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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. The DL links have been removed I'm tired of going onto Mod DB and seeing my stuff everywhere, with no credit, and half of them claiming they made it. 


    Sorry to hear that man, but I totally sympathise. ModDB admins seem very lax when it comes to responding to reports as well - having made several myself in the past.


    EDIT: Turns out ModDB doesn't even flag a file as reported until several people have done so. Perhaps it's time to name and shame some content thieves so we they can reported and pulled from the site?

    swegmaster and Jeff like this
  2. When you mirrored the arm mesh and renamed it to "l_arm" or whatever, did you also rename the bones? It looks like at the moment that the mirrored arm might still be linked to the original arm's bones? 


    Go to the Object Data tab and under Vertex Groups check the names of the bones. E.g. if the mirrored arm is supposed to be the left arm, make sure under Vertex Groups it doesn't have bones like 'rhumerus' 'rradius' etc. If it does, just double click the entries and rename them to the exact same but with an L instead of an R at the beginning ('lhumerus', etc).

    Hashira likes this
  3. 1. Sia-Lan Wezz (Roleplaying game & Purge comic)








    2. Gand Jedi








    3. Kai Hudorra (EU/Legends Bothan Jedi)








    4. Jedi Brute (ROTS video game)







    5. Jedi Sniper (ROTS video game)








    Bonus: Not sure what exactly but looks pretty neat








    Funnily enough I already have a Gand Jedi buried somewhere in my models folder that looks pretty much exactly like that picture. Am tempted to try the Jedi Brute too...

    swegmaster, Smoo and DTIII like this
  4. Thanks Jeff. I tired the shader but it didn't helped






    BTW, I posted a copy of the model here:



    I've checked several shader tutorials but I can't get my head around it. If any of you know a good shader tutorial aimed at JK with line-by-line description of what each line does, please let me know so I can try it.


    Can you upload the shader file you made based on Jeff's suggestion?

  5. Actually Jeff, I can vouch for @@The Punisher on this. It's a model issue. I once used this model WITHOUT the shader, and it still had this problem.


    That would only exacerbate the issue. Jeff is saying it looks like the shader file for it hasn't correctly made certain surfaces double-sided (which is one of the main things shaders are needed for) thus resulting in in-game results that resemble gaps in the model. It needs a shader file.

    TheWhitePhoenix and Jeff like this
  6. It's a bit fussy, but easy enough. This is assuming you want to take part of a JK2 model and put it on a JKA model:


    1. In your base/models/players folder you should have a _humanoid folder taken from the JKA Asset pk3s. Create a backup of this folder (_humanoid_backup or something).

    2. Replace the _humanoid folder with the one from the Jedi Outcast Asset pk3s.

    3. Open Blender and import the JKO .glm like normal. Because the Blender plugin is now ready a JO skeleton from the _humanoid folder it will import without any issues.

    4. Save the project as a .blend file (not Export, just regular Save As).

    5. Exit Blender and replace the _humanoid folder with the original JKA backup.

    6. Open Blender again. Import the JKA .glm you want to add stuff to.

    7. Go to File -> Append. Then navigate to your saved JKO .blend file.

    8. With the Append feature you can then select individual surfaces to import into Blender.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  7. You guys need to learn to think outside of the box, there is an easier way.


    Add an alpha channel to the texture where the antenna is on the texture sheet and make a transparent shader so that the antenna is rendered as fully transparent.


    Works equally well (have used such a method for various clone skins in the past) but I assume OP wants to use the final result in their machinima comic - which means they want to be able to greenscreen the model via Modview. Alpha channels tend not to render properly in that tool, with different levels of transparency based on the relevant surface's place in the model hierarchy.


    Besides, editing the model in Blender takes literally two minutes.

    Luckxzs likes this
  8. You don't need to edit the base Fett model in Blender, you can just disable that part of the helmet through the .skin file. Unless you want to keep the side panels that are part of the surface too.


    If you want to -just- get rid of the antenna part but keep those side panels, that's also simple to achieve in Blender:


    1. Import model.

    2. Select the head_com surface.

    2b. Press 'M' in Object mode to move to another work tab for convenience.

    3. Enter Wireframe mode, then Edit Mode.

    4. Press B and draw a selection box to select most of the antenna, as much as you can get without vertices from the other parts of the model. It isn't necessary to be absolutely precise, so long as only vertices from the antenna are selected.

    4b. Wireframe mode is important for this to ensure that when vertices overlap one another, you are selecting them all and not just the top-most one (as happens in Solid or Textured Views).

    5. Press CTRL+L to 'Select Linked'. So long as you have most of the antenna vertices selected, Blender will then select the rest of the vertices that are 'linked' to the ones you have selected. i.e. it will expand the selection far enough to allow a clean 'cut' from the rest of the model.

    5a. You can test if you have a clean cut by pressing G and trying to move the selected antenna away from the rest of the model. If it does so without dragging other parts of the surface with it, you can safely delete.

    6. Rinse and repeat for the LODs (ones ending in _1 and _2).

    7. Export. Recommended you do so to a custom folder, though, and not the base 'boba_fett' one.

  9. @@hleV That's why it can be turned off on mine!


    @@Noodle Very considerate of you, seems like character modelers are becoming useless with all these ports / kit bashing. Understandable tho, gamers are like coke addicts when it comes to content, they always need more and right now, so porting is a lot quicker.


    Far from it. I can only speak for myself, but kitbashing has been a great way for me to learn how to use modelling tools and educate myself on how 3D models and animation work. I don't see the kitbashes as the sum of my achievements, but rather a crucial stepping stone to eventually moving to full from-scratch 3D modelling.


    Don't see yourself as being supplanted by kitbashers, but rather see kitbashing as a learning curve for those who are looking to emulate "true modellers" like yourself. 

    Noodle and DarthDementous like this
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