAL second layer in your graphics program?
  19. Very nice man. My only criticisms are that the railing on the staircase looks a little bit too 2013 for me, and that perhaps you could go with more verts on the doors to make those circular entryways smoother.
  20. This would be awesome. I've been wanting armored Jedi robes since before TOR, it looks rad, is easy to reskin to your own unique ideas, someone do it.
  21. I was thinking thickness, but it may just be that the torso and head are still out of proportion/large.
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