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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Hi folks.


    I was wondering if any of our modellers could be tempted to create a character model for the Coruscant Underworld Police , as originally featured in the Clone Wars TV show.




    I think they have a very interesting - if underrated - design that evokes similarities to both WW2-era German stormtroopers and modern-day riot police. If anyone is considering taking up the request, I have included some more reference images in the spoiler tab below:









    Hopefully the design of these police officers pique the interest of someone here on the Hub.




    DTIII, krkarr, Omega and 4 others like this
  2. Only two things I could guess from that are:


    a) Permission issue, as @@Boothand suggests


    b) When you save your .map files (not compile, just regular saving in Radiant) is it saving to the directory listed in the error message? (GameData/base/maps/). Seems a silly question I know, but the message is implying that it can't find the .map file you're working on in the directory it expects it to be.

  3. When animating I typically put a plane under the player model, about 2.5 units lower (Z). That's essentially where the floor is in-game - anywhere higher would have the player floating when playing that animation.

    Basically, you have to keyframe every single frame of the animation, either manually (keys I + W, as "Insert Keyframe" and "Whole Character") or through Pose -> Animation -> Bake Action, both while in Pose Mode. Also, while exporting, you have to make sure you set the .gla reference in case it's animations for an existing skeleton, in case of the _humanoid it would be models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla (can't remember right now if the .gla extension is also needed, but I think so).

    Exporting a .cfg is not necessary, though it sure helps mixing up with the correct number of frames. Adding Markers (M key) in the Timeline View will make them show up at the correct frame numbers in the .cfg file.


    Very helpful! I was getting stuck with the 'Bake Action' step as it just kept resetting to the base pose whenever I did it but the manual keyframing looks promising. I'll report back with my results. Thanks!

    Ramikad likes this
  4. Hey folks, hope our Blender brainiacs on the Hub can help me out with this.


    I've been a long-time user of Blender in JKA modding and can comfortably use it to kitbash models, rig vehicles or make simple MD3s. Even beginning to tinker with creating my first 'from scratch' character model but still at the pigeon-step stage at the moment.


    What I'm really keen to do though, is start making some custom animations. I know it's possible with @@mrwonko 's plugins, and I've successfully imported and posed a skeleton numerous times. However posing is as far as I can get. Things always seem to fall apart at the export stage and nothing actually gets exported or saves, and other issues.


    The impression I get is that I'm missing some key steps in my workflow - the software and the plugins are working as intended, I've just got some gaps in my knowledge of how to actually do it. I can't seem to find a tutorial for it either.


    Would somehow who is familiar with the Blender/Animation process be kind enough to give me a step-by-step breakdown as to what I need to do to import, pose and then export custom animations?




    Circa and swegmaster like this
  5. I forgot to mention that I did conversion in MD3 view. I don't have Blender. Just wanna do some simple conversion is all.

    Right... I guess this is the part where the help might come in. From somebody who has Blender at the moment.


    Ah, right. Unfortunately there isn't a simple straight-forward 'conversion' that produces a fully-rigged .glm. As @@minilogoguy18 says, .glm need to have their hierarchies set up. This is easy enough (if a little tedious) to do in Blender - and if you're using base game vehicle animations then you could even copy most of the work from a vanilla model like the X-Wing or Raven's Claw. There are tutorials on the Hub that can help with hierarchies, tags, etc.

    zOrg likes this
  6. If I remember correctly, you need to give that vehicle the instructions to use its own .gla.


    Go into the models/players/x-wing folder (or some other vehicle) and copy the .gla file, the animation.cfg and the animevents.cfg and move that to the Academy shuttle's model directory. I think that's all I had to do with my BARC speeder bike (except I used the swoop one).

  7. Whenever Han gets shot, the game quits to the menu and gives me this






    @@eezstreet do you know the issue?


    Numerous possible causes, but the basic jist is that when you combine the verts-per-surface in the Han Solo model with the addition of things like weapons (and maybe even special effects like blaster bolts?) it can surpass the limits the engine can handle. There's a formula to calculate it exactly, but I would ask - are there any surfaces in the Han Solo model that are pretty close to the 1000 vert-per-surface limit? Anything 900+, let's say. If so, consider using the Decimate modifier or splitting up the surface even further.

  8. So today I went through the site and removed Volumes One and Two - as well as the tedious exercise of updating every comic cover for the other volumes to retroactively push them back in order, (e.g. Volume Three becomes Volume One, Volume Four becomes Volume Two, etc).


    I just think it was necessary for the sake of quality control - looking through some of those older issues there were things like horribly-placed speech bubbles, out-of-character dialogue and lame special effects that I felt did the comic a disservice.


    I know some people enjoyed those volumes regardless (and I appreciate those sentiments) so i may find a way to upload them as 'archives' at some point in the future. But for now they've been taken out of the official 'Tales From The Clone Wars' continuity!

    zOrg likes this
  9. Interesting results. You'll probably need to download one of the custom animation mods so that the 'idle' animation leaves the NPC straight-backed rather than the tilted-hips of the vanilla game, in order to make it easy to pose the green screen without it being angled to the right. Either that or modify the .glm in Blender slightly to compensate.


    And yes, the right shader settings should be able to make it a 'pure' colour.

  10. I actually organized them all, but there's almost no pain sounds. In Battlefront they used phrases as pain sounds, should I just do that?


    If it's literally just the pain sounds holding up the rest of the pack, then maybe just some generic ones will suffice? I'd be happy with those - reborn2, kothos or rax maybe?


    And @@gree - the Male and Female Agent skins contain model parts that I don't have permission to distribute, unfortunately. Was never able to contact the original maker.


    As for Sian Jeisel - she will be released at some point, but I don't feel like she's quite 'done' yet.

    gree likes this
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