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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Proof? Cause from what I'm seeing, it seems like you're just spouting out anger for the sake of starting drama.


    In fairness, based on the post in question one only needs to Google the :JEDI: website to see that the texture is indeed sourced from Silas' account.


    I don't believe the authorship of the texture is actually in dispute, but rather @@AuriusPheonix 's intentions by posting in this thread. If I'm understanding everyone correctly, Aurius has posted it in this thread as an example of a character he has kitbashed for his comic series, whilst @@Silas is of the impression that it has been posted here to imply that the full model - not just the kitbash but all textures too - were created by Aurius. This interpretation is entirely understandable given the title of the thread.


    It is no secret that many members of the ::JEDI:: community are highly protective of their custom RP skins - as they have every right to be. I've used several in the creation of custom models for my own comic series, but even though I may have customised them heavily I've avoided posting screenshots of them in my Modding Forum thread specifically because I have no intention of distributing them. They are for private use in the comic, and are credited on the comic's website.


    Works posted in WIP threads should ideally only contain content where there is an intention to eventually distribute them for public download. Anything that is specific to other projects (such as a webcomic, or for exclusive use in one of the hosted mods) should be discussed separately in the respective subforum. @@AuriusPheonix seems to have done this already now, but it is worth repeating to avoid future confusions.

  2. Interesting first issue. I'm going to save my thoughts on the storyline until a few issues are released as - just like any good opening chapter - there are plenty of questions that have been raised and there's no point in me asking questions without giving the story a chance to answer them naturally.


    My thoughts on the rest of the issue:


    + Finds a neat home between the old EU and the New Canon, with references to the original Dark Forces games, etc.
    + Ral'theron - if memory serves he's an NPC in JKA right? Nice continuity.

    + Good lightsaber effects. The arcs help display the choreography of the fights from panel to panel.

    + Some shots are framed in a very cinematic way - particularly some of the close-ups in the fight scenes.

    + Nice custom skins throughout.

    + Good use of different panels to convey things like motion (such as during the scene where Jaden spars with his guards)

    + Surprise 'consultant' credit!


    - Just a few bits of technical feedback to help give your comic a bit of spit and polish.

    - In some panels the edges around the characters look a little rough/shaky. Maybe consider using the 'Feather' feature in your photo-editing software to soften these edges? I also find trying to capture the largest possible image in Modview and then scaling it down helps make the edges look a lot smoother.

    - Speech bubbles. Two pieces of feedback I would give regarding speech bubbles are that A) Try to avoid linking the bubbles all the way to the middle of the character's mouths, as this ends up looking like the speech bubble is intruding over half their face (this was most notable in the scenes where Luke and Rey arrived to speak with Jaden). So long as the speech bubbles are pointing in the direction of the character's mouth, they don't have to stretch all the way to them. And b) Text in speech bubbles should avoid going close to the edges as this can look a little messy. In my experience I've found good results from trying to 'shape' the text alignment like so:

    "In the name of the

    Galactic Senate of the Republic,

    you are under arrest."


    This 'narrow at the top, wide in the middle, narrow at the bottom' alignment tends to be the best way of filling out speech bubbles without pushing too close to the edges. 

    It may seem like I'm obsessing a little over speech bubbles (of all things!) but I noticed the two things because I did exactly the same as you during my first foray into comic-making and the advice I've given here is the exact same that was given to me then.

    - A few typo's here and there ('Mandolorian', 'the Jedi where supposed to be brave', etc). Nothing too major.


    Overall, a solid effort that clearly shows a great reverence for the source material on the part of the creator. Just needs a few tweaks here and there - either way I'll be tuning in for the next one.

    Odeyseis likes this
  3. Okay, so none of these are personally my ideas/art. Just stuff I think would be interesting to see.


    1. Jedi Jawa







    2. Jedi Sentinel







    3. Jedi Robes Concept (Not for any character in particular but just cool robes that I just thought looked good.)







    4. Jedi Hunter/Inquisitor (If you need an antagonist, yeah they're in the GCW era in this art but looks good too.)







    5. Foul Moudama (Jedi from the '03 Clone Wars series)







    Some nice suggestions - I'm definitely going to use the Jawa one. Not as a Jedi, but I'll find a use for the design.


    I've tried Foul Moudama in the past but he didn't turn out so well - maybe time for a 2nd attempt?

    DTIII likes this
  4. No, this is actually only the case for model_root_0 or whatever the root in the hierarchy is called, everything below that is traversed automatically and the _0 suffix is just a convention used on import. For export only the properties count.


    The name of the mesh is irrelevant as well, only the g2 property counts.


    Huh, weird. I just tested it on a .glm and you're right - removing the _0 from a mesh surface's Object and Object Data tab still exported. I wonder what was causing @ 's traceback error then, since my steps fixed the issue? Was it just adding the '.jpg' extension to the shader box under Ghoul2 properties?

  5. No one truly **** in Star Wars. I can mention a lot of characters, who came into immortality so to speak via very different methods be it a sort of mysterious technique or their deeds. Even if it happened this way, as the spoiler suggests, I am actually okey with that: 1) it would make a difference in the new trilogy, 2) by this time in the old canon so much happened to Luke, that perhaps he could die some time around this date (34 ABY) too. All go to rest one day.


    This is perhaps what Maul wants the most - the poor guy have been tortured by rebirth again and again countless times now



    P.S. Too bad even ABY abd BBY are no longer canon.


    You may want to spoiler tag what you're talking about when mentioning the specific character :P

  6. Who's up for a mini-contest-but-not-really-thing?


    If anyone has a fan-created Jedi design they would like to be used in a future issue of the comic, please feel free to list them here. Upcoming issues of the comic have several roles that I want to fill with original Jedi, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to source some fan-made designs and try to recreate them in JKA. I've done this in past volumes for various characters (Jedi, clones, even the occasional droid) and people seem to like seeing their ideas realised in the comic.


    They can be your own creations or something you've seen around the Internet, I'm just looking for inspired designs to make into 3D models.

    Cerez likes this
  7. @@Jeff Could you port the Star Wars mandalorian model? That would be a dream!!


    Edit: I'm having a hard time finding this model ripped from the game, if anyone can help that would be great. @@Kualan how do you get your SWG models? 


    I extract them directly from the assets. You want the SWG Mandalorian armour? May I ask why - they just look like the ones already made for JKA? i.e. recoloured Boba Fetts.

  8. Posting here rather than replying to the PM so others can see the resolution:


    Ok I looked at the .blend file you sent me. Your model isn't named in the correct format.


    Under the Object tab (the orange cube) in the right-hand side, 'saber_w' needs to become 'saber_w_0'. All .glm surfaces in Blender need to end in _0 for export.


    And then, under the Object Data tab (upside down triangle) you need to name it saber_w_0 again instead of r2b_1 or whatever it's called at the moment.


    I also added the .jpg extension to the file location in the surface's Ghoul2 Properties box.


    That fixes the Traceback issues when exporting to .glm in Blender - however the model you're trying to export has a separate issue which will still prevent it from exporting. It talks about Edges needed to be split at UV seams so you will need to track down which parts of the model are causing this issue and use Edge Split to resolve it. It should then export perfectly. (Don't just use Edge Split on the whole model as this will balloon the vert count)

    Hashira likes this
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