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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Jesus dudes, I leave you alone for 5 god damn minutes... That would be awesome. @@AshuraDX maybe you can do something that matches the color of the foliage on @@ChalklYne's map models he's contributing for this map. ... This isn't my map anymore, is it?
  2. That's exactly what I will do, but as I said I'll need someone's assistance with that, as even after spending a while with shaders for skins etc. I still have a lot of trouble with them and usually have to copy and adjust other people's shaders.
  3. I don't think it's that the projectiles themselves are bigger, it's more like there's a projectile and then a secondary layer of... I don't know, globiness that has less shape to it that goes around the projectile. Does that make sense? I haven't seen the movies in ages.
  4. Same here. @@Circa I would say it's a bit big and a bit too "radioactive" looking. Too neon/bright. Go for something a bit more subdued and transparent like the movies. Maybe make the projectile a bit smaller as well, width-wise.
  5. I've already shaped them that way as brushes, but doing them as sprites is another matter. Thanks boys. I'm still a bit confused on the skybox/sprite deal. Let me try and simplify it for myself... the textures I'm wanting to use for my skybox are the "textures/skies/b_bk" series. Now those textures - if I understand correctly - are just that, textures. They will just look like stretched textures with seams in game. How do I apply the shader to make them look like a proper skybox? As for the plants, say I wanted to use "textures/yavin/temple_vinesalpha" as some ivy/vines on a wall. I just created a new caulk brush just in front of the wall, and put that texture on the front of it. I'm assuming that's the wrong way to do it, so how do I properly do it? And lastly with the plant sprites, @@ChalklYne wouldn't that method require me to use a certain ground texture in order to have the grass/flower sprites show up?
  6. Probably a stupid question, but how do I get plant sprites and skyboxes working in my map? There's textures in the base folders to use for them but I don't know how to actually get them to work properly and not just be a brush with flowers/backgrounds on it. Also, if I wanted to add a moon to a skybox, how hard would that be? And lastly, I wanted to create very specific layouts of flowers similar to this, how could I achieve that?
  7. Some updated pics. Started texturing a bit using a combination of base textures, modified base textures and free textures found online. The hedges aren't going to be that flat texture, going to try and get some help making a shader for it that has a second layer of some foliage over top to give it some depth. If anyone could help with that I would be extremely grateful.
  8. The map is overcast, so a more even light would probably be better but I might to a tiny bit of sun as well. How do I use the worldspawn exactly? And what's a good value to use to start with?
  9. How do I add ambient lighting in a map? The map I'm working on right now is a copy of a map from another game, whose lighting basically came from the fact that it was outdoors, no other light sources. Just wanted to recreate that effect in my map.
  10. Cheers @@ChalklYne, I'll do the pillars in Radiant probably but if it's easy for you, you can totally send versions with and without pillars and I can try them out. Up to you though.
  11. @@ChalklYne Great dude, thanks so much.
  12. @@ChalklYne Those look incredible man, those are perfect. I feel bad now, considering my map isn't up to the same quality as these models! Oh well, it'll give me something to strive for then, heh.
  13. Thanks man, everything looks great. Take your time, I'm just thankful it's being done.
  14. Great work man, but could I request the torch have the grass bottom removed? I'm just thinking it would be tough to make it look natural with a different grass texture etc. Plus I can always put some grass sprites at the bottom of it for realism. As far as the chipped models go, I would say just keep the models the way they are and just have the textures look a bit worn down and chipped with age.
  15. Howdy. I have a seamless texture I want to mess with in Photoshop to make it look dirtier and aged, but how to I make it seamless again afterwards? Probably a stupid question but never figured out how to properly make seamless textures. EDIT: Figured it out, thanks.
  16. @@ChalklYne: Those will do just fine man, they look great. I'd be down with the vines.
  17. @@ChalklYne: That looks great man, thanks. I do have a couple request for tweaks though if that's okay. On this once, notice how in the texturing there's more detail to it, a lip on the top, some decorative architecture on the sides etc? Could you add a little bit of dimension similar to the texture? It's also odd because in that first screenshot you can see that it looks like a square vase on a square stand, but look at the screenshot below. Oddly, the model turns with the player. The 2D sprites like the ornament on the right always faces the player and turns with him, which makes sense to it doesn't seem like a sprite, but the square vase is actually a 3D model, it also turns wit the player though for some strange reason. So if you look at the screenshot below, I actually had the impression that it was intended to mimic a circular vase, but honestly I like your design better based off the first screenshot. This is the best shot I could get of the other one. Is that better? I also don't need those big blocky stands done either since I've done them in radiant, but if you wish to do them yourself that's fine by me. And yes, textured if possible, not a problem if you want to just do the model though. Oh, and lastly could you make that torch more of a rounded top, and make that top half a bit bulkier? Check the reference shot for dimensions. I know it looks square in-game but I think it was intended to be round.
  18. I think I recall this being pondered years ago and the idea was scrapped entirely because it was so complex. Too bad though, would be incredibly fun! Might try and tackle some more gameplay oriented stuff though, but not until I get this map done.
  19. I need 4 very small and easy map models for a map I'm making. The map is from Castlevania 64, and I have a WIP on it located here: http://jkhub.org/topic/2398-castlevania-64-hedge-maze/ These are just to odd/complex to make it radiant efficiently and properly, so I think map models would be best. Obviously they would be made in higher detail and look like they belong in a game of Jedi Academy's graphics, but structurally I'd like them to be as accurate to the originals in proportion etc. as possible. I do have a .bsp file I can send to anyone who wants to get the scale right to my map. Here's the reference image for the 4 models. Yes, just the circles parts. That means the two models on the outsides just need the ornamental top made, I have already made the large rectangular base in GtkRadiant. Any help would be great, even if you can only assist with part of this. Thanks for reading.
  20. Yuppers. Probably my favorite game series of all time, and a relatively easy map to do so I thought eh, why not.
  21. So I heard. Shames, maybe we can get a small release together sometime.
  22. Final Cut Pro X here. Was never big into effects until lately, but now I've been adding more and more to my stuff. Fun to mess with things, effects can give just a SLIGHT little polish and edge to what you're doing, or be crazy and unique too.
  23. Here's some more images of the details and layout of the map for those not familiar with it. Map layout:
  24. Heh, close enough. I might as well give it to you guys. Title change in 3... 2... 1...
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