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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. Not had much luck with Darth Desolous so far, to be honest, but here's something I worked on last night (disclaimer: they look a little fatter than they are because of the root pose used for the snapshot):






    And another:






    The helmet base mesh is still the Royal Guard from TFU, whilst I've used the Battlefront Royal Guard's cloak for the main body covering. However the weighing needs a lot of fine-tuning to avoid various clipping/animation issues (as you can from the bottom of the leg).


    Still lots of work to do on them both to ensure they work smoothly in-game. At the moment they only look fully comfortable when stood reasonably still :P

    swegmaster, DarthStiv, Bek and 11 others like this
  2. i have a request, could you port the darth sion model from tfu, as its a hd recreation of a character from kotor 2? and maybe the clone trooper model as well, considering it was a 501st clone trooper model from fr's bf3, but without the blue markings?


    I had a TFU ported clone trooper and I can tell you now @@AshuraDX 's blows it out of the water. 


    I'm all for kitbashes/ports for minor characters who aren't ever going to be worth the time to construct a new model from scratch (Bail Organa, random background Jedi, etc) but for mainstay characters like a clone trooper it's always best to have a bespoke model created specifically to work with this game.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  3. He's got to many verts for SP, and if I reduce them even more he'll look even worse than he already does. OpenJK is probably all that will fix it.


    I know of the 1000 vertex-per-surface limit, but what is the overall vertices limit for a model to run in SP? I have the same issue with Dengar.

  4. None of these models posted looks like him. His facial features are too unique to be able to just take a head from another model, the geometry needs to match the structure of his face.


    Personally I think @@Vade Parvis 's reworked mesh looks pretty good in regards to facial structure. The nose, sunken cheeks, etc all seem particularly Cushing-esque. The only major thing that needs to be changed is the hair could do with being reshaped.


    In fact Vade, if you like I'd be happy to try my hand at it.

    Langerd likes this
  5. Update on Dengar - having a bit of trouble getting him to run in-game but I think I know what to do to get it sorted so it shouldn't be long before I can make him available.


    Now, I've just moved into a new house and I won't have proper Internet installed until the 1st July so I'm going to have more free time between now and then to just sit around and work on my modding so I'm happy to start hearing requests again.


    I can't promise I will fulfill every request, since working in Blender can be quite dull and arduous so I tend to only take up characters I find interesting but please feel free to sound off any ideas and I'll take a look at them. My only caveat is that they be Star Wars characters.

    Omega and Penekowski like this
  6. At a guess I would assume this has something to do with the NPC limits the game has? Weequay and Z95 are both towards the bottom of the list, alphabetically, so maybe they get 'cut off' if adding a new model pushes the game past its limit of manageable NPC/vehicles?

  7. Why do that when you could just split into more parts and keep the quality of the model.


    If it works, it's far less time-consuming. Splitting the parts is still a viable second option, but you have to do so in a logical way and not just split something in half or into quarters, etc, as splitting it into different surfaces has an effect on how lighting/shader effects will render in-game.

  8. Kualan, great work!

    Can you also include early wersion of the turban (that pictured on the preview in a post #455) in your model as option? For a possibility to creation of custom generic dengar-style mercenaries with lesser iconic-look, more abstract turban headgear variant.


    Sure, I can leave them in there as hidden surfaces.



    Wow very nice job with that head, I love the face's detailing. Is the DLT-19 for JKG?


    I believe so - apparently some of the JKG weapons don't work in-game so I haven't tried it out properly yet.

    Vade Parvis likes this
  9. Apparently, mesh from TFU has single "junk" vertices, that are not related to textured part (I encountered a same problem before, when used meshes converted from sWBF2). For solve this problem by deletion of "junk" verticles, you have to go to the "Edit mode", then choose select mode "Vertex select", then deselect all vertices of mesh (Ctrl+A), then go into UV edit mode (Shift+F10), select all (Ctrl+A), then go to "Edit mode" again (Shift+F5), then inverse selection (Ctrl+I). This sequence of actions should select all verts that haven't related to UV map (and, most likely, it's just a result of some conversion glitch or some sort of else junk) whose deletion should solve your error.


