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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Or walking slowly in the middle of the sidewalk. Those people should be shot on sight.
  2. Fair enough, but I'm sure the majority runs it online like I do. I'm perfectly happy playing games offline, but we use the PS3 for Netflix, DVD and Blu-Ray as our entertainment unit in our family room, so we kind of have to have it set up like that.
  3. Your previous version looked more like him.
  4. Saw this earlier. Too late Microsoft. While at this point I don't consider anyone who buys an Xbox One a fool, as previously stated, I still highly recommend people do not purchase the product. Just saying "We tried to scam you and got caught so we changed it." isn't good enough, they still tried and that's enough for me to say no. That and the fact that although you don't NEED to be online, let's get real - how many of us ARE going to be online with our consoles whenever they are on? My PS3 is always connected to the internet (when it's on), otherwise I couldn't use Netflix, the Playstation Store, etc. So even though you are not forced to always be connected, I still don't like the idea of making the camera a mandatory part of the system which can still easily be hacked if I'm online...
  5. I know nothing about models, heh. Is ghoul2 a model format?
  6. I may do that as a last resort, but just wanted to make sure that someone else hadn't already done the work for me.
  7. Anyone know where I could snag a good Slave 1 map model? Make sure it's to scale as well please. I tried emailing SJC about using the one from his Jabba's Palace map and the email no longer works. I couldn't even find the model in the assets anyways, just the textures for it.
  8. I'm getting some major Pyramid Head vibes from this skin, and I'm loving it. Nice work man.
  9. That looks much better man. Still needs some work of course but it's definitely recognizable. Watch the shape of the nose, it's very unnatural and blocky right now. It needs to have shape to it, and be more triangular.
  10. Difficult to change? If it's not too tough to mess with then I'll see if someone can do it for me, but if it's too much of a hassle I'll leave it as is. I still added the icon and changed all the text, so it's still a big step up from the original mod.
  11. Yup. It's not Luke Solo so I have no complaints.
  12. I think you're throwing around the word "terrorism" rather trivially. This is nothing like 9/11, but I do understand what you are getting at by using it. The problem is you can say "boycott" all you want, but how often does that actually change a companies mind? Unless you can get a vast majority to boycott a company or their product you won't make an impact. A loss in sales does not mean a company will rethink their choices and change what they are doing. What does change their mind is a major hit to sales. Plus even if people don't buy the Xbox One and most people go with the PS4, Microsoft isn't going to say "What we're doing is wrong", they will just keep doing those wrong things but give you other reasons to buy their console like some free games, making online play free, etc. You can't send a message by not buying the system because all that tells them is just that, people aren't buying the system. Unless every person who doesn't buy it writes them a letter saying "I'm not buying it because I want to protect my privacy", Microsoft isn't going to know the real reason people aren't buying the consoles. At the very least I will say that when Anonymous takes down a company they are always well aware of the reasons why, thanks to what's left on their websites and the announcements they make. They get the message across a lot better than the above method, can't argue there. Keep in mind Anonymous do more than just DDOS websites. There's rallies, posters, street teams... there's a lot going on. I don't see why using internet skills to force a company to stop doing something that is wrong is any worse of an offense than a company doing something wrong. At least one side is fighting for what's right and fair. Now of course we get into the whole "who decides" debate, but so far I haven't seen anything they've done that's made me angry. I always felt whatever happened was deserved. Just because it's legal doesn't make it right, just because it's illegal doesn't make it wrong.
  13. And with good reason, there's sooo many errors in the code still, I'd rather have clean code in base JA than glitchy code that slightly enhances visuals or something.
  14. Advent Rising is an absolutely fantastic game. Just saying.
  15. Maintaining your privacy is not incredibly stupid. What's incredibly stupid is people saying anyone who runs their internet through VPN is paranoid. Anyone who constantly deletes web history is paranoid. Anyone who shreds their bills and personal documents before throwing them away is paranoid. Being safe and secure in this day and age is difficult, and you have every right to maintain that privacy. The problem here is not the cameras alone, it's easy to say don't buy it, but if they started putting cameras in electric guitars (I'm a musician by the way) and you said "Just don't buy them" do you really think that's an answer? Now obviously you and I don't make our living off of the Xbox One like I do off of my guitar, but even so, the point still stands that they are taking something that was once ours and making it theirs. They are taking something we know and love, something we use to relax, something we use to unwind, and saying "You can have that, but at the cost of your privacy." Sure, if I don't buy it I won't have that problem, but it shouldn't have to come down to that. The point is we should never have to worry about our gaming consoles watching us. Want to put a camera in your console? Go ahead Microsoft, but then use some form of security to protect it from being hacked and accessed by outside sources. Or how about disconnecting from the internet when you play games that require it, for safety reasons? Or, better yet, make the damn thing optional.
  16. That's a negative. For the record, what I did was change the file paths for them to use gfx/blankelectric/lightning3 which was just a blank image. No change whatsoever.
  17. Alright I'm tired of this, I need help. I can't find the damn lightning impact file for when lightning hits a player ANYWHERE. It's not in the .efx files for Force Lightning, DEMP2, or Stun Baton. Anyone have any ideas?
  18. I started running JA in windowed mode so that I can still watch YouTube vids on my 2nd monitor in fullscreen without them shifting about because of the change in resolution when JA loads up. For some reason I get random spots of major lag/stuttering that last for about 3 seconds at a time then goes away for like 5-10 seconds, and repeats. Any ideas?
  19. Definitely, I still can't figure out how to do it but I'll spend some time today sorting through the assets and see what I can do.
  20. Thanks man, that would be great.
  21. Somehow it appears that the issue fixed itself... ? It now works and displays just fine. Which means progress! The only thing left to do is remove the graphic of electricity on the player and replace it with blank ones. I don't want to use the flame effect instead as I feel that would mess wit the game a bit too much. Still having trouble with that part but I'll work on it.
  22. I was just thinking about it matching the other Aurebesh font I've used in the graphics. Yeah I can position it I think, assuming it's using the same format as the base HUD menu it'll just take some trial and error.
  23. Cool, if we could make it look as close to the rest of the text in the .png's as possible that would be great. I just used the Aurebesh font file from here. The English font is just Calibri.
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