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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Howdy. I was wanting to see if I could make a mod that implemented an animation (or at least a post) when you are typing something in the chat in MP. Is it possible? How easy would it be? I'd just be using a base animation really, just want to know if it's possible and how to do it. Cheers!
  2. The best you can do is state your opinion and just leave it at that. If they don't listen to you, don't make it your problem.
  3. I'm just looking for any way to implement this. While my idea seemed like the most canon/immersive and practical way to me, I'm more than happy to be a part of any other methods people think would be useful. I don't mind releasing it in multiple forms either.
  4. So is anyone interested in figuring out how to implement this using what was discussed in the request thread for this? @@therfiles, @@eezstreet, @@Raz0r? I'm working on making the graphic a "underlay" for the base JA HUD, but if someone wants to script it so that it displays a DIFFERENT image when your crosshair is on an enemy then I could make that second image the version of this scanner with all the info of the bounty.
  5. Someone get me up to date on the paying to use online features on PS4? I'm seeing a lot of different information on it, most of it conflicting. Most people are talking about Playstation Plus but others seem not to be.
  6. Okay thanks, too bad not a lot of games allow me to run in 1920x1080. ATI Radeon HD5800 is my card btw.
  7. Howdy. I've recently upgraded to two screens on my PC and it's great for multi-tasking, but I need some help. Some games I can run in fullscreen on the one screen and there's no issue, but some games I get either one of these two issues: 1) It works fine, but all my other windows that were on that same screen were pushed over to the second one just a bit, and the windows in my second monitor are pushed a bit off screen 2) Same as the first issue, but it freezes the image of the second monitor, so if I was watching a movie (or more commonly YouTube) on the second monitor it'll just freeze. It's still playing so I can still hear the audio, but video is frozen. Any remedies for this?
  8. Well your helpfulness has produced progress @@therfiles, but not completely fixed it yet. The icon in-game now says Flamethrower, but for some reason the force power menu still displays nothing where it used to say Lightning.
  9. Been out all day. Just putting it together now, will let you know.
  10. Chill out man, I'm just saying there's more important things in life than if some guys who make textures for a 10 year old game are listening to you in a thread on a forum that only a handful of people go to. You're right, but it's not a big deal.
  11. As if you're the only one with an educated opinion here?
  12. Eventually there will be a fire effect on them, for now I just want to replace them with blank images for the sake of knowing which ones are which... and seeing what effect it has on the DEMP and other things that use those files.
  13. Nothing here was meant to attack you, they were all extremely valid points, so there's no need to act like a victim. In fact I think it was all helpful advice for anyone trying to do a TC mod. If you're offended by something like Corto's comment about you not being able to do a Vader model and now wanting to do a TC, then you're in the wrong place. It's a completely fair point to bring up. And anyone who is requesting help with a TC should expect to contribute to that mod to some extent - which is why people were asking what your skills were. Again, completely valid question. Now just to clarify, are you working on a game with some friends of this mod idea you had? Or completely different story/idea?
  14. Thanks, glad you like them. Okay just in case I have moved them to a folder named "ASSETSSTUFFZ" just so the game wouldn't load them (I'm assuming). That might have caused some conflicts there. I modified the shader by opening the effects.shader, saving it into the directory that I use to edit all my mods (on the desktop, nowhere near my JA game folders), then replacing the 3 parts you told me to replace with the code you gave, then saved it and put it in my .pk3 for the flamethrower mod under shaders/effects.shader. EDIT: The black sqaures is coming from another mod, not mine. Phew! Still having issues with the strings though, now the force menu doesn't show any words for lightning/flamethrower, and the in-game icon for it displays, but still says Lightning under it.
  15. Interesting... So in order for me to load these strings without any conflict, how do I launch it via a mod folder properly then? Also, this may be a stupid question, but does the game only load stuff in your base folder if it's in .pk3 form? Or would having a folder with the correct file paths also be loaded? For example, if you had a folder in your base folder called gfx with a bunch of gfx for JA in it, would those be loaded too? That may be my issue. Another update in the description of the effect. I changed from this: To this: Thoughts?
  16. Well, I definitely screwed up something. I did just as you suggested @@therfiles and for some reason it messed everything up. The small dust effect that happens when you walk on sand now just displays black squares (I never touched this?), the electricity effect is still there on the player, and now the Force Menu in MP has gone back to saying lightning instead of flamethrower. EDIT: Nevermind, the black squares are not shader related... will figure that part out.
  17. I think I'll do the descriptions myself, but I'll use Wookiepedia for reference, thanks @@Horatio Culver. In game though, the lightning stages just have a larger effect and more damage every time you add a point/rank to it, yes? Just so I can get accurate descriptions that still fit the effect in the game. @@therfiles: Excellent man, thank you very much. Gonna try this now and get back to everyone. Also not sure what you mean regarding strings. I edited the strings and then put them into a .pk3 in GameData/Botdra, a mod folder for testing my mods. The name of the .pk3 is Flamethrower.pk3, so it should load after the assets.
  18. So bit of an update, I got the Force Menu to change to say "Flamethrower" which is great. Problem is I can't get the text under the icon (the icon when you switch between force powers in-game) to change from Lightning. I replaced every reference to lightning in the MENU.str and sp_ingame.str files to Flamethrower, no dice. And surprisingly there is no reference to lightning in misc.str, mp_ingame.str, mp_svgame.str, or multiplayer.str files. Any ideas? Also, eventually I'll change the description of the force powers and the different levels of the force lightning to something more appropriate, but I just came back from playing a rowdy house show and the creative part of my brain is fried. @@AshuraDX Cool man thanks a lot. Does it have to be black textures though? Are you referring to the alpha channel maybe?
  19. Forgive my ignorance, but are you saying I need to find those in the shaders and delete them? Or are you saying I need to use those to replace some shaders? I honestly have no clue how shaders work, despite making a couple in the past and them only working out of luck.
  20. Yeah I found that, thanks. Hmmm... well if that's the case that's cool, I can still use it for MP only since I don't know of any MP map where you get shocked. So what would I need to do to remedy that then? I was thinking just finding the images and either replacing them with base images of fire, or replacing them with blank images. Just don't know which images to replace and how the shader would come into it... I suppose I could leave the shader the same and just replace the images but keep the filenames the same, I don't need to do anything else right? I believe his is the base fire effect? Could be wrong. Thanks!
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