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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. Would love to see that for sure. I always found those enemies scary, especially in the Haunted Mansion Gamecube and Resident Evil 4. Great enemies. And yeah, Soma was my request. He's not exactly the most fitting in the universe of Castlevania, but Aria of Sorrow is definitely one of my favorite game in the series. Just started Dawn of Sorrow as well, loving it! Great work tobe.
  2. Relevant: http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=528.0
  3. Great idea man, sounds like a plan to me! Can't wait to see it. Very cool man! Soma's looking nice. These skins can definitely be put to use. Looking at the second one I really feel like that model could also be used to skin a great Mummy enemy as well.
  4. Eyebrows look too steep inward to me, notice how the actor's eyebrows are more sloping to the side of the head instead of the middle. Part of it is that he's smiling but most of it is just natural, I'm guessing. And yeah, the fact that he has a real beard and we have a skinned beard in JA is probably not helping the lower half of the face look like him. Could maybe make his chin bigger to make it look more like a fuller beard instead of paint, heh. The nose/cheeks area looks dead on to me! Hope that helps.
  5. In-game for sure. As cool as it is to see real life stuff, I feel it takes away from the immersion. That's just my opinion though, and I think it would be a no-brainer if you could get better animations with the engine (which is being worked on, I believe). But it's your mod, it's totally up to you!
  6. I thought we should start a thread on enemies for the mod. It can be classics from the Castlevania series or it can be original monster ideas, but we should start talking about this anyways. So far we have a skeleton enemy, a Dracula model/skin, a "2nd form" of Dracula which for now is a reskin of the Rancor model, and Tobi's Orc skin, which I'm assuming we can use. It's also worth mentioning we can scale different enemies and reskin them (for example, normal skeletons can be turned into a mini-boss giant skeleton) to get variation out of the same models. I thought it would be worth mentioning these models as possibly ones to use for the mod: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Werewolf;67567 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Peeping_Eye;93515 Might be worth seeing if we can use those. On top of that we could also do some ghosts up (Ragnos style) and maybe some floating and/or flaming skulls to replace the remote droid possibly. Just brainstorming ideas of how to get some classic enemies up in here. So I'm leaving this side of things in the hands of @tobi_one, @@AshuraDX and @@ChalklYne to do the actual work, but I think we should all be involved in the discussion of things. You three have a lot of freedom to do whatever you want on this side of things, but be sure to keep us in the loop and updated when you can. Anywho, let's start a discussion! Who do you want to see in the mod? P.S. If we can make as many of these enemies playable characters in the MP side of the mod as possible, that would be rad, but not a must.
  7. That's what I thought. Aaaaaand now we're speaking the same language, considering I still have no clue what you were talking about. And for the record, if I was serious I wouldn't have put a winking emoticon in that post. I find it very surprising you found that "provocative", considering it's just simply jesting. I hope you only found that provocative when you had your facts wrong.
  8. What are you talking about? What like? What thread? And just how was I trying to provoke you? I think I'm missing a key component to the story here. Also, I don't think it matters what "could possibly be construed", what matters is if it was a joke or not. If it was fine, my apologies. If not, we're back to here again.
  9. Then considering I did nothing wrong and wasn't involved in that, don't quote me in a post about what actions piss you off. I asked for your help by tagging you. If you have an issue with that, offer an alternative. Not everyone keeps track of what does and doesn't piss you off, believe it or not. Some people would find that funny, like myself. You don't and that's fine, nothing wrong with that. Now we (the people who actually viewed these posts, not everyone on the whole forum) know that, and won't do it. That's that, don't make it a big deal.
  10. They were right. They messaged everyone on the Wii to tell them (as I found after searching unopened messages), and still nothing. Well played Nintenderp.
  11. Right, because me tagging you because you're knowledgeable about a subject I am not is such a dick move.
  12. Interesting, so what would need to be done with the code then in order for you to have what you need?
  13. Yeah, I had the idea after playing LOS and remembering back in the day when I tried to make a small medieval village map... and of course LOS has one too.
  14. Interesting. So this would require - step by step - what exactly? Just we can have some sort of record of what would be required, in case anyone were to pick this up. Add new bones, create animations for the new skeleton with the new bones, pin the whip model onto the desire player model and then just compile it? And then do so for each model that requires the whip, right? Would this eliminate the possibility of having other weapons (swords for example) work properly in game?
  15. Things brings to mind another point. I think it would be good to have some exterior levels as well, like a village level outside the castle. We'll have to plan out and design the entire map of the game some more to figure out how things would work, but I like the idea of a village level to start you off slow, but develop a lot of the story through a mix of cutscenes and possibly scripted conversations? Maybe even a bit of questing if we feel like it (maybe meeting Rinaldo Gandolfini to get the vampire killer or some other weapon he forges for you, depending on what we can swing with the JA code) before things get rolling in the actual castle. I think we could also give that Rancor a bit of a makeover. Some shader work to give him big, bright red glowing eyes maybe? New soundset too perhaps. Just to get him as far away from the base rancor as possible... while still using the same model haha.
  16. The only thing I've used mine for in the past year was once for Netflix when I wanted to watch something on Canadian Netflix instead of American. Also, why is John Goodman your avatar?
  17. So I just got Raptr, figured I'd synch it with my Wii code... what's this? No more Wii codes? Can someone explain why in their right mind Nintendo would get rid of Wii codes? I get that they want to push the Wii U, but this is a very un-Nintendo move. Am I missing something, are they still there? Am I just a bit 'tarded?
  18. Personally I think there should be a two-form Dracula with a beast form like in some of the games. For now Rancor reskin would be sick as the stand-in, but eventually a standalone model would be needed I think. I would be a bit disappointed to see a reskin of a rancor as the final boss of the entire game, you know? And then we can take the reskin of the rancor and use it as another enemy in the mod.
  19. Looks great man, wonderful work.
  20. Yeah but for the MP side of the mod we need the scaling as well. Well, I think it would be nice anyways, it's up to the team.
  21. Don't you need some other config file along with them though? I remember JA+ had model scaling but base JA didn't? Yeah, we may have to go with replacing blasters instead of force powers if it gets complicated. That might even be MORE accurate to the games because you have ammo instead of force, and it doesn't recharge like Force Powers do. We could make all the weapons use the same ammo type, and you have to pickup ammo (or in this case, we can model the ammo pickups to look like hearts, like in Castlevania) and the mechanic would then be essentially the same as the original series.
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