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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. I was asked to many times but never got around to it haha.
  2. Too many incredible games that are console exclusives.
  3. His arms look rather odd, like the muscles are in weird places... too much shadow on them too I think. But other than that this whole thing looks killer! Great work man, glad to have a solid ESB Luke in JA.
  4. I'm gonna wait until spring/summer. Wanna focus on school and get into the swing of things before buying one. Maaaaaybe Xmas but I'll be very lucky if I can get one by then.
  5. Considered, passed. But thank you for your suggestion.
  6. Yeah those will be detail I just hadn't gotten around to it. How are you compiling it? I can get it to compile in BSP -meta but I can't compile in anything else that I tested (the last final option and the last test option both gave me the same error). Thanks, I'll use a curve... for some reason I thought I had done that originally, thanks for pointing that out.
  7. Always the first person to help with my map problems, heh. Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?np799grb7877lp7
  8. Got this error when compiling. I saw a few threads via Google that had people saying they fixed it by making sure all their tiny brushes were detail brushes... that's definitely NOT an issue with my map, so I don't know why I'm getting this error. Thoughts?
  9. Figured we needed to start discussing the SP side of this mod, since the MP side is extremely easy to do with assets from the SP side. I'm gonna copy and paste some ideas from myself and Omegasigma into here, since we were talking a bit about it over PM. Some ideas I had: Some ideas Omegasigma had: So let's start the brainstorming on gameplay and storyline and see what happens. All ideas are welcome!
  10. Not to mention that would be rather excessive for 6 threads.
  11. I just don't understand how this inconveniences you (or the whole forum, apparently...) so much that you see the need to ask us to merge all of our threads... in a mod project forum. It is organized the way it is, I think. The threads are labeled by the type of WIP it is, and they are separated for that exact reason, to keep things organized. It's easy for the mod team so we can keep discussions in their proper threads instead of junking up one massive thread with all these different comments on different maps, it's easy for people who are interested in the mod to see what we're working on and what we're not working on. If we merged it all into one thread people would have to go through pages and pages of stuff to find what they're looking for. It's a workspace, and it's working well for us. I understand someone making a suggestion about what might be a more organized way to present our WIP, and I appreciate that. It's not the way I thought would be most organized so I decided against that idea, but I don't fault you for suggesting it at all. What I don't understand is just how this system makes you (and again, apparently the whole forum) feel so violated and "pestered" by us making threads in our own subforum.
  12. Botdra

    Secluded Alcove

    Very nice, I like simple maps that are done really well. This one is small and simple, but still well polished and still interesting to look at. Great job man!
  13. That. Just how is it pestering you? You do realize this is a mod project forum? This is the entire reason we made a mod project forum, to have a workspace. I see no reason why this should pester you at all. You don't have to come to this subforum if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to open every thread I make. Unless someone is pointing a gun to your head and making you do so... in which case I sincerely apologize and should probably call the cops.
  14. You bastard. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1551-hq-levelshots-for-spmp/ Great work man, they look fantastic!
  15. I was thinking Skyrim when I saw it! But then I remembered the terrible facial animations so I left that out.
  16. I love the third one a lot, very well done. He just feels very "real", you know? I feel like if he went to talk his facial animations would be much greater than JA.
  17. Here's the beginning of the Villa from CV64/LOD. This is near the beginning of the game, right after working through the towers and the castle gate area that occurs after the first level of the game. So I guess this is technically "Area 3" of the game. The Hedgemaze and Villa Underground maps that are in this subforum are all also part of the "Villa" area. Eventually I'll do the inside of the Villa too, but one thing at a time. Hopefully I can have the whole Villa area done at some point. 65%65%
  18. I wasn't, I just thought I fixed it but apparently there is more for me to learn! I'll PM it to you @@Pande if that's cool.
  19. Problem is, we do want to try and have a whip and a melee weapon (two handed, maybe right click is whip hand left click is sword hand). But that's just an idea we've brainstormed, and we can always work around whatever it takes to get a working whip in-game. Or if possible have a playable character with a whip, and another playable character with a sword. Basically I don't want to lose all the melee options just to get the whip, heh.
  20. Could work, my only issue is that I think EVERY CV game has the whip disappear when not in use. That might be an issue if we do it in this method. Or you'd just have a random damage bone that could hurt people even when you aren't attacking. I mean, we could pull out some lore here and reference the fact that the Vampire Killer (the famous whip in the series, although there are other whips and whip-like weapons in the series) was made with alchemy and in some ways can be passed off as "magical" therefore causing damage simply on contact, but that depends on where it appears in the timeline etc. Anyways, I suppose if there was a damage bone that means we could have the whip "disappear" simply by having the idle stance of the player have the whip rolled up in his hand like so. This means we could pin it to a model and still have the "disappearing effect" like in the games. But we'd have to make sure it doesn't do damage to our character, heh. The only issues I can think of are that the damage would only be at the very tip of the whip, whereas a more realistic and convenient gameplay scenario would suggest all parts of the whip past the hand cause damage. The other issue is whether or not you would have to set up each individual model for this separately? I don't know much about modeling so... What would be the way to do this WITHOUT pinning it to a player model?
  21. Is this something that should be done with the new code release or is it not required? Thanks guys. Any possible ideas on how this would be done - even if you aren't interested in doing it yourself - would be really appreciated. If we can just gather the info needed into this thread we're hoping someone will pick it up.
  22. Howdy! So on behalf of the Castlevania Mod team, we'd like your help on making a working whip for JA. Because it is such an iconic weapon in the Castlevania series we really wanna find a way to make this work, even if it's a very simple version of a whip in JA. I noticed @@katanamaru volunteered to pitch in with weapon styles for it if we get that far, and I know @@ChalklYne had some ideas on how it might work... perhaps a few of us could put our heads together to figure out how to make this work? Right now we're not too worried about the actual model of the whip, at least not until we know we can make this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. I think I've fixed it up pretty well actually, thanks to your help. I compiled the map in about 7 minutes, whereas before that I ended the compile at 15.
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