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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Got hold of an extracted HK-47 from KOTOR, but the model seems messed up - parts missing, etc.


    I did, however, find what might be a better alternative. A guy called 'cirre992' made HD remakes of several KOTOR characters and offered them for free distribution with the original intention of someone porting them to the source engine for Garry's Mod:






    The HK model in particular looks pretty good - to the point that I wasn't going to share it here as I thought it was just a port of the SWTOR model. However I've extracted the TOR model and compared the two and it does indeed appear to be an original, free-to-use creation by the above user. It's also well within normal JKA model limits at ~2615 vertices across the whole model.


    If it's of any use to anyone for getting into JKA, the pack can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ks6nwgc3s1bb4cr/kotor+source+files.rar

  2. Been working on my Rig Nema WIP (the Jedi Temple healer from the Clone Wars TV show), and have managed to completely re-do her headdress by making my first ever from-scratch mesh:






    She still needs some extra work (particularly her adornments, like her belt and the tiara-thing she is supposed to have) but she seems to be shaping up in the right direction.


    Also came up with these two from the Clone Wars, just for the lulz:












    That last one is designed to serve as an NPC 'pet' that can harmlessly follow the player around the map in SP.

  3. Falon Grey's face textures, based off of actor Ty Olsson (From which the original X1, X2 and Falon Grey BF3 models were meshed off of) are coming along nicely:

    dDQqN9I.jpgNot quite there

    I was actually going to talk to you about that. Seeing as you are our inhouse Comic Creator! I do plan to do a comic series based off of the adventures of Jaden Korr. (After the Jedi are destroyed, set place in the new canon timeline). I've meant to offer help with your comics before, and I guess I'm offering now: Should you need help, I'm open to the idea, as I very well might come to you for aide in my own comic, respectively. 



    I'm always happy to offer advice/tips/answers to queries for anyone looking to make a JKA machinima comic. Just PM if you have any questions about assembling the series. It sounds like a neat idea!

    AuriusPheonix likes this
  4. Ok, so here's what i managed to bring from this same images. They are not the best quallity but at least fora quick one I hope it's good to start with. If we don't mind that he needs hair and maybe some touches over the face texture..


    P.S. if you think this is working for you as a starter head, than I can provide you tomorrow after i come back from work with the .obj file




    Looks a lot better than my efforts - do you have a side view as well?

  5. I think that the "free" version on their website is of the lastest 6.5 and it's trial only. I am not sure if they have in the website the older versions I personally managed to get a cheap copy from a local store, that I didn't thought they will have such a software in there. But you may try with a cracked version?

    Other wise i need good images of the actor's head as close as possible and I'll try to rip off his head in 3D


    The images I was trying to use were:











    z3filus and Smoo like this
  6. The invite is always open. The link is in the first post.


    Also, Discord servers can be muted. You can join it and pop in when you want. You don't have to completely leave each time, just don't visit the channel. :P


    I agree that nobody likes when people troll, and I sometimes quit the app because of it. But that happens here too. Some threads here get ridiculous.


    Huh, weird. Could have sworn it was expired. Ah well.

  7. Yes, I think IRC is ugly.




    That's what "I'm a regular there, and it could use some work" means.


    There's also an other option, where you can explain.




    I don't think it's quite that bad. But you have to remember that this is a gaming community. Can't be too surprised when trolls come around. Especially in JKA.


    I don't know, it struck me as a little excessive even by those standards. But each to their own - might pop my head back in whenever they next put out an open invite to it.

  8. I have seen this version... but if I am to be honest it's quite icky in comparison to the actual model itself IMO.


    You're unlikely to get any better in the JKA engine since @@RevanKnight has used actual SWTOR textures/screenshots to make his. That's just what they look like in the JKA engine without all the bells-and-whistles that modern games like SWTOR have (when it comes to lighting, shaders, etc).

    Revan9190 likes this
  9. Yet another Clone Wars character - the Jedi Temple's resident healer, Doctor Rig Nema. As with my Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee WIPs I've tried to adapt the character's show appearance into a slightly more 'realistic' style:






    That's probably it from me for the weekend now - going to burn out otherwise I think! Lots of stuff in the works, at any rate.

    DTIII, yeyo JK, Bek and 9 others like this
  10. Multiplayer for Jedi Academy, I know that the server has scaling support since jawa playermodel and other custom playermodels are up to their corresponding scale


    It varies depending on mods being used, etc, but as I understand it on most servers only the admin can actually change the playermodel scale - you would need to contact them.

  11. I for one love all the models made for the comic that I've seen and general/RP purposes for them would actually be rather cool. I've been meaning to film my machinima series for years now, the Exile's Voyage, but a lack of models, voice, and puppet actors sort of dampened my spirits. Of course I can utilize NPC's for a majority of the in-game 'actors', but I'd still need to utilize some people for movements. Or maybe I can learn how to do 'cinematic' cut scenes to do it? That tool used in MBII would be REALLY useful for this! I can record demos all the time for this purpose. But back to the topic: Your work is actually really nice. 


    I'll have to make a list of things sometime.


    In-game cinematics would definitely be the most preferable way to go but, as I understand it, it takes a fair while to learn how to write the scripts for them. That said, I've seen an increasing number of people discussing making cinematics recently so maybe someone would be willing to write up a beginner's guider?




    Ha, I forgot about this guy. Might have to put him on the list...



    I got to wonder, where do you get some of these parts?


    Various games and sources - most I modify further in Blender and they end up largely unrecognisable from their original source. Since the change in EULA allowing the free use of assets from pre-Disney Star Wars games, it's given me a lot more freedom to pick and choose parts too.

    DEVISS and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  12. My guess here on the body is that it's from the Urban Counter-Terrorist model from CS: Source? Either way, it all looks really good. Great work as always!


    (also I do really enjoy your comics)


    You're right on the source, but I didn't port the CS stuff - it's been floating around the 'net for awhile.


    And thanks for the comment on the comic! Pleased to hear you like it, the next issue has a TON of new kitbashes being made for it. A couple I did tonight are for the clones Corliss and Asher:









    Got a lot more custom models to do in the meantime - I don't usually make ones I do specifically for the comic available for download, but I would imagine some folks might interested in some of them as general purpose models so who knows?

    Barricade24, Balt, DEVISS and 6 others like this
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