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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. I´ve found bug in hair texture in kualan quigon, it shows in modview and ingame too :)




    Hm, I didn't actually edit the hair texture itself so it's probably inherited. However I can take a look at it in further detail later tonight or tomorrow - just heading out for the evening now.

    Tompa9 likes this
  2. Hey @@Seven , I was having a look at your Qui-Gon model earlier and saw some opportunities to improve it:






    I've made the head slightly larger and added two extra hair surfaces so that the default, robed and hooded versions now all have their own hairs reshaped to those specific skins. So now the hair doesn't clip through the hood or is half-hidden by the robes.


    I've also retextured his robes to be a little more movie-accurate as he was originally sporting the Obi-Wan colours. Lastly, I did a bit of tinkering with his face texture to make it look a little less flat.


    This is mainly for personal use and I don't wish to upload it to the Hub under my username as the changes I've made are pretty minimal. However if you want to use anything in an update to your file you're more than welcome to:



    Tompa9, Seven and Langerd like this
  3. you can do that in 3ds max via skinwrapping (Tutorial on using it for JKA by @@Psyk0Sith ), I use skinwrapping all the time on my models - I have a weighted version of my basemesh or a merged copy of the model I'M working on that I use as a skin wrapping target for the final (split) gamemesh.

    This really helps me to get nice deformation around the dismemberable parts of my models.


    I'd expect blender to be able to do something similiar




    this seems to be able to do just what you are looking for:


    Thanks Ashura! That looks very promising.

  4. So @@Jeff , have you been weighing these recent models yourself manually from head to foot - or have you disovered a way to 'transfer' the weighting from one model to another and then touch up any imperfections?


    I ask because I discovered during my Skyrim modding that there is a way to do exactly that with that game's .nif model format in Blender and it saves SO. MUCH. TIME. It would be neat if there was a similar method for the .glm format.


    Same question goes to @@Seven who has been coming up with some neat stuff too.

  5. What if someone took a skin from KOTF then edited it and wants to upload here. Is that legal?


    None of the skins in KOTF were made by the modder who put KOTF together - it is a mod made up from work stolen by other modders. You would need the permission of the original creator not that Tim guy. Which skin did you plan to edit?

  6. Both of course! :P


    In all honesty, for a proper 'dirty armor' feel the best way is to create a clean version first anyway and then scratch-dirt-blood it up to heck in Photoshop. So if you wanted to create battle-worn version you would pretty much have to create a clean one anyway.


    That's the next thing on my list after Rey, I'm actually redoing Quinlan's model entirely - as unfortunately I lost all the original sculpts and source files for him and I feel like I could redo the model quicker than I could trying to optimize him.And Aayla will most likely be getting a new head mesh, to be closer to Amy Allen, along with some optimizations to her mesh.


    Sounds sweet man - but could I make a request? When you release the new Quinlan and Aayla would you consider doing so as a separate release? I think the current versions are very good and would hate to lose the chance to redownload them as they are now in the future.

  8. Now... can we have Mas Amedda?


    Dude, I've already answered this so many times. Mas Amedda and several other models I didn't include in the dropbox pack contain content from SWTOR that I don't necessarily feel confident in making public due to it being a live, active property (unlike the Force Unleashed or Galaxies). They were made primarily for use in my webcomic.


    Only reason I even posted a screenshot of the Mas Amedda model was because I was asked to. If my attitude about those models change, I will post in this thread.

  9. it does not need to exist - it's only a shader alias

    	cull	disable
            map textures/colors/black
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
            map textures/common/environ11
            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
            alphaGen lightingSpecular
            tcGen environment

    this is what the game loads whenever visor.tga is referenced


    you can get modview to load this (without the env obviously) by giving adding my clone shaders and the common/textures/black.jpg to your modview basefolder


    Aha, makes sense.


    I'm genuinely amazed to see such a high-quality model produced in a) Relatively little time and b) Looking as good as it does in a game as old as JKA. 

    Circa likes this
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