    That's a good way of cleaning up the junk vertices that I never thought of before. I tend to go into Face Select mode, select everything, then press H to hide it. This will make everything temporarily disappear apart from the junk vertices. Then I just pop back to Vertex Select, select all, and delete before pressing Alt+H to make the UV-mapped mesh re-appear.


    Your way seems more like the 'proper' way to do it though, so thanks for pointing it out. I'll give it a go next time.


    Alternately @@dark_apprentice , you can try using the Decimate modifier to reduce a high-poly mesh's vertex count:


    1. Select the mesh you wish to reduce in Object Mode.

    2. Click the 'Modifier' tab (the wrench icon) in the right-hand side menu.

    3. Click add modifier -> Decimate.

    4. Typically I set the ratio bar to 0.12 but you will need to tinker with this to get the right results.

    5. Click apply and it should reduce the overall vertex count of the mesh.


    Now, results can vary with this method - sometimes it will morph the actual shape of the mesh too much and that's something you don't want. But sometimes it works beautifully (it's how I got the Battlefront 3 Dengar head to work as a single mesh, with no loss of quality) so give it a try some time. I've yet to try it with a TFU source asset.

    Vade Parvis likes this
  10. Well, the fasted kitbash/port can be done as i said by using TFA's Old Han body from Lervish and using TFU2's head. But the head itself has too much parts, that must be put in the right order, when you assign them to the JKA's skeleton/body and you know, that my problem with the weight paint tool is that it shows me all in red after i paint it, but somehow Blender keeps saying, that there is a blue (unweighted) mesh. Or if not it'll say, that they must be split. So that's the only part that keeps me out of exporting it already...


    Are you weight-painting manually? For a head there are only two main bones to worry about (cervical and cranium) and there's a straightforward method to weighing it to these bones in Blender in a way that ensures no vertices are missed out. Just do as follows:


    - Enter 'Edit Mode'.

    - Select all vertices/faces along the bottom half of the neck.

    - Along the right-hand side menu, go to the Object Data tab, and then open the Vertex Groups drop-down window.

    - Click the '+' sign to add a new Vertex Group. Double-click it and rename to 'cervical' (no quotation marks).

    - Making sure the vertices/faces for the bottom half of the neck are still selected in Edit Mode, make sure the Weight bar is set to 1.000 and then click 'Assign'.

    - Click the '+' sign again to create another Vertext Group. Name this one 'cranium'.

    - On your model, click CTRL+I. This should make an inverse selection of your previously selected vertices/faces (in other words, every vertex that hasn't been weighed yet).

    - With this new selection, click 'Assign' to weigh them all to the 'cranium' bone.

    - Voila.


    ^ That's just a basic set-up for a quick-fix kitbash. Depending on the individual model's needs you may need to tweak the weighing manually somewhat (or in some cases, such as an alien with tentacles or a human with long hair) you may even need to introduce other bones like 'thoracic' (torso) that needs part of the head mesh weighed to it. 


    But at the very least, the above steps will ensure every vertex/face on that mesh will be weighed to -something- and will avoid the 'no weight found for ___ vertices' error when exporting.

    dark_apprentice and Ramikad like this
  11. I've had this guy sitting on my PC for awhile now, and with the recent changes to the EULA of Star Wars games I'll probably try to find the time to finish fine-tweaking the weighing:






    I know he isn't wearing his canon outfit from the film, but the model was originally made for my postponed comic series, Tales From The Rebellion.

  12. Why not do it the other way around, and just get the head from the Iktotchi model, and transfer it to the model with another clothing? Unless there's something I don't get. I only know about how people mix up the models in Blender, and from the point of view of frankensteining in Blender, the best solution would be just that.


    @@Bart is correct - if you just want the head on a different body then a headswap frankenstein is a lot simpler than a bodyswap one.


    I seem to recall that the Iktotchi model has a very specific issue that makes it play up when trying to modify it with the Blender JKA plugins - something to do with the surface on the horns I think. There is a way around it though, so this shouldn't be too much of an impediment.

  13. May I recommend using the Snowtrooper armor from the Imperial Army Trooper model? It's quite a bit better.


    Yeah, since posting that original picture I've decided to start him again from scratch and scrap the Bric model as a base as it was proving more work to alter it than to start anew. The Army Trooper will definitely be being used too.

